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Old 12-18-2021, 10:04 AM   #31
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
The kid that was removed from the LSU track and field team was using the word just like his mom. The only difference, the son was not sedated.
Old Barleycorn or real Barleycorn, you're still clueless.
... No need for insults here.
Stow them - and just make yer point.

I surely agree-with a couple of yours.

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Old 12-18-2021, 11:48 AM   #32
Lucas McCain
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It is Louisiana. Racist deep South states like that probably wouldn't have many judges if people knew what they said behind closed doors without people listening.

I say just look at their history and see whether their judicial fiduciary decisions were biased against people of color. If so, fire their racist asses. If not, leave them be because that is just the fucked up world we live in.

I say look at their history because it is pretty easy to figure out that Tyrone and Hector always get sentenced one way. And Mikey skips out of court every time for doing the exact same shit as Tyrone and Hector although they all had the same court appointed attorneys.
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Old 12-18-2021, 12:25 PM   #33
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Is calling a White person a White supremacist, with no history of bigotry, nothing more than disagreeing with most Democrat policies, a racial slur? I say it is.

In what world is it OK to use a racial slur against a White person but not a Black person? If one were to call me a White Supremacist because I didn't vote for Biden and wouldn't piss on Pelosi and Shumer if they were on fire, that in my opinion is a racial slur. It is color connected to a slur meant to hurt people and both are wrong, wrong, wrong.
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Old 12-18-2021, 12:34 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
I believe I acknowledged that no one should use it. However,, I don’t think the intent when used is that hard to discern. I can say honestly that when I’m angry at white people my instinct isn’t to go calling them racist names or have racist epithet running through my mind. Same with blacks, Asians or Hispanics. If that’s where your mind goes, maybe you have some racism in you (not directed to HF, speaking generally). To claim “well I was angry” is definitely a bullshit excuse.

A lawyer I know whose about my age is black and married to a white woman. He recently recounted how he’s used the word regularly (he says it’s a result of his small town upbringing in the back woods of central Louisiana) and his kids who are preteens started using it as well. The wife went ballistic (he says he’s never in 14 years heard her use the word even when listening to rap music) after she was fed up, having told him on numerous occasions that she didn’t believe he should say it, regardless of his blackness. He stated that he finally got it. Realizing that no matter the situation, she has not done it and abhors it’s use. We should all hope to get to that point.

Fat chance with the most popular Black shows on tv using the n-word,as every other word. Ever watch the shows Insecure and Power Book: Raising Kanan III?
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Old 12-18-2021, 01:30 PM   #35
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[QUOTE=adav8s28;1062682502]When black rappers use the word in their music they are not comparing people to roaches like the judge.

The civil war ended 160 years ago. Not much has changed in the deep south.[/QUOTE

Having lived in Biloxi, MS in the 1960's it's pretty obvious you have no idea what your talking about
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Old 12-18-2021, 01:48 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by tman1847 View Post
Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
When black rappers use the word in their music they are not comparing people to roaches like the judge.

The civil war ended 160 years ago. Not much has changed in the deep south.

I hope this works.

First entry in the thread.

Having lived in Biloxi, MS in the 1960's it's pretty obvious you have no idea what your talking about

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Old 12-18-2021, 02:05 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
The kid that was removed from the LSU track and field team was using the word just like his mom. The only difference, the son was not sedated.
Old Barleycorn or real Barleycorn, you're still clueless.
And you are still the embodiment of democrat racial tendencies. Now you call yourselves anti-racists to salve your conscience.
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Old 12-18-2021, 02:12 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
It is Louisiana. Racist deep South states like that probably wouldn't have many judges if people knew what they said behind closed doors without people listening.

I say just look at their history and see whether their judicial fiduciary decisions were biased against people of color. If so, fire their racist asses. If not, leave them be because that is just the fucked up world we live in.

I say look at their history because it is pretty easy to figure out that Tyrone and Hector always get sentenced one way. And Mikey skips out of court every time for doing the exact same shit as Tyrone and Hector although they all had the same court appointed attorneys.
Which reminds me of a navy experience; We had a coon ass named Thibodeaux in the shop. He was talking one day and he dropped the N word a few times. Also in the shop was N****n, a young black man from DC, and H****n, an older black man from Mississippi. When Thibodeaux did his thing, everyone stopped talking and looked around apprehensively. It was H****n who broke the tension by laughing at loud. He pointed out to us how we all looked when we heard that word. Looking at N****n, I don't think he knew how to react but Herron was a few years older. I ended up dating H****n's niece when we both ended up in New London, but her family didn't like that.
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Old 12-18-2021, 02:34 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Which reminds me of a navy experience; We had a coon ass named Thibodeaux in the shop. He was talking one day and he dropped the N word a few times. Also in the shop was N****n, a young black man from DC, and H****n, an older black man from Mississippi. When Thibodeaux did his thing, everyone stopped talking and looked around apprehensively. It was H****n who broke the tension by laughing at loud. He pointed out to us how we all looked when we heard that word. Looking at N****n, I don't think he knew how to react but Herron was a few years older. I ended up dating H****n's niece when we both ended up in New London, but her family didn't like that.

Very cool vignette. Just be careful about any revealing information.

For some reason this reminds me of a basic training story where my smart-ass might have gotten my dumb-ass kicked.

Somebody was talking about how much they missed their girlfriend back home while the squadron was making their hospital corners. Just on a whim, I said out loud that she was probably banging his brother.

Another in the squad said if I said that about him, he would have kicked my ass. Not everybody can take a joke. That's just how we talked in my neighborhood. Bustin' balls, if you will.

Just wanted to share.
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Old 12-18-2021, 05:56 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
Simple question, should they lose their position as judges for saying something racist all while claiming they have no racist views?
Counselor, Just as I'm not so foolish to argue with LustyLad or Captain Midnight about economics, so I'm not going to argue with you about the legal system. Your link about Judge Odinet is broken and I know next to nothing about the specifics of this case.

But doesn't McCain's post below make a lot of sense? If historically her racism has manifested itself in her decisions then wouldn't it make sense to remove her, and if not, then leave her where she is? And don't judges or the bar association have some mechanism to remove the bad apples?

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
It is Louisiana. Racist deep South states like that probably wouldn't have many judges if people knew what they said behind closed doors without people listening.

I say just look at their history and see whether their judicial fiduciary decisions were biased against people of color. If so, fire their racist asses. If not, leave them be because that is just the fucked up world we live in.

I say look at their history because it is pretty easy to figure out that Tyrone and Hector always get sentenced one way. And Mikey skips out of court every time for doing the exact same shit as Tyrone and Hector although they all had the same court appointed attorneys.
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Old 12-18-2021, 07:50 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
The kid that was removed from the LSU track and field team was using the word just like his mom. The only difference, the son was not sedated.
Old Barleycorn or real Barleycorn, you're still clueless.
So, at Penn State they can race a male swimmer as a woman in order to win but in Louisiana, you say a bad word and you're finished. Seems like I'm right about those northern sympathies.
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Old 12-18-2021, 08:45 PM   #42
Lucas McCain
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
So, at Penn State they can race a male swimmer as a woman in order to win but in Louisiana, you say a bad word and you're finished. Seems like I'm right about those northern sympathies.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
1st of all, let's just say I know a guy who has a degree from there and we prefer to be called Penn or University of Pennsylvania and not Pennsylvania university because we take offense to people believing we went to Penn State. I'm just speaking for a friend.
Salty, I told you this is why we don't like to be called Pennsylvania university. Ummmmm, I mean, my friend told me that is why. Getting into Wharton is a lot harder than getting into Penn State so he says. He's kind of an asshole so I just roll my eyes when he tells me this shit.
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Old 12-18-2021, 09:47 PM   #43
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I'm sorry, they all look alike to me. I do have an unnamed former shipmate working at Penn State. He's gone completely lib.
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Old 12-18-2021, 10:03 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
I'm sorry, they all look alike to me. I do have an unnamed former shipmate working at Penn State. He's gone completely lib.
LOL. Trust me, Penn is too.

oeb was annoying with his parrot posting act but he was right about Ivy league universities. I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of agreeing with him about it because he was already bad enough with me just playing it off.

I have feelings. I can only be called a DPST so many times before I start to hurt. Imagine if I admitted that he was right about liberals at Ivy League schools. That would have tripled his replies to my every fucking post in this forum. I was just trying to find a safe place and play stupid about it. LOL
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Old 12-18-2021, 10:49 PM   #45
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... You were correct, Lucas... One o' the lads surely WOULD
mistake Penn university for Penn State.

... Sorry there, mate. ...

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