I am still shocked to see ALL the poor hygiene mentions. I wonder if you guys tell this to whomever the lady is/was or if you actually put it in ROS if you write a review? Soap and water along with some toothpaste and mouth wash works wonders for BOTH sides. Thank goodness my friends are fresh and or open to using my facilities.
My irks:
Telling me how awful the last 3 ladies were that you have seen. Write a review, I can't help you. I'm sorry for your bad time(s), but NOT my business and it honestly makes me want to end the session. I then feel like I will be your next lady trashed. It makes me uncomfortable and it's very difficult to get into my awesome GFE mode when all you are focused on is past experiences. How about focus on the here and now. YOU are your own Bonner killer. IJS.
Be on time. I understand some things come up...traffic, wreck...totally cool. If you are constantly late...its a YOU thing. Don't be super early either. That just looks suspicious to everyone else who may be milling about.
Having a check list of activities and how long each one will last. It's great to know what is expected and you should get what you pay for. However, I feel that going with the flow turns out better and is a lot more fun than being so rigid.
This doesn't necessarily apply to me, but a few ladies and I have discussed it...if you go over on time because you were generally having a great time or started chatting after...do NOT put it on the review. Scheduled an hour but went way over. For crying out loud. Now you have let every time abuser, they know who they are, think they too are entitled to extra time. It happens, but it's not the norm. Be respectful and appreciative. Easy concept.