Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Gun shows are a funny thing. The convention center here allows gun shows but insists that all guns brought in from the outside are rendered inoperable (usually by a zip tie through the breech) while the thousands of other guns inside are fully operable.
As for Fort Myers, I called the event, talked to someone named Teddy and they told me of the no weapons rule in effect. I do not have a program, flyer, or invitation. I only have the word of Teddy and I'm pretty sure that he was part of Zombie Con and not the Art Center. So I guess I can't "prove" it to the satisfaction of you or your little idiot partner (not that anything would ever satisfy him) but like I said, common sense strongly suggests that gun control was in effect from the words of the Sheriff. Why would he bring up the topic otherwise?
I just gave a link to an article in which the sheriff made several comments about security at zombicon. None of which mentioned the location being a gun free zone. Had it been, I would fully have expected him to have mentioned it. Or someone else like John Lott, who seizes upon such incidents to bolster his viewpoints. I finally found the text in which the sheriff mentioned a gun free zone. He was being asked if a gun free zone would have stopped such a shooting and he said no, stating that a gun free zone is not a gun free zone for the insane and criminals. At no time does he state that the shooting occurred in a gun free zone.
So no, you have offered absolutely no proof to back up your opinion whereas I have done quite a bit to back up my claim that there was no gun free zone. Did organizers want guns at zombicon? No, in my opinion. However, absolutely nothing was done by the organizers to keep people from bringing guns to the event. "Teddy" can say whatever he wants. Unless people know that the area is a gun free zone in some way, it is not a gun free zone.