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Old 05-01-2012, 06:11 PM   #31
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I cut some guy off driving a volt the other day, he was being a real upity lib driving real slow, taking up two lanes, trying to force everyone to save gas, I put the PETAL TO THE FLLOR!! showed him what a V10 can do, not some COAL FIRED slug
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Old 05-01-2012, 10:07 PM   #32
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Thanks JON. Fuckem....
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Old 05-01-2012, 10:10 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
I cut some guy off driving a volt the other day, he was being a real upity lib driving real slow, taking up two lanes, trying to force everyone to save gas, I put the PETAL TO THE FLLOR!! showed him what a V10 can do, not some COAL FIRED slug
In the golden oldie days, I would have also MOONED the motherfucker...LMFAO
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Old 05-02-2012, 12:11 AM   #34
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
I cut some guy off driving a volt the other day, he was being a real upity lib driving real slow, taking up two lanes, trying to force everyone to save gas, I put the PETAL TO THE FLLOR!! showed him what a V10 can do, not some COAL FIRED slug

I hope you all drive hybrids I need the fuel
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Old 05-02-2012, 07:27 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Yes, but the business climate here makes it beneficial to produce them in China. We need some business climate change here.
The labor cost difference is why companies outsource their products. A Chinese worker gets a few dollars a day. No insurance, no IRA, no nothing. A US worker making $12 an hour with benefits costs @$100-130 per day. At $10 a day, you get 10-13 Chinese workdays for 1 low paying US work day.
Even if there wasn't a penny of tax in this country china's cheap labor wins every time.
Of course by lowering the tax rate, which companies claim might bring them (manufacturing jobs) back, you lower the tax rate on the profit the US brings back into the country.

So they outsource to make more of a profit per unit, then they get people like you to demand that we lower the tax rate on the profits made from sending American's jobs overseas. Less taxes, less revenue for America, more profit for corporations.
And of course, according to you, it's un-American to ask or compel these companies to make less profit so that the jobs stay in America.

And remember that these are the "people" who have the right to spend as much money as they want lobbying because the SCOTUS decided that corporations are people too.

Tax rates will never compete with labor rates.
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Old 05-02-2012, 07:44 AM   #36
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First of all, Munchie, I have never demanded lower taxes for anyone. Secondly, there is more to the business climate than taxes, and thirdly, there is no duty for a company to make less profit just to keep jobs in America.

I've outlined on here numerous times how America could compete, you just don't want to pay attention, and would rather complain and blame rather than do something productive.
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Old 05-02-2012, 08:28 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
First of all, Munchie, I have never demanded lower taxes for anyone. Secondly, there is more to the business climate than taxes, and thirdly, there is no duty for a company to make less profit just to keep jobs in America.

I've outlined on here numerous times how America could compete, you just don't want to pay attention, and would rather complain and blame rather than do something productive.
I guess he's sulking. LOL
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Old 05-02-2012, 08:41 PM   #38
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Manmuncher, do you run a business?
Do you even have a clue what it takes in government regulations just to start a business much less build a new manufacturing plant.
Government is the biggest hindrance to jobs.
Many of the plants are not labor intensive and are still going overseas.
Tell the whole story moron.
Man made climate change is a hoax and has been proven to be a hoax with those involved admitting they cooked the books. the bullshit green industry is little more than a criminal enterprise that is only hurting those that can lest afford it..
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Old 05-03-2012, 12:06 AM   #39
i'va biggen
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what about freon and the ozone? was that a hoax also???
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Old 05-03-2012, 12:13 AM   #40
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No, Freon and the Ozone were a band back in the 60's. They did a cover of "You Are the Air That I Breathe."

I gave it 59, it had a good beat and was easy to dance to.

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Old 05-03-2012, 03:34 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
First of all, Munchie, I have never demanded lower taxes for anyone. Secondly, there is more to the business climate than taxes, and thirdly, there is no duty for a company to make less profit just to keep jobs in America.

I've outlined on here numerous times how America could compete, you just don't want to pay attention, and would rather complain and blame rather than do something productive.
You haven't decried the levels of taxation? Right.
I know there is more to business climate than taxes. You of course don't say what is the magic variable in that equation that would overcome the labor cost gap.

I never said there was a duty for a company to make less to save jobs. Learn to read.

No one is going to read your back posts. If you could back up what you say, it wouldn't bother you to shove it in our face. Like you talking about business climate without mentioning anything but what I said.

No one will take your word that you covered anything other than the spread at the special Olympics.

Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Manmuncher, do you run a business?
Do you even have a clue what it takes in government regulations just to start a business much less build a new manufacturing plant.
Government is the biggest hindrance to jobs.
Many of the plants are not labor intensive and are still going overseas.
Tell the whole story moron.
Man made climate change is a hoax and has been proven to be a hoax with those involved admitting they cooked the books. the bullshit green industry is little more than a criminal enterprise that is only hurting those that can lest afford it..
I work in the semiconductor industry. The industry that has generated multiple super-fund sites. In it's early days, it was under regulated. Now it's not. Wafer fabs are moving overseas. Because of labor costs. If regulatory costs are a factor, it's because the host country just pours the shit on the ground.

You are saying current regulations are sending the jobs overseas. Which ones are unnecessary? It should be easy for you to pop off a few that the majority of knowledgeable people in the field would agree with.

Your summation of global warming is as anecdotal as your claim that "governmental regulation" is sinking the jobs.

You say those, how many is it? Ten scientists? Twenty? One hundred? Who cooked the books? Out of hundreds of thousands and millions of man hours of research?

And that proves it? Only if you say so.

Tell some part of the story, any part of it without using talking points and supply specific details. If you can.

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