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Old 08-05-2012, 04:52 AM   #31
Brooke Wilde
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
See, Brooke, here you go being "female-like" again .....

How can a guy

"Be sincere" and "don't even think about sex right away" at the same time?

It's either-or, but not both.

And Brooke describes it clearly......in different words.
that’s hilarious when you put it like that.
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:02 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
that’s hilarious when you put it like that.
I didn't "put it like that." God did.
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Old 08-05-2012, 06:06 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
Most of the advice offered within this thread is way off base. The more a guy buys pussy, the more they become out of sync with what a real woman wants.
I think this is so right though. The hobby world screws up with your head and you have to careful about fantasy vs real world. If all you do is hobby and not do any real world stuff, then your brain will be wired to expect a shorter get to know you cycle before sex. While in the real world, it takes time to get to 3rd base. So you will be less patient in the dating game just coz you are used to hobbying and cutting short the chase by using money, and that, does not work as well as it does in the real world of dating.

I would suggest quit the hobby, get some real world stuff going, then come back since variety is the spice of life.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:20 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
and don’t even think about sex right away.
What planet are you from sister? The whole point of him asking the chick out is to GET LAID! Of course the first thing he thinks about is going to be sex, if he doesn't then something is seriously wrong.

Like I said earlier, coffeelover, take your hobby money and spend it on clothes, jewelry, making your car look good, hairstylist. Get your ass in the gym.

You may have to lower your standards a little bit at first. Start out hitting on chunky chicks. Zero in on a couple that look something like brook wild, those are the easiest. Then slowly build your way up from there as your confidence grows.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:21 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Brooke Wild View Post
Most of the advice offered within this thread is way off base. The more a guy buys pussy, the more they become out of sync with what a real woman wants. I would suggest if you want to find ways to approach women where there is no fee involved, don’t listen to any guy who has a hobby handle.

Acting like a drunk, pussy fiending, asshole will only cause you to alienate yourself more. Don't play the BS games many have suggested. This is not high school and REAL women dont find that shit to be cute at all.

Be sincere, be kind, be funny, be confident and don’t even think about sex right away.
And your dozens of years picking up chicks as a guy qualifies you to make this assessment?

Plain and simple, women are full of shit. They say this type of stuff all the time. "I want a nice guy, who doesn't play games, who's gonna treat me right". But actions speak louder than words. I've played it both ways, nice guy and asshole. Asshole works, nice guy doesn't. It doesn't matter what you're after, be it a fuck buddy or a girlfriend. Women ignore nice guys, by and large. And as an earlier poster mentioned, its a numbers game. You're going to get rejected by most of the women you approach for any number of reasons, only one of which is that she finds you unattractive. She could be busy, in a relationship, stressed out, upset, on the rag, feeling bitchy that day, waiting to meet someone, preoccupied, a lesbian, etc. You're playing odds here, keep asking them out.

And fuck anyone who claims the hobby "disqualifies" someone from giving relationship advice. I'm the first to admit, I'm not much to look at. But the hobby improved my confidence, helped me to initiate and sustain conversations with strangers, and taught me how to eat pussy -- all things that have helped my game. In fact the only negative side-effect comes when they ask me, "where'd you learn to do that?"

As for separating real world from the hobby, that's never been a problem for me. If it is for you, then you probably shouldn't hobby.
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:57 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
And your dozens of years picking up chicks as a guy qualifies you to make this assessment?
Initially those were my sentiments to the statement, but I do recall having sat around groups of females who would eventually forget I was "the enemy" and listening to their observations regarding the guys who had and/or were pursuing them. It was informative and useful information, although in some instances case specific to a particular female in the group and not applicable to females generally. There were some common threads of thought and attitudes.

And then there was the experience, which was not isolated, in which I met a traveling businesswoman ("civilian" work) while on a business trip myself in the bar at the hotel where we were both incidentally staying, and after we got acquainted in the bar, walked across the street to eat dinner at my invitation, and were returning across the street to hail a cab to find a place to dance ... she grabbed my arm to stop me in the middle of the street and asked (and I will NEVER forget that question): "Do you want to dance or fuck?"

After realizing this lady knows men, I said: "I hate dancing."

(I was being insincere, Brooke.)
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Old 08-06-2012, 04:29 PM   #37
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< she grabbed my arm to stop me in the middle of the street and asked (and I will NEVER forget that question): "Do you want to dance or fuck?" >

The most incredible woman you can find is one that knows what she wants and has the confidence to get it. If what she wants happens to be fucking you it's one of the greatest gifts life has to offer.*

I used to hobby a lot. About 5 years ago I met a very hot married woman and it changed everything. Now we meet about once a week. I still follow what's going on at some hobby boards, mostly for cheap entertaiment. I get the urge to meet someone now and then but all of my ATF"s have moved on. It's hard to find anyone that might match my new friends "enthusiam" for being with me, and consequently, I don't have the referrals. That makes it only tougher to hobby.

The hobby helped me get through a tough time in my life and I feel like it expanded my horizons. I see myself as an average guy but throughout my life I've had oppurtunities with very atractiive civilian woman, but always felt I'd screwed them up somehow. I probably had confidence problems. When I first started hobbying I set about to make dates with very atractive providers and I feel that helped me. I work in an industry that causes me to travel extensively and many of my co-workers are very atractive women. I've had the experience quoted above several times. Considering the environment of being on the road so much, you'd think it would happen more often. (at least everyone else thinks it does.) Each and every time it was like I was totally bushwacked. There I was doing my best to get this women into bed, and she'd already made up her mind and was kinda just waiting to see if I figured it out. One of the last times, I actually thought it wasn't going to happen, I walked the woman to her hotel room. I said goodnight and about to walk away when she opened the door, grabbed my arm and pulled me in after her!

One of the best lines I ever heard on this was "It's not really your decision, it's hers, and when it's your turn to get laid, you will."

All that's good stuff, but the relationship I'm having on the side is like a dream come true. Late, 30's, 5'7", 125, Blonde, 34D mm's and a tight ass. It's like seeing Holly of Houston every week and all I have to do is pay for the hotel room. (cheap ones at that!)

Now y'all know why I haven't written a review since ASPD days. This is an awesome hobby!

(* Isn't that the person thats supposed to be your SO?)
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Old 08-07-2012, 03:58 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
Asshole works, nice guy doesn't.
This probably explains a lot.

Originally Posted by enderwiggin View Post
As for separating real world from the hobby, that's never been a problem for me. If it is for you, then you probably shouldn't hobby.
Very good advice.
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Old 08-16-2012, 08:11 AM   #39
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Ask her what perfume she is wearing. If she says "none", then tell her you like her voice and ask her where she is from. If she says "duhh Houston TX" it means she is not interested and you are getting annoying. Stalk and sexual harrass her, that's a compliment. I mean sexual harrassment is made to pretty girls only right?
Just kidding. Get two shots of vodka, pop a tic tac in your mouth, get out there be yourself and ask a girl out.
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Old 08-21-2012, 02:19 PM   #40
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if you have a lot of money then you can vet girls. All gitls really are about is money. Rich guys are not interesting...think about it. Let me explain: absolutely nothing spreads a woman's legs like money. Do bot let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, you now know they are a liar. Right now, somewhere out there is a woman who you like or did like that is fucking a dude with lots of money. If you are cash strapped, then you need to up your "game" or look like Brad Pitt. So there it is: game, looks, money in reverse order of importance. Find one of those and exploit. Now carry on and do not say I never did anything for you.
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Old 09-08-2012, 05:00 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by casablanca2627 View Post
if you have a lot of money then you can vet girls. All gitls really are about is money. Rich guys are not interesting...think about it. Let me explain: absolutely nothing spreads a woman's legs like money. Do bot let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, you now know they are a liar. Right now, somewhere out there is a woman who you like or did like that is fucking a dude with lots of money. If you are cash strapped, then you need to up your "game" or look like Brad Pitt. So there it is: game, looks, money in reverse order of importance. Find one of those and exploit. Now carry on and do not say I never did anything for you.
A friend of mine said, love comes after money , may be he is true.
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Old 09-08-2012, 09:06 PM   #42
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I think it is important to establish the menu as soon as possible so you will know what the limits are and can figure how long before you get tired of the same old pussy....uh was the topic about real world dating....shit...uh, nevermind.....
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Old 09-08-2012, 10:41 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post

For the most part, girls are shy and timid creatures that must be approached gently,

You are one fucked up dude.
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Old 09-09-2012, 01:44 AM   #44
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Paid pussy is so much better than free pussy - and incredibly less expensive. And trying to convert one to the other is lunacy. Once a whore, always a whore.
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Old 09-09-2012, 05:32 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by rp View Post
Paid pussy is so much better than free pussy - and incredibly less expensive. And trying to convert one to the other is lunacy. Once a whore, always a whore.
You must be really, really unsuccessful with women. I get hot chicks for free all the time and it's 10 times better than paid pussy. Paid pussy is great but only because of convenience.

I bang civilian chicks all the time and I don't spend hardly anything on them. The sex is more passionate and real and goes on for alot longer. And the chicks I bang for free are hotter than 95% of the providers on this board. Another advantage of free pussy is you're not sharing her with 200 other disgusting perverts. Even if she's kind of slutty chances are she's not banging more than 3 or 4 other guys besides you.

Hell if you go hang out at a nice place for happy hour and catch some professional looking ladies having an after work drink there's a good chance that you'll meet a lady who makes more money than you and just wants a good fuck. She doesn't give a shit about money. Trust me these women are out there and they are EXTREMELY HORNY. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.
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