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Old 07-25-2018, 09:52 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
The notion that Hitler did not listen to his generals is propaganda spread by those generals that survived the war and wrote memoirs attempting to rehabilitate their reputations. Hitler's generals bucked him when he occupied Austria, and he got Austria very easily. Hitler's generals bucked him when he invaded France, and he got France with just a few weeks of war. Hitler's generals were completely on-board with Hitler when he invaded Poland and the U.S.S.R. And things went well for Hitler until Generals January and February took the field for the Soviets in 1942.

Wilson and David Lloyd George could have prevented WWII by nipping the Bolshevik Revolution in the bud. They had the assets and the manpower to do it, but they lacked the vision and the resolve to do what was necessary.

Without the scapegoat of the "Red Peril" in the East, Hitler would never have come to power.

Quite the Hitler buff, ain't you, IBGoosesteppin?
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Old 07-25-2018, 10:02 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Quite the Hitler buff, ain't you, IBGoosesteppin?
More educated and informed than your miserable, sorry ass, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
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Old 07-25-2018, 10:56 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
And where was he when everything was decided at Potsdam, EATLER?
Poland’s fate was already sealed you dumbass.
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Old 07-25-2018, 11:10 AM   #34
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this was a interesting debate until Assup went TDS on it

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Old 07-25-2018, 11:50 AM   #35
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When the Blitzkrieg rolled over western Europe at the start of the war, when Hitler had the element of surprise and superior armed forces and armaments, he was a strategic genius. At Stalingrad and afterwards, he was an idiot. He disregarded the advice of his generals and was constantly telling them to fight to the last man, instead of falling back and regrouping. This is kind of like Boon Pickens and Andrew Hall, if those names ring a bell, when they were managing hedge funds focused on oil. When oil prices were rising the two were geniuses, when the price started falling they refused to recognize the game had changed and lost their shirts.

This is actually all a rhetorical question, would be interested if you agree, as a couple of posters know WWII history a lot better than I do.
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Old 07-25-2018, 11:57 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
this was a interesting debate until Assup went TDS on it

He’s been TDS for two years.
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Old 07-25-2018, 12:48 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Waco, Answering your question, by Dilbert's first definition, no, I'm not OK with unfair trade, where Japan effectively prohibits rice and beef imports.

With respect to his second definition, it would depend on the product. If it's advanced computer chips, I'm not OK with it. If it's something that involves thousands of women doing dull, repetitive, low skilled assembly line work to put some electronic gadget together, then I'm fine with a foreign government subsidizing that and us buying it at a low price. I'd rather Americans do higher skilled, higher paid work and leave the crap work to others. I'd rather pay less for what I buy.

Trump however is a dumb shit who doesn't make a distinction. Right now he's proposing to take money out of the taxpayers' pockets and subsidize farmers because he's ass fucking them with his trade war and figures that might cause him to lose the next election. Based on what you say about the Federal Reserve above, you appear to be a Ron Paul Republican. But he's got you, and 75% of other Republicans, thinking like Democrats on trade. He's a pied piper. He used to be a Democrat. If the Republicans lose the mid terms in both houses, look for him to cozy up with Schumer and Pelosi. I don't think you'll go all the way with him, but if you do it'll be interesting seeing you and Yssup in bed together. Figuratively speaking.
So you would rather buy the crap that comes from China and Japan than buy a US made product! your so called low skilled assembly line worker in the US pay way better than what you think I know a few that make 75,000 a year and over 100,000 a year with overtime not to bad for a person with only a high school education! You white collar Educated people are amazing! some of your parents money was wasted! Figuratively Speaking
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Old 07-25-2018, 01:40 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
So you would rather buy the crap that comes from China and Japan than buy a US made product! your so called low skilled assembly line worker in the US pay way better than what you think I know a few that make 75,000 a year and over 100,000 a year with overtime not to bad for a person with only a high school education! You white collar Educated people are amazing! some of your parents money was wasted! Figuratively Speaking
Democrat! People are going to lose good jobs in the USA if Trump carries through with his trade war! Low skilled, highly labor intensive factory jobs will take years to come back, if they ever do! The more likely scenario is that you will pay more for the same Chinese goods, manufactured outside the USA, than you're paying now! When he imposes tariffs, Trump is raising your taxes! But you'll never notice it, because you're not seeing it come out of your paycheck, and you drank the kool aid! Figuratively speaking

Are you and IIFFOFRDB sitting side by side behind computer screens in St. Petersburg? Because you never post about anything having to do with pussy, except Hillary Clinton.

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Old 07-25-2018, 03:17 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Democrat! People are going to lose good jobs in the USA if Trump carries through with his trade war! Low skilled, highly labor intensive factory jobs will take years to come back, if they ever do! The more likely scenario is that you will pay more for the same Chinese goods, manufactured outside the USA, than you're paying now! When he imposes tariffs, Trump is raising your taxes! But you'll never notice it, because you're not seeing it come out of your paycheck, and you drank the kool aid! Figuratively speaking

Are you and IIFFOFRDB sitting side by side behind computer screens in St. Petersburg? Because you never post about anything having to do with pussy, except Hillary Clinton.

so much for your trade war Tiny


Fucking douch bag

so does your one encounter is that the only time you have ever been laid
besides that I'm not one who likes to kiss nd tell how great I am in bed
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Old 07-25-2018, 03:26 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
Fucking douch bag
Say hello to Vladimir for me
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Old 07-25-2018, 03:28 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Say hello to Vladimir for me
no rebuttal Tiny just cricks
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Old 07-25-2018, 07:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Democrat! People are going to lose good jobs in the USA if Trump carries through with his trade war! Low skilled, highly labor intensive factory jobs will take years to come back, if they ever do! The more likely scenario is that you will pay more for the same Chinese goods, manufactured outside the USA, than you're paying now! When he imposes tariffs, Trump is raising your taxes! But you'll never notice it, because you're not seeing it come out of your paycheck, and you drank the kool aid! Figuratively speaking

Are you and IIFFOFRDB sitting side by side behind computer screens in St. Petersburg? Because you never post about anything having to do with pussy, except Hillary Clinton.

LMAO, nailed it. Two trolls from the troll house.
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Old 07-25-2018, 11:14 PM   #43
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
When the Blitzkrieg rolled over western Europe at the start of the war, when Hitler had the element of surprise and superior armed forces and armaments, he was a strategic genius. At Stalingrad and afterwards, he was an idiot. He disregarded the advice of his generals and was constantly telling them to fight to the last man, instead of falling back and regrouping. This is kind of like Boon Pickens and Andrew Hall, if those names ring a bell, when they were managing hedge funds focused on oil. When oil prices were rising the two were geniuses, when the price started falling they refused to recognize the game had changed and lost their shirts.

This is actually all a rhetorical question, would be interested if you agree, as a couple of posters know WWII history a lot better than I do.
Too simplistic.

The Russians had the best mass-produced tank (emphasis on mass-produced) in WWII: the T-34. The Germans were wholly surprised the Soviets had a tank that was superior to their Panzer Mk IV in 1941.

The allies (primarily the Brits) were reading the German's mail via the Enigma machine (AKA: The Ultra Secret), which cost the Germans North Africa and access to the oil fields of the Middle East. And there was the "Red Orchestra." Despite these advantages, it still took the allies four years to defeat Hitler's armies.

Reichsmarschall Goering supported Hitler's plans, and Goering lied to him ... making promises that the Luftwaffe could and would support the German troops in Stalingrad until they could be relieved. Never came close to carrying the tonnage those encircled troops needed to prevail.

Plus, before the Battle of Kursk, the Germans had their own Lee's "Lost Order" No. 191 revealing their plan of attack and size of forces to the Soviets. The Germans not only lost a major battle, they lost irreplaceable men and armor than they could not afford to lose.
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Old 07-26-2018, 04:43 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by bamscram View Post
LMAO, nailed it. Two trolls from the troll house.
Another troll with TDS buttscramble
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Old 07-26-2018, 06:00 AM   #45
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I don't care what Bernie Bro's or Hillhoggers think about anything!


30 Hours at Trump-Speed…

Posted on July 25, 2018 by sundance

Daughnworks247 encapsulates a media cycle at Trump-Speed: In the last 30 hours:

1. President Trump dropped a MOAB on the state of Georgia for Brian Kemp, and wiped the floor with the establishment GOPe, winning by 39 points.

2. President Travels to Kansas City, giving the speech which made us all cry, to the VFW. Embraces a 94 year old Sargeant and we immediately fall in love.

3. Our sheer perfection of a FLOTUS stops in Nashville at a children’s hospital. On the way back CNN reporter asks Stephanie Grisham about the Cohen tapes and tries to take a hit on Melania. Stephanie Grisham came UNDONE and wiped the floor with the little witch.

4. VP Pence in Montana, stops what he is doing, leaves is Secret Service, when a boy waiting to see him on the tarmac passes out. VP Pence was “up and in the middle” of the problem. Good man.

5. CRTV does a parody video about Alexandria Cortez and the left reveals —- they have no sense of humor. Busted.

6. President Trump meets with John-Claude Juncker, President of the EU Commission and makes the deal of a lifetime on tariffs, LNG sales to Europe, and soybeans for the Midwest.

7. DOW spikes 170 points in an hour on news of the trade deal. Business channels who support multinationals are in melt-down… because they’ve been hyping a trade war for 6 months.

8. Facebook earnings post, stock loses 24% of market cap in an hour. That’s what happens when you put Ellen Stover and our friends in Facebook jail. Payback is hell.

9. Secretary Pompeo testifies to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and I swear, it’s probably the best 3 hours of footage, EVER. He was brilliant.
At one point, Pompeo asked if he could be allowed to submit, for the record, the list of all the things Trump Admin has done to be ‘tough’ on the Russians.
Turd of a Senator agrees.
Pompeo says, “Well then, let’s back the truck up to deliver (his list).”
OMG….. Killed it.



10. CNN releases recorded tape of Michael Cohen and President Trump—- and it’s a dud. We learned President Trump says “thank you” when he asks for a Coke.

11. CNN reporter refuses to leave the Oval Office during Juncker presser and is pushed out and reprimanded by Bill Shine (new WH Press Coordinator) and Sarah Sanders. She keeps asking questions about the Cohen tape when Juncker and Trump are in the midst of a trillion dollar trade deal. WH tells her she is not allowed into the next Rose Garden event, and she gets snippy, saying, “I wasn’t planning on attending anyway”.

White House Press Corps has a meltdown. CNN issues statement saying “We demand better” and gets hammered on social media.

12. Ben Sasse, who was censured by his own Nebraska GOP party by a vote of 400 to 8 said yesterday, “Trump’s trade policies are ‘Making America 1929 Again’” in an attempt to undermine the President ahead of the Junker negotiations.

This afternoon…. Sasse announced he will not run for reelection in 2020. Bwwwhhahaaaaa.

13. News from China senses discord among the ruling class. China is now lowering interest rates, subsidizing industry, and their economy is flat. Did I mention their stock market is down about 25% this year?

14. And finally, 11 member of the House file impeachment papers against Rosenstein. The vote will probably not ever happen…… but it sure does piss off Rosenstein. It tastes sweet.

15. And for the Bonus: Trump has learned how to ‘thread’ multiple tweets on Twitter. May God have mercy upon his enemies.

Can’t wait until tomorrow……..

Remember, he was in Helsinki, just 8 days ago.

[…] He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.

[…] Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.

[…] Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.

And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.

Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.

[…] Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.

I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.

In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!” (link)
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