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Old 09-10-2013, 07:34 PM   #31
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Anyone catch the President's talk tonight? Talk about a load of bullshit.
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Old 09-10-2013, 09:21 PM   #32
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I only caught the end about kids dying. What part was bullshit in particular? Maybe we should take that deal proposed by Russia if we really don't want regime change. Most people in the US seem to not want the strikes.
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Old 09-10-2013, 10:20 PM   #33
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To sum it up in a short few words, a person from the right had to of wrote his speech since he said everything they predicted he was going to say so that is why I said it was a load of bullshit. As for Russia taking control of Syria's weapons I say have at it. Let them worry about their minion and keep us the hell out of it.
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Old 09-10-2013, 10:27 PM   #34
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Maybe we should get with Russia and say lets be enemies again. The world seemed a lot smoother then. Obama is in a jam for sure. He has to dance around or he will sound like Bush (he tried to kill my Daddy) with his red line being crossed. I recently talked to an Army vet that was in Iraq I asked him his thoughts on Syria and he said he doesn't worry about the rest of the world. He only worries about what he controls in Kansas. Sage advice perhaps?
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Old 09-11-2013, 03:25 AM   #35
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Things that REALLY apply to the current Syria situation:
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Fucking France
Russia's UN veto power
Ronald Reagan selling Saddam Hussein anthrax and chemical agents, then providing him with coordinates to gas Iranians
WMD non-proliferation
Republican party getting nailed on a vote, nailed on a position, or not even getting a chance to vote on Use of Force Resolution prior to the 2014 & 2016 elections

Things that don't really apply to the current Syria situation:
the terrorist that attacked us on 9/11
the 5 times the USA has declared war
the Gulf of Tonkin
Nam, man

Russia and Syria jumped at the opportunity to take Obama/Kerry's deal *IF* the U.S. allows Assad to keep killing his people using conventional weapons. That's like if I killed your mother and my lawyer cut a deal with you to hand over the murder weapon as long as you let me keep killing the rest of your family and friends with OTHER kinds of weapons.

Fuck that.

Obama should allow some time for the Russian deal to play out, but not to stall action. Congress needs to vote. My bet is that the Senate will authorize the use of force, but the House won't even get a chance to vote. Obama will act right after the Senate vote and the do-nothing House Republicans will be left holding their limp dicks. Good luck riding your limp dicks to victory in 2014!
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Old 09-11-2013, 03:31 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum View Post
I long for the day that we come up with something brilliant that will make oil worthless. That way, we can tell those fuckers to eat sand, we don't need ya.
That day was several years ago. Crawl out from under your rock.

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Old 09-11-2013, 09:58 AM   #37
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Do they have any Oil over there...
I thought that's why we have been fighting over there.
to get oil prices down...
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Old 09-11-2013, 10:02 AM   #38
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Default WTF

Originally Posted by Longermonger View Post
That day was several years ago. Crawl out from under your rock.

I have to call someone. the freaking motor is missing... where is the gas tank.
I am selling all my Stock in PB now....

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Old 09-11-2013, 11:20 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Helicopter206 View Post
I have to call someone. the freaking motor is missing... where is the gas tank.
I am selling all my Stock in PB now....

Wheres the fucking flux capasitor, Dr. Brown, Dr. Brown
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Old 09-11-2013, 11:47 AM   #40
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Name what country since WWII, has been involved in more military conflicts???

Name what country has more military bases or troops scattered around the world???

Which country has gone to war the most often...with the less World support

Russia, nope China, nope Iran, N Korea, anyone in Europe...nope,nope, nope

The United States

I'm no Republican...but I am so glad our current Pres is coming off looking foolish. His stupid "red line" comment painted himself in a corner

As a side note....And I realize there is no talk of boots on ground for this current nonsense

But we state how proud we are of our troops....when sending them into harms way. But when they return facts like the VA system in general sucks...have you ever been to the KC one?? The percentage of homeless that are veterans is disgusting. I could go on, and on...but I find myself pounding on the keyboard with too much anger

What do we say to the parents of the fine young men who have been killed in Iraq and over the past 8 years in Afgan. Of course giving them nothing but sorrow and thanks.
But what did they really die for...heart breaking if you ask me.

I have a Navy Seal veteran, just recently move into my neighborhood. He was a Fireman, prior to going overseas. This poor guy attempt to go back to the Fire Dept and could not handle it. He is fighting major post-war stress. I ran into him recently at the mailbox. Thanked him for his service. Here is a guy who saw and did who knows what in Iraq and Afgan. And he was proud he was able to make it as far as the mailbox, on that given day. This guy is no pussy. In fact, he is truly a man's man. Yet now he is having his entire life turned
upside down.

We, as a nation, just recently became a net EXPORT of Oil.

Yet we continue to stick on noses where it simply does not belong

Who died, and appointed us the moral police of the world....certainly not the thousands of fine young Americans who have died, or been permanently injury, both physically and mentally in the Middle East

And don't even get me started on the billions and billions of dollars we have spent on war stuff...which could have done so much to help the US, here at home!!!!!!!
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Old 09-11-2013, 12:30 PM   #41
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I wonder why the US spends more on Military than the rest of the world COMBINED and twice as much as #2? Maybe that's why as VK pointed out we are always involved in a war or wars somewhere...gotta justify expenditures..

I am confident of one thing though...like president Nixon before him, I'm sure president Obama can successfully keep our boys out of Northern Ireland..

Back to my apolitical cellar..
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Old 09-11-2013, 12:55 PM   #42
dirty dog
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Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
Name what country since WWII, has been involved in more military conflicts???

Name what country has more military bases or troops scattered around the world???

Which country has gone to war the most often...with the less World support

Russia, nope China, nope Iran, N Korea, anyone in Europe...nope,nope, nope

The United States

I'm no Republican...but I am so glad our current Pres is coming off looking foolish. His stupid "red line" comment painted himself in a corner

As a side note....And I realize there is no talk of boots on ground for this current nonsense

But we state how proud we are of our troops....when sending them into harms way. But when they return facts like the VA system in general sucks...have you ever been to the KC one?? The percentage of homeless that are veterans is disgusting. I could go on, and on...but I find myself pounding on the keyboard with too much anger

What do we say to the parents of the fine young men who have been killed in Iraq and over the past 8 years in Afgan. Of course giving them nothing but sorrow and thanks.
But what did they really die for...heart breaking if you ask me.

I have a Navy Seal veteran, just recently move into my neighborhood. He was a Fireman, prior to going overseas. This poor guy attempt to go back to the Fire Dept and could not handle it. He is fighting major post-war stress. I ran into him recently at the mailbox. Thanked him for his service. Here is a guy who saw and did who knows what in Iraq and Afgan. And he was proud he was able to make it as far as the mailbox, on that given day. This guy is no pussy. In fact, he is truly a man's man. Yet now he is having his entire life turned
upside down.

We, as a nation, just recently became a net EXPORT of Oil.

Yet we continue to stick on noses where it simply does not belong

Who died, and appointed us the moral police of the world....certainly not the thousands of fine young Americans who have died, or been permanently injury, both physically and mentally in the Middle East

And don't even get me started on the billions and billions of dollars we have spent on war stuff...which could have done so much to help the US, here at home!!!!!!!
As I have stated before and as many who have known me over the years I am hawkish when it comes to these situations, but enough is enough, we cannot continue to fight other peoples battles, we need to step back and let some of these other so called democracies and humanitarian countries step up to the freaking plate for a change. We need to stop all this foreign aid and stay the fuck out of other countries affairs. We can no longer continue with this blind belief that we can and are responsible for fixing everything wrong in the world.
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