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Old 12-20-2011, 06:58 PM   #31
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IF a man's behavior warrants a warning to other ladies, then the way to handle it is to post about the situation in a private board, such as the powder room, and to report his name and information to reputable sites such as P411, and ProviderBuzz (NOT the national blacklist).

"outting" should never be on a public board. Ever.
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Old 12-20-2011, 06:59 PM   #32
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sorry dd, guess you did have the ice pic idea. but c'mon folks, she's a woman, he's a man... what else can she do if push comes to shove. unless some guys wanna actually help out. but i don't see that happening.

read a thread in dallas today, gal used her house as an incall, ya, stupid on her part, then the guy flaked out and is stalking her. sometimes a woman has no other recourse. just do what you say you'll do and there's nothing to worry about.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:01 PM   #33
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and as far as me never gettin a date off here, i've already met a few of the best, and i got their backs. now how about you guys?
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:03 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post

IF a man's behavior warrants a warning to other ladies, then the way to handle it is to post about the situation in a private board, such as the powder room, and to report his name and information to reputable sites such as P411, and ProviderBuzz (NOT the national blacklist).

"outting" should never be on a public board. Ever.

btw... this is prolly the best idea, just let the ladies black ball him, but it was brought in here, so... i am SOOO done with this!
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:16 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by rharley View Post
i always keep my word, and i always look out for my friends. as far as any infatuations i may have, well those are mine. if you're referring to the pm you sent, well you're a lil off. you're the one who admitted to having that in your email.

i'll say it one more time, confront the dude and give him one more chance to make it right. if he don't, and he is in the wrong, then all bets are off. if she's indeed wrong, she won't pursue it. i'm sorry but if you screw someone over as she's insinuating he did her, well then i have no sympathy for him whatso ever and he deserves whatever he gets. why are you all bailing on this woman for a yet to be named dude? what do YOU think she should do elum? bc? bd? elana? c'mon lets here it. anybody can critisize anothers opinion from behind a computer screen, now offer your own.
Dont you mean for a yet to be named situation, she hasnt given enough information to take a side. I think she should have kept her mouth shut to be honest because she is not willing to put the information out to the board. Your wanting her to out someone and you dont even know what he is supposed to have done, what the deal was and how he may or may not of not kept his end of it. What she should have done is kept this private, PMed the persons she wanted to know what happened. Hows that for an answer from behind my computer screen Ted Bundy.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:22 PM   #36
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Thoughout life I have found my assetment of the problem to hold water 99.99% of the time. If this situation falls into that 00.01% then I will just shut up. But do not out me to my exwife, exboss or son that still owes me a date with a hottie.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:23 PM   #37
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@rharley - that PM you are talking about was sent back when I very first started getting bad vibes,
...............and your answer to it is when I really started getting the vibes.

...............Had a lot more to say but realized your Not Worth The Points.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:28 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by rharley View Post
and as far as me never gettin a date off here, i've already met a few of the best, and i got their backs. now how about you guys?
I find this post interesting, you say you have their backs, you have offered to provide security to those who need protection. Please tell me exactly what it is your going to do to protect them. Are you going to beat the guy up? guess your prepared to face the assult charges and then the tacked up promoting charges because I am sure your not licensed as a security officer, a private eye, are you an off duty police officer? If your none of the above then hmmmm, what guy beats up other mean to protect a working girl oh damn its on the tip of my tongue ..... oh yeah pimp, so he comes the promoting charge, did you drive? Did you cross state lines? If yes here comes the Federal charges. What if the guy gets seriously violent, are you willing to kill them to protect or "have her back". Hmmm murder in support of prostituion, yeah that wont make the front pages nation wide. I doubt you have to stones to do what needs to be done, doubt you could handle the smell and feeling of hot blood running down your hand and arm, well remember wipe up the puke your DNA is now everywhere. LOL everyone's a tough guy I guess, until their not. Peace out peeps, I am going to have another goose and bull and go swimming and then take my drunk ass to bed.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:36 PM   #39
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You asked me how I'd handle it, well....first off I wouldn't bring my business to the board unless it warranted the public to know and even then I'd have to seriously think about it.
She needs to handle her personal business off the board because from what I've read, it has nothing to do with the board.

DD said it best and I second his post.

Again, you scare the hell outta me. You wanting her to out someone without knowing the situation....makes me think you'd out a girl if she didn't give you a proper blowjob or fuck.
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Old 12-20-2011, 07:57 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
You asked me how I'd handle it, well....first off I wouldn't bring my business to the board unless it warranted the public to know and even then I'd have to seriously think about it.
She needs to handle her personal business off the board because from what I've read, it has nothing to do with the board.

DD said it best and I second his post.

Again, you scare the hell outta me. You wanting her to out someone without knowing the situation....makes me think you'd out a girl if she didn't give you a proper blowjob or fuck.
+1 and BINGO!
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Old 12-20-2011, 08:55 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
You asked me how I'd handle it, well....first off I wouldn't bring my business to the board unless it warranted the public to know and even then I'd have to seriously think about it.
She needs to handle her personal business off the board because from what I've read, it has nothing to do with the board.

DD said it best and I second his post.

Again, you scare the hell outta me. You wanting her to out someone without knowing the situation....makes me think you'd out a girl if she didn't give you a proper blowjob or fuck.
It doesnt warrant outing....and nothing does! here in this business is all about discretion....Im learning that and have learned that!! IMO
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Old 12-20-2011, 11:18 PM   #42
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Does rharley = the new JohnGault?

I only live for a DD reply on this one!
Ok that's a lie or anyone of you other dinosaurs on here.....
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Old 12-21-2011, 05:22 AM   #43
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no, I'm thinkin its Cheaper under a new persona LOL
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Old 12-21-2011, 07:07 AM   #44
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Default Agreeing with the crowd....

Originally Posted by rharley View Post
and as far as me never gettin a date off here, i've already met a few of the best, and i got their backs. now how about you guys?
Man, you are a piece of work! I'm finding it hard to believe any lady who reads your posts will let you 'have their backs' much less touch them!

As many of my colleagues, both male and female, including our moderator have pointed out, you have tipped the "creepy" scale completely to the bad side.

I've felt for some time, that you are dangerous not only to yourself, but also to this community. My initial concerns about you have been legitimized.

You should join NewtoTown (SS4699) and take your meds, fade away, deep into the background, never to be heard from again. Bye Now!
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Old 12-21-2011, 08:09 AM   #45
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Thank you everybody... and I did let my boundaries get crossed. So..... Glasses, Check! Lesson learned, NEVER AGAIN. Also agreed, its my fault to let myself be backed into a corner. Calling myself being nice, Always thinking of everyone else is how I am. It is not in my nature..to be hateful and vengeful. Its almost like hes put me against the wall saying ..what are you gonna do about it. And Yes, KCQuestor lil passive aggressive, And Ms Elena There is reason for me to post it here. There is a point to be made and Ive made it.

All is fair in love and war and this was love and now is hurting me in the business area and that means war where Im from. Fuck love...we have met before...I wont go there. I dont like games, I dont ! I am always a straight shooter, I am a firm believer in fair exchange is no robbery. I respected the agreement, and it was more than business and will always be more...always. ( and its not life or death) never that. Come on now. Please....but it is deep and Im trying to learn the lesson here and keep everybody good at the same time standing up for myself and protecting myself from further damage.Im a business woman, I work w suits daily. I see it all. I prefer to keep my head above the BS, I am also a realest..and everyone has their limit and well this is mine.

Im not hateful or vengeful, luckily for him. I even try to reverse the scenario and think what would his reaction be IF I were to break the agreement, if the shoe was on the other foot.If this was hurting him as badly as hes hurting me. Well folks, I think hed think of himself and do for himself and have no regard for me or my life.....if the shoe was on the other foot.The benefit far out weighs the alternate of just TAKING this BS by the shovel full, like I have. ( He has shown how far he will go ) And with that being said , I am still working this out, ( I always try to keep the peace.) But if the slightest hint or wiff of bullshit hits my precious French /Irish freckled nose from this moment forward. I will act accordingly.. THE WAY HE WOULD.

He hasnt cared or been concerned of the effect this is having. Why should I care of the effect of his poor decisions are on his life ? He is the one that has chosen to break the deal and and act in the manner he has correct ? So hes making his own bed, we know there are consequences for every action? What does he expect my response to be ? I have been MORE than reasonable. I am not threatening outting him, only to move forward with my life and doing whats BEST for me, definitely a bigger benefit and less hassle, no longer considering how it will effect his life. I figure he must not be concern with it ,the foolish way he has acted. I dont like being treated badly on a regular and would rather skip it., Im done being treated that way. Girls you are so right ...I need to set that boundary. I have slowly been bent over.

I have treated him the way I would want to be treated in this agreement. It keeps peace in his life, makes things simple for him. But he is causing huge troubles, problems, struggles and STRESS in mine That speaks badly of him and how hes treated me ..and shows the nature of the beast.You only get treated as bad as you let someone treat you.... So I take that fault. I have let it go too far. He has been very mean and cruel. I think its very important to be kind. I do my best to be thoughtful. I am being as understanding as Im gonna be. Just fed up.We will see how things go.

~And out of all the options and suggestions on how to handle this I think a "pissed post" was the most user friendly with least damage. I always use discretion, and who else would understand the tangled web we weave better then others in the hobby?????

~Sorry guys but sometimes I need ya lol

I didnt just attack or black ball or out anyone. Thats not what Im trying to do. Thats not me. But my point has been made and we will see how things go. Please pray for the best, thats what Im hoping for. Win win.

Dirty Dog I do have to say I like youre style Baby... Im a lil gangster myself. lol Muahhhhhhhhh xo Im from the East Coast.

Wooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaaa Everything will be alright.

****I dont believe in EVER outting anyone. EVER! I agree with Dirty Dog 100%

Im letting it be known IM DONE with the games. This is his last chance to make things right. Because Im done with the whole stressful mess. Im a happy person, I love to be positive and not let others bring me down . Well this has been the biggest pain in the ass. He surly didnt treat me better for making life easier for him, if anything, Worse!. Many lessons learned...I talk the fault for letting it get this far, should have been handled a long time ago.

Wish me luck and have a great hump day xoxox All will work out.
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