Dear Stock Trader
Thank you for the warm thoughts this Holiday Season. It was such a nice gesture. I wasn't getting you a card, But I think your daughters will more than make up for reneging on giving me a card, I assume you meant a gift card, Thats what I give them, I know they really like Victoria's Secrets and they take me to Cindie's when they are feeling naughty.
I'll get a wiener warmer from both of your daughters for Christmas so don't think twice about the card, I just hope it on separate occasions this year. I'm getting to old for multiple hours of debauchery, no less with both of them at once.
Thanks for the thought on the card. Why don't you just sign my name to it and give it to the trophy wife next door. I forgot to get her one (please slide $400 into the card before you give it to her.
She might give you a blow job but most likely she will just point and laugh but give it your best shot. I think your wife and her have already compared playbooks with her and a lot more.
Thanks, I'll give it back to you after Whispers whores pay up and he gives TpyZ his cut then I should have enough to pay you back. My cash flow stinks this time of year. My financial advisor takes my credit cards and my checkbook away during the last 10 days of the year.
Last year I walked into a Mercedes dealer and bought four Mercedes SLK AMG's for my ATFs. Where did you think your wife got her silver convertible anyway?
My finance guy is kinda touchy this year and I don't want to go ask for money right now as he just found out his wife just got a new Jaguar.
RandB fan 2.0
Merry Christmas to you too
Originally Posted by Stock Trader
R&B fan,
You are off topic. Furthermore you will not be getting a Christmas card from me!