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Old 10-14-2023, 10:48 AM   #451
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
The article doesn't say what you say it says. No apologies necessary because you're lying.
... And you're wrong... It's that simple.

... Let's settle the dispute - why don't you tell
us all what's wrong with the article and what's wrong
with what I revealed.

And furthermore - why don't you surely LOOK BACK
at what's been revealed in this whole thread
- most of it from James Comer and The House
Oversight Committee - and tell us again how
their revelations are all lies.

... We'll simply wait here.

But whatever else you do - please Stay Tuned!

#### Salty
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Old 10-14-2023, 10:53 AM   #452
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Already addressed what the article says and doesn't say. As well as how you lied in your statement.

Just stop lying.
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Old 10-14-2023, 03:55 PM   #453
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... No speculation here -...
Oh. It's ALL speculation. Not ONE court case showing indictment for crime. Which reminds me, when you having the Mod changing the title to this thread to Whataboutism et al?

Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
No evidence. Just accusations.
No joke. Continually refuses to present proof of what he states. Not for the lack of us asking.

And I have been so kind by presenting the definition of crime and giving examples.

So, let me be helpful in showing that these are examples of crimes by donny&co. Please note, the article dismisses alot of convictions.

Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Salty doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. He just makes up stuff or parrots silliness from websites with zero credibility. He's not once provided a link to back up anything he's stated. The reason is pretty simple, there are none from anything even vaguely similar to a reputable source. That's why he doesn't even bother to provide a link because he knows they are bullshit garbage support for his even worse crap statements.
Wish he would just show us one link to a court case that joey lost that proves what the current title of this thread is.

Come On Salty! I know you can.
Can we have a group chant to help NaCl along into posting such?

Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
Did you actually read the article or did you just peruse the title. It's completely misleading.

The actual data shows that then vice-president Joe Biden's office communicated via email thousands of time over multiple years. It doesn't actually claim to show any proof of wrongdoing other than the number of emails. They don't even show that they all came directly from Joe Biden.

As I said earlier a lot of sturm und drang but no actual proof of any kind. Please get back to us when you find the singing fat lady.
Oh, he has a very long standing habit of deflecting from the truth so as we won't notice he is standing as naked as the king without clothes.
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Old 10-14-2023, 10:29 PM   #454
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
So give us a reasonable explanation for the Shell corporations that the Biden family has that they were taking foreign money from China, Syria, and Ukraine. What expertise did the family businesses have that resulted in 10 MIL payouts?
Nobody has to prove their innocence in the USA. You're presumed innocent till PROVEN guilty. Which nullifies the need for hypothetical situations of impropriety or validation of the dispersal of funds.

What hasn't happened is the Comer crew of farmer boy and wrestling coach-jock strap Jordan being able to identify a crime and payment to Joe Biden.

There is no smoking gun or secret decoder ring to this whole charade that the GOP has cooked up. Jesus, they can't even balance a checkbook, or a budget, or figure out how many votes they gotta bribe to get Jordan in as speaker. How will two dumbass hicks like that connect all the rest of the "supposed" dots?

I'll give you a hint-they were never going to do that - intent was simply to damage Biden, but instead of succeeding, they are looking like a bunch of ass clown monkeys fucking a football. Fairly certain that Comer has a family of raccoons living in his brain, and finally chewed through all the wires - because every time he starts to talk he sounds like something inside is gone terribly wrong.

What a pant load!
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Old 10-14-2023, 10:59 PM   #455
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Members are more interested in arguing with one another, than debating the issue without insults, attacks or rudeness . . .

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