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Old 11-08-2012, 11:03 PM   #31
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* yawn * who cares? Let the conservatives listen to their own self-agrandisation in their own little echo chamber and lose again and again and again. Eventually they will kill or drive off enough of their own that either they will emerge as an irrelevant regional party or another party will form and supplant them. It could hardly be a worse party so..... who really gives a shit. Let them work it out on their nasty name-callin RINO baiting hating reality denying own. They really don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, much less they country or any countryman who doesn't agree with them. If you doubt me, just look at their willingness t find any way to try to take the right to vote away from anyone who won't vote for them.

Even I'm a little sad because there is some value to true conservatism (maybe Roosevelt's conservation and Buckley's erudition?), but this bastardized version is pretty much worthless and stands against almost all things that traditional conservatives valued. Nevermind, forget that, let 'em eat their own children and rot in hell.
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:13 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
We are endowed by our Creator to be able to live our lives with as little government interference as possible. That's what our Founders fought and died for.
Talk about revisionist. Our Founders WERE the government and their countrymen fought and died to be able to rule themselves and have no taxation without representation (thus taxation is OK as long as it is accompanied by representation). Get it straight COG.

They would have pretty much been anarchists if they were for what u suggest.
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:17 PM   #33
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I didn't say no government, I said the least government possible.

The government that governs least, governs best. - Thomas Jefferson, a Founder. Look him up, you may learn something.

The Constitution was written to keep the federal government within well defined boundaries. There is no way you can make an argument in favor of what we have today based on the Founders vision of our country. I mean, I know you will, but it will be bullshit.
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:19 PM   #34
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What they need to do is become the Republican party I grew up with! A party that put the needs of the "Whole" country ahead of petty politics, who reaches across the aisle to do what is right for all, not just their sugar daddy's! The republican party left me when it became controlled by first the moral minority, then the Carl Rovian principal of 50% plus one to get elected! In the 90's we saw what could be accomplished when cooperation between the party's brought the greatest economic expansion in history, a balanced budget, a decreasing national debt, a true bipartisan effort. The time of just saying "No" to everything the other party says has to end, or we all are in peril. By the way, I voted for Reagan twice and Bush 1. Maybe I was just young and dumb, but they both worked with the Dems and got much accomplished. Today Reagan would be considered a socialist by his own party, with no hope of being nominated. Can't we all just get along? Bring back my beloved Republican party, and I'll come back to it! Till then I'll just be an independent and hold my nose and vote for the guy who stinks the least!
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:22 PM   #35
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Not a big fan of Reagan, but he did know how to bring the country together. 1984, what a historical election.
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Old 11-08-2012, 11:28 PM   #36
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who gives a frogs fat ass what you think POST WHORE. MBTW if you think Im addressing you, you're mistaken. Crying Old Gina is the worst piece of shift on ECCIE and needs to be stopped..,

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Old 11-08-2012, 11:35 PM   #37
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C'mon Assup. Stop me before I post again!

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