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Old 07-04-2014, 12:59 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Did you read this right?
Obviously not since you turned
"With 2000 sales exceeding $1 billion, Simmons' empire depends on friendly government policies. Taxpayers subsidize Simmons' sugar prices, bankroll military purchases of his aerospace metals and ultimately pay for the limits that government officials place on his tax and pollution liabilities. Then-President Clinton used the line-item veto to narrowly avert a 1997 loophole for Simmons to dodge $80 million in taxes"
an explanation of how Simmons dodges taxes into,"
Simmons' empire depends on friendly government policies. Taxpayers... pay for the limits that government officials place on his tax and pollution liabilities.",
a statement that removes the examples of dodging, the context for the statement in the whole post, and leaves a warped and misrepresented fragment...

Bullshit - there were no real examples of "dodging" to remove. I'm not a fan of sugar price supports, but I seem to recall they were put in place to avoid buying the commodity from Cuba rather than as a handout to domestic growers. And how is it a tax dodge for a company to manufacture and supply aerospace metals needed by the DOD? Is everything the government buys tainted? As for the 1997 "loophole", the article says the company was merely seeking to PRESERVE the existing tax treatment for capital gains on certain businesses. How is it a "dodge" to lobby against your taxes going up? In any event, the effort was unsuccessful. But according to your fucked-up logic, anytime a company seeks a favorable tax change - or resists an unfavorable one - it's a "loophole" or a "dodge", right? And I'm shocked, shocked to discover there are any "limits" placed on this guy's taxes! What a scandal! Everyone's taxes should be unlimited, right?

Typical left-wing hatchet job... don't provide details, just toss out enough innuendo to get dickmuncher and his fellow libtards nodding their heads knowingly in agreement - ah yes, this guy is clearly an evil scumbag tax dodger... Simmons may well be a complete jackass, but you haven't given me any reason to reach that conclusion based on his business conduct. And at least he didn't join the weather underground back in the '60s...

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Old 07-04-2014, 06:38 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post

its barely conceivable how you or anyone could imagine that article makes any valid "point" or criticism at all.

its a hit piece using phraseology seemingly designed to confuse and rile the already confused and riled. the "points" made could be said to apply to just about anyone at any given time. in short, its ridiculous.
I donated a monitor to Good Will and answered a jury duty summons. That's the extent of my civic duties this week. Trying to teach you reading comprehension is somewhere further down the list. Right behind symbolically adopting a tiger
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I know a Nazi when I see one Munchie even if they wear a different uniform.
Like I said. You know as much about Nazis as you do everything else. Not much.

But it looks like I have to give you points for pure pluck for never passing up the opportunity show how little you know. Adding those 10 points to your score brings you up to..........8.

Why an 8 after adding 10 points you might ask.

Because you misspelled your name, JD, on the blank answer sheet you turned in.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Bullshit - there were no real examples of "dodging" to remove. I'm not a fan of sugar price supports, but I seem to recall they were put in place to avoid buying the commodity from Cuba rather than as a handout to domestic growers. And how is it a tax dodge for a company to manufacture and supply aerospace metals needed by the DOD? Is everything the government buys tainted? As for the 1997 "loophole", the article says the company was merely seeking to PRESERVE the existing tax treatment for capital gains on certain businesses. How is it a "dodge" to lobby against your taxes going up? In any event, the effort was unsuccessful. But according to your fucked-up logic, anytime a company seeks a favorable tax change - or resists an unfavorable one - it's a "loophole" or a "dodge", right? And I'm shocked, shocked to discover there are any "limits" placed on this guy's taxes! What a scandal! Everyone's taxes should be unlimited, right? Wrong douche-bag. The amount of taxes should be unlimited. The tax percentage should be limited.
Because there is no limit on the amount of income you can earn. Paying a limited amount of taxes that is the same for everyone is one of those socialist programs. Like social security you gap-toothed trailer living motherfucker

Typical left-wing hatchet job... don't provide details, just toss out enough innuendo to get dickmuncher and his fellow libtards nodding their heads knowingly in agreement - ah yes, this guy is clearly an evil scumbag tax dodger... Simmons may well be a complete jackass, but you haven't given me any reason to reach that conclusion based on his business conduct. And at least he didn't join the weather underground back in the '60s.And an 8 year old Obama did? Oh, you meant the other guy every fact checking group has proven repeatedly, to most reasonable and non douche-bag type people, that he has few ties to the president. And none of the ties implied by the attack ad.

What actions either of our interpretations of the use of the word "dodging", or that interpretation by the article author, are pretty much opinions.

The fact I pointed out, the one you'll say anything to keep from admitting, is that you cut parts of the quote out that the author and I both felt supported the point in question. You changed a quote. You got caught passing counterfeit money.

You lied, you got caught, and now you're mad.
Mad you got caught. Not that you lied.

You could have left the quote intact and put forth your argument that the author and I disagree with.

For you, it was easier to lie than deal with the truth.
And at this point, I'll agree with a theme many of you "conservatives" put forth.

We are a society in decline.

Because instead of being shamed by your exposed "cut and replace" quote and shutting the fuck up, you will continue to blame others and "dodge" your personal responsibility to admit, accept, and correct your mistakes

Cutting part of a quote out to make it seem to say one thing when in full context it clearly attempts to say another is truly a hatchet job..

Fucking douche-bag.
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Old 07-04-2014, 08:35 AM   #48
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That's why he is IBJunior.

Refuses to admit mistakes, refuses to correct them and refuses to let them go.
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Old 07-04-2014, 11:16 AM   #49
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Ozombies and oRINOs don't care about the Merican people... Bachmanns got our back! http://shoebat.com/2014/07/03/michel...-organization/

Terrorists And Enemies Of The United States Are Granted Tax Exempt Status

by Shoebat Foundation on July 1, 2014 in Featured, General
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

Enemies of the United States should clearly not have tax exempt status. The problem is that said groups have been receiving such status for decades. Yet, Republicans – as well as attorneys for Tea Party groups harmed by the IRS – continue to ignore it. What is even more disgusting is that the Republican Party also gave Muslim terrorist fronts groups complete legitimacy.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
The Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR gained its 501(c)(3) status in 2007, during the George W. Bush administration. Lois Lerner was the Tax Exempt Director at that time. Shockingly, that was the same year that CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial, which was all about terror fundraising. Ultimately, HLF was found guilty on every count. CAIR loves to argue that “unindicted” means not guilty but the fact remains that CAIR was given its 501(c)(3) status at a time when its support for terror funding was clearly known.

CAIR was incorporated in 2005 and received tax exempt status in 2007 by… Lerner:

READ MORE... http://shoebat.com/2014/07/01/irs-sc...estic-enemies/

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Old 07-04-2014, 11:39 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Ozombies and oRINOs don't care about the Merican people... Bachmanns got our back! http://shoebat.com/2014/07/03/michel...-organization/

So you watch youtube and read shit like this so you are "informed"?

Now that's funny.
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Old 07-05-2014, 09:32 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
...according to your fucked-up logic, anytime a company seeks a favorable tax change - or resists an unfavorable one - it's a "loophole" or a "dodge", right? And I'm shocked, shocked to discover there are any "limits" placed on this guy's taxes! What a scandal! Everyone's taxes should be unlimited, right? Wrong douche-bag. The amount of taxes should be unlimited. The tax percentage should be limited. Because there is no limit on the amount of income you can earn...
Are you trying desperately to look clever? Your author didn't bother to split hairs. He complained about “limits... on his (Simmons') tax... liabilities.” He said nothing about whether those limits were on dollar amounts, rates, depreciation, write-offs, loss carry-forwards, itemized deductions or anything else that enters into the calculation. Admit it - you libtards don't like tax limits of ANY kind. Period. Your phony hair-splitting fools nobody, dickmuncher.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Simmons may well be a complete jackass, but... at least he didn't join the weather underground back in the '60s... And an 8 year old Obama did? Oh, you meant the other guy every fact checking group has proven repeatedly, to most reasonable and non douche-bag type people, that he has few ties to the president. And none of the ties implied by the attack ad.
If I launched my career in politics by letting Timothy McVeigh host a fund-raiser for me, would it be unfair for my opponents to make an issue out of it?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
What actions either of our interpretations of the use of the word "dodging", or that interpretation by the article author, are pretty much opinions.
Try reading your sentence again, Shakespeare. You left out a verb somewhere. Do you understand the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? Where is the evidence that Simmons evaded taxes? And if you say well, maybe he didn't evade taxes but he was overly aggressive in seeking to avoid them, where's the evidence to convince me of that? Your author doesn't provide a smidgen.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

The fact I pointed out, the one you'll say anything to keep from admitting, is that you cut parts of the quote out that the author and I both felt supported the point in question. You changed a quote. You got caught passing counterfeit money.

You lied, you got caught, and now you're mad.
Mad you got caught. Not that you lied.

You could have left the quote intact and put forth your argument that the author and I disagree with.

For you, it was easier to lie than deal with the truth.

Because instead of being shamed by your exposed "cut and replace" quote and shutting the fuck up, you will continue to blame others and "dodge" your personal responsibility to admit, accept, and correct your mistakes

Cutting part of a quote out to make it seem to say one thing when in full context it clearly attempts to say another is truly a hatchet job..
You're kidding, right? Is this one of those tricks you reach for to avoid dealing with the substance of someone's post? “OMG, you cut and pasted something! That makes you a liar! Liar, liar, pants on fire!” Brilliant. Got any more juvenile gotcha games to play, you little fucktard? Everyone cuts and pastes on this board. In my case, you put the entire quote back in play. I then explained why the restored parts proved nothing and failed to support anything other than the sad truth that libtards don't require facts or evidence before they accuse their opponents of tax-dodging.

Here is a famous quote from a famous opinion written by a famous judge (Learned Hand) 80 years ago. Read this quote again and again, dickmuncher. It may help you and your fellow libtards pull your heads out of your asses and stop thinking like Nazis when it comes to taxes:

"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands."

You're not only a fucking douche-bag, you're at the top of the entire heap of fucking douche-bags on this board. At least the rest of them don't constantly try to puff up their feeble arguments by putting everything in boldface.

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Old 07-05-2014, 10:14 PM   #52
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Old 07-05-2014, 10:33 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
"Dick Snicker"...
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Old 07-05-2014, 11:25 PM   #54
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Turd Burglar.
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Old 07-09-2014, 07:28 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
If you were truly worried about your tax burden you wouldn't support vast new entitlements like Odumbocare. Newsflash - People who want to help the poor ARE doing so out of their own pockets. Now you come along and want the government to skim taxes out of their contributions - even though a private charity is likely to feed 5-10 times as many people as government can with the same dollar. Yeah, that's one real smart, conservative idea you got there, fagboy.

Let folks help them with their own money ....not shift it from taxes owned to the charity of their choice.

My charity is helping beautiful ladies that can suck a mean dick....should I get a write-off for that cause?
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Old 07-18-2014, 10:20 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
And at this point, I'll agree with a theme many of you "conservatives" put forth.

We are a society in decline.
I appreciate your honesty.
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