Originally Posted by adav8s28
Salty, Trumps win in the 2024 election was not a landslide.
1. Trump won seven swing states by just 700,000 votes.
2. Trump did not get 50% of the popular vote.
3. Harris got the same number of Electoral College Votes (226) as HRC. The 2016 election was not considered a landslide win for Trump.
The final numbers definitely prove that it was a slim jim of a result for those that registered and showed up.
Nationally though, around 20% of this country put him in office.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
24 and 20 had the same results when adjusted for ~6 million harvested (fake) mail in ballots.
So, you claiming donny got the brass ring with how you would claim in the streets as fraud. Okay.