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Old 06-21-2010, 04:43 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

That is not what we call our young soldiers that are out on the battlefield coming home in bodybags! That is not what we call a soldier that throws himself in harms way...

It is all just a matter of perspective.
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”

General George S. Patton
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Old 06-21-2010, 09:27 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”

General George S. Patton
I love that fucn movie!
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Old 06-21-2010, 10:42 PM   #33
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I'm sorry to hear about this heartbreaking news, Becky.

Nothing much more to say that hasn't been said already. Hopelessness, addictions, depression...hell I know someone who got too drunk and shot herself in one of those drunken woe-is-me moments (anyone who drinks has experienced one of those.)

This topic hits too close to home so I'm going to avoid getting too deep into it, but I don't view it as a morbid topic but a good way to get us thinking about something that so many of us avoid confronting (myself included.)

Much love.
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Old 06-21-2010, 11:24 PM   #34
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I consider myself a very positive person who rolls with the punches of life. I can only imagine a few things that would cause me to even consider it. Just last week I saw on the news a local mother who lost all four of her kids and future grandchild in a car accident. Her 19 yr old daughter was the driver. I think I might be done if that happened to me.

Did any of you see "You don't Know Jack" on HBO? I got a whole new perspective on the issue of the right to die after watching that. Jack Kevorkian was an angel of mercy to the people he assisted. I think if someone is terminal, and their family is behind them in their decision, they should have the right to find a way to end it in dignity with loved ones surrounding them.

I think people who commit suicide for the most part are very selfish. They get to check out, but their loved ones are left behind with the suffering and anguish.

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Old 06-21-2010, 11:59 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Bliss View Post

I think people who commit suicide for the most part are very selfish. They get to check out, but their loved ones are left behind with the suffering and anguish.
Seriously you think checking out is easy? If it's so easy how come more people don't do it? Very few people do it relatively speaking.

If you read "Stumbling on Happiness" you will see that research inticates that we are far more resiliant than we think after a tragedy.
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Old 06-22-2010, 03:17 AM   #36
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Default Life becomes painful...

I have found that all life is, is pain. At a certain point, if I am not in pain, I wouldn't be alive. Physical, mental, or emotional...they are all relative. It can be unbearable at times, and as for suicide, my life is not my own to take. But, I opt out of future pain, and am DNR, as well as have advanced directives wrote for any possible situation. I actually think if Dr. assistance should be more available to the adult population, that just as it's a woman's right to bring life in to the world, it should be a individual's choice when to leave it...

It's not easy taking your own life, nor is it selfish. To label it so, and cast judgement on another might make sense of the act to you, but there time has ended. And none of us should assume judge and jury, not I any way.
My 2 cents...from experience.
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Old 06-22-2010, 10:53 AM   #37
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Classic. I saw this thread and thought...'how many posts until I read some dumb ass comment by WTF'. Really surprised I had to wait until page 2. You may want to pre-pay some providers to attend your funeral so someone shows up.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
We are all going to die. Some people take the bull by the horns. Depression is a whole 'nother subject. You do not have to be depressed to decide it is time to check out. I personally respect anyone who might make that very personal choice.

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Old 06-22-2010, 11:00 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
Classic. I saw this thread and thought...'how many posts until I read some dumb ass comment by WTF'. Really surprised I had to wait until page 2. You may want to pre-pay some providers to attend your funeral so someones shows up.

LMAO! I was thinking the same thing. God forbid we have a serious discussion around here, but then again he just cant help himself can he? Bout the same as a provider having to post ads in just about every one of their posts "hey look at me!" I remember CK1942 telling me about some guys should do much more fucking and a lot less posting. LOL

To be fair he is not the only one, perhaps just the biggest one in these parts. I remember when before all the refugees from ASPD came over, this forum was really interesting.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:20 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
So, I guess my question is do you ever think that there is a good reason to take your own life, and what would justify a good reason?
If I was doomed to die a painful death, or living in agonizing illness that could not be cured, I would take my own life.

However, I see no other reason. A close friend of mine took his own life, without warning, no threats, no notes.

It devastated everyone who knew him, even casual acquaintances. I wreaked havoc in the life of so many people. All of us walk with ghosts of questions that will always haunt our minds. There are some who will never recover, his lover hasn't recovered from the agony and depression five years later. His parents...

Having seen what it does, I could never be that cruel, that selfish.
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:37 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill View Post

It devastated everyone who knew him, even casual acquaintances. I wreaked havoc in the life of so many people. All of us walk with ghosts of questions that will always haunt our minds. There are some who will never recover, his lover hasn't recovered from the agony and depression five years later. His parents...

Having seen what it does, I could never be that cruel, that selfish.

My cousins' husband took his life about 10 years ago. He shot himself in the head in the back porch of their house. My cousin shared 3 boys with him and they were young kids but old enough to remember and know what was going on. To this day, I still see the scars that were left behind. Thank God my uncle was there to give the boys a father figure and some discipline, they moved in with him and they are probably better off than most families in the same type of situation. But, no doubt there are still some scars and my concern is the things that will happen later in life when they are older.
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Old 06-22-2010, 12:37 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
Classic. I saw this thread and thought...'how many posts until I read some dumb ass comment by WTF'. Really surprised I had to wait until page 2. You may want to pre-pay some providers to attend your funeral so someones shows up.
You wanna really get in a discussion about this bring your 'A' game. You wanna talk shit, I suggest you go ahead and surrender right now. You are a rank amateur. My guess is your diapers are dirty and this is a veiled attempt for someone to change them for you.

TexRic brings his own depression into a general discussion about depression. How depressing.

This has this turned into a testimonial about all ya'lls depression? Wow, let's break out the lexapro, wellbutron and pristiq!

What's next? The effects of smoking , drinking and the havoc it can wreck upon a family.

I'm sorry folks but I think half the problem is coddling all the BooHoo'ers . Life is hard for all, harder still for others. Yet you people wanna dish the dead for actually killing themselves. Sorry , I ain't buying.

I have an 88 year old Aunt that got bigger balls than what I'm seeing around here. Buried a daughter and basically had to pull the plug, now she is on her last leg and I'd be embarrassed to introduce her to half this group of whiners. I apologize to the other half from both sides of the political spectrum who aren't whiners and are lumped into this group !

There Sa artman.....I eagerly await your response. My guess is you will call the teacher to clean up the mess you started. Typical MO for your type.
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Old 06-22-2010, 12:44 PM   #42
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I just came across this article linked from CNN's health section:


Apparently some researchers believe that vigorous exercise may alter brain chemistry in much the same way as antidepressant drugs. Perhaps it works for some; not for others. In any event, it may be worth a try for some people. And compared with prescription drugs, any side effects are likely to be good, not bad.

I've never suffered from chronic depression, but I can tell you this: At times that I've been stressed out or worried about something and have hit the gym, the track for some intervals, or the elliptical machine, I've always been in a better mood afterwards.
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Old 06-22-2010, 12:48 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post

I've never suffered from chronic depression, but I can tell you this: At times that I've been stressed out or worried about something and have hit the gym, the track for some intervals, or the elliptical machine, I've always been in a better mood afterwards.
You might not like it my brother from the north but in certain respects we are cut from the same cloth.

That is exactly what I do.


"Don't worry about things that you have no control over, because you have no control over them. Don't worry about things that you have control over, because you have control over them." Mickey Rivers

"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything." Mary Hemingway
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Old 06-22-2010, 12:52 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
in certain respects we are cut from the same cloth.
There was no call for you to be insulting to him, WTF.
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:26 PM   #45
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Flame on. You talk tough...seen plenty of guys like you. When the bullets start flying your type are the first to start the crying. You hijacked this thread to throw out your wanna-be Andrew Dice impersonation and start insulting people. What do you think throwing your daughter in there is going to validate your stupidity? Take of picture of yourself not crying when she dies so you can prove to us all how what a big tough guy you are. I've known better men than you shoot themselves because they didn't have access to Lexapro or proper help. You wouldn't even be worthy of licking their boots.

Diapers? I bet your wear panties.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You wanna really get in a discussion about this bring your 'A' game. You wanna talk shit, I suggest you go ahead and surrender right now. You are a rank amateur. My guess is your diapers are dirty and this is a veiled attempt for someone to change them for you.

TexRic brings his own depression into a general discussion about depression. How depressing.

This has this turned into a testimonial about all ya'lls depression? Wow, let's break out the lexapro, wellbutron and pristiq!

What's next? The effects of smoking , drinking and the havoc it can wreck upon a family.

I'm sorry folks but I think half the problem is coddling all the BooHoo'ers . Life is hard for all, harder still for others. Yet you people wanna dish the dead for actually killing themselves. Sorry , I ain't buying.

I have an 88 year old Aunt that got bigger balls than what I'm seeing around here. Buried a daughter and basically had to pull the plug, now she is on her last leg and I'd be embarrassed to introduce her to half this group of whiners. I apologize to the other half from both sides of the political spectrum who aren't whiners and are lumped into this group !

There Sa artman.....I eagerly await your response. My guess is you will call the teacher to clean up the mess you started. Typical MO for your type.
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