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Old 07-25-2012, 02:09 PM   #31
JD Barleycorn
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I never claimed to be a lawyer, much less a JAG. So I don't use the legal short hand that he is trained to use. My training is to speak to the level of your students. If I was giving a lecture on Bastogne to college freshmen it will sound much different than if I an invited to lecture at Leavenworth at the war college. I think my main points still stand and they have been seconded by others here. As to why an "officer and a gentlemen" is doing here is another story.
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Old 07-25-2012, 02:58 PM   #32
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I think its obvious what an officer and a gentleman would be doing on this site, and I think its chickenshit for you to bring it up.
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Old 07-25-2012, 03:44 PM   #33
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How the fuc does a former military person not know the basic rules on fraternizing? Total bullshit JD
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Old 07-25-2012, 04:24 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
How the fuc does a former military person not know the basic rules on fraternizing? Total bullshit JD

by gawd you can bet yer azz JLSD knows more than the basics after the Colonel threw the book at him ..
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Old 07-25-2012, 08:06 PM   #35
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
ya think?

IB is looking for the failing grade post ...shhhhhhhhhh
CBJ7, you are one dense MoFo.
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Old 07-25-2012, 08:26 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
After reading both you and PhantomofTheOpera comments, I have no doubt that one is versed in military rules and the other is not as well versed.

I wonder if I B Hankering could guess just which one that is.

These guys got what was coming to them. These sergeants knew the rules. I knew a drill sergeant who refused to see any female alone. He always required four other witnesses be present -- and he never shut the door while they were in his office. Image an propriety. He valued his career.
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Old 07-25-2012, 08:34 PM   #37
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What did we expect? huh?
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Old 07-25-2012, 09:43 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
These guys got what was coming to them. These sergeants knew the rules. I knew a drill sergeant who refused to see any female alone. He always required four other witnesses be present -- and he never shut the door while they were in his office. Image an propriety. He valued his career.
Exactly as I thought, JD is full of caca or did not read the article. Those cats in Columbia were playing fast and lose with the rules and they sure as hell were not sleeping with folks under their command.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I am wondering if you are a JAG. As I stated "in my experience" the military does not like to get into people's sex lives. A young enlisted woman was found nude in a young enlisted man's room on the same day that all personnel were warned about such infractions. Despite the warning all that either person recieved was extra duty given by the company commander.

Officers do play by a different set of rules than the enlisted. Actions by enlisted will be tolerated or not pursued while an officer will face an investigation. For anyone who has not had experience in the military the UCMJ is designed to convict an offender from three or four different directions. If they can't charge you with a specific crime (such as disobeying orders (92)) then there is always the general article (134) or conduct unbecoming for officers (133). To make this shorter, though some things are against the UCMJ or local regs not all offenses are prosecuted.

I do agree that social issues like this do cast doubts on the idea of women in combat or assigned to combat commands.
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Old 07-25-2012, 11:49 PM   #39
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Maybe for the same reasons that WTF knows more about crabs than I do, I didn't screw around with women in the command when I was in. I knew the rules but I never had to look over my shoulder to see who was watching. Didn't date any wives, didn't chase down the young stuff coming from basic training, and even left my "peers" alone. I took my activities off base so forgive my ignorance for not being a professional lawyer or rule breaker.
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Old 07-26-2012, 05:23 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
, so forgive my ignorance for not being a professional lawyer or rule breaker.
Well than quit posting like you are and you would not find yourself in the position of being called out about your lies.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Maybe for the same reasons that WTF knows more about crabs than I do, breaker.
JD, you are going to wind up with points if you keep speculating about others medical conditions. Me and COG would hate to see you get banned, for different reasons. COG would then be the silliest poster on here, I would lose the biggest example of WTF is wrong with this country.
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:28 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera View Post
In general, I have found most of what is posted in this thread laughable and I am no misogynist. I respect women but most women today do not know their place ..


Women have never belonged in combat as they have inherent physical disadvantages despite what the feminists think.

Women are in the military and despite what you think or believe they are there to stay.

Lastly, in regards to the original post, I think it is reprehensible that the TI's have been doing that and if I had been on watch not only would they have gotten their asses beaten by me but I would have made sure that their time at Leavenworth was pure hell. I would have pursued maximum penalties allowed under the UCMJ along with a DD, forfeiture of all pay/benefits, reduced in rank to airman basic (E1) and that is just a start. I would have also pursued their commanding officers and made sure they were forced out of the service with special notations on their service records for why they had conduct unbecoming an officer. Moreover, I would have pursued any of the females in a similar fashion if they had made any false accusations, that is assuming that the allegations are false and from what we have seen on the news these women who were raped were treated like this and even charged with adultery even though they did nothing wrong.. I think it is just another way to rape a woman all over again by putting her through such scrutiny and then treating her like she did something wrong, there are better ways to handle allegations of rape and it seems some much needed training needs to be done on this subject as to not compound things for a woman who has been victimized. so don’t think I am giving them a free ride in what I think of this. I am disgusted with the whole situation and some asses need to be kicked for allowing this crap to happen.

I don't think I will ever agree with some of the statements you have made, but I do think all this is going to come to a head here soon and more women in the military are going to continue fighting this "misogynistic wall" that exists about them being in the military and also about the attitudes associated with "rape" and how to properly handle it and make those who offend accountable.

In addition fighting in battle even in hand to hand combat is not all about brute strength. It is about being smart, using cunning and defeating your opponent in creative ways. Women in the military are very adept at this, and some are very capable of bringing a large man down by utilizing the skills they have. Not all women will have to be in hand to hand combat either, and will be using the weapons they have at their disposal to make a kill.
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Old 07-26-2012, 12:52 PM   #42
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You know, mistakes can be made and things can be overlooked in the speed of getting things posted but I don't lie. When I post my reasons for something it is the truth. If I say that I was baiting a trap and not making a mistake then it is the truth. Let me (and all us) see some truth from Munchie and others. Tell about yourselves and make it the truth. Show some courage as well and don't hide behind anonymus handle. Give up a little something here. What do you do today? Did you serve honorably? Do you lie to your wife? Not married so I don't.
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Old 07-26-2012, 01:00 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You know, mistakes can be made and things can be overlooked in the speed of getting things posted but I don't lie. When I post my reasons for something it is the truth. If I say that I was baiting a trap and not making a mistake then it is the truth. Let me (and all us) see some truth from Munchie and others. Tell about yourselves and make it the truth. Show some courage as well and don't hide behind anonymus handle. Give up a little something here. What do you do today? Did you serve honorably? Do you lie to your wife? Not married so I don't.

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Old 07-26-2012, 01:02 PM   #44
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JD, they're assholes. Pay no attention. I know that's "namecalling", but it's true. They don't care about reality, fact is, this is the only place they can say these things about Obama and not be laughed at to their face. They are the ones outside the norm, and people who speak truth to them threaten them.

Get used to it, and enjoy yourself. If you're anything other than amused at their idiocy, you're taking them too seriously. Look at me. According to them, I'm the most negative person on the board, and the worst namecaller. No objective standard would support that, yet I, and you, show the cracks in their flawed logic, but they are so invested in their irrational beliefs, any logic is an attack.

So just enjoy, JD. The more vicious they are, the more fun they are to watch.
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Old 07-26-2012, 01:06 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
JD, they're assholes. Pay no attention. I know that's "namecalling", but it's true. They don't care about reality, fact is, this is the only place they can say these things about Obama and not be laughed at to their face. They are the ones outside the norm, and people who speak truth to them threaten them.

Get used to it, and enjoy yourself. If you're anything other than amused at their idiocy, you're taking them too seriously. Look at me. According to them, I'm the most negative person on the board, and the worst namecaller. No objective standard would support that, yet I, and you, show the cracks in their flawed logic, but they are so invested in their irrational beliefs, any logic is an attack.

So just enjoy, JD. The more vicious they are, the more fun they are to watch.

then by all means, use your real name for your board name and quit hiding the truth

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