Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Here is what was said previously:
I recall what I previously posted.
When one speaks the truth it's easier to remember what one says.
There are a lot of reasons to make sure that a transfer of title to the buyer's name is completed and finalized with the county clerk's office, and if one is selling a vehicle with an EZ tag on it just remove the tag when one releases the vehicle to the buyer ... even if the paper work has not be processed at the Clerk's office. Most of the "stories" I hear are someone's BF or GF took the vehicle and won't return it .... and toll fees, parking tickets, etc., are piling up in the name on the registration.
It's always nice to have a notarized bill of sale with all the identifying information of the buyer on it to show those who are trying to dink one for toll fees, parking tickets, etc, .... even hit and run accidents!!!!!!!!!