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Old 07-08-2015, 07:02 AM   #31
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San Francisco is like a much dreaded computer virus, sitting in the edge of your operating system, looking to corrupt the system and use it in ways for which it was not intended.

it takes and uses (previously) coherent and interconnected pathways with the ultimate goal of changing things for its own purposes

it is a big source of the corruption of America, and i'm not talking about gayness
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Old 07-08-2015, 07:09 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Liberal Logic:

When the liberal cities ignore the Feds and provide aid and comfort to people illegally in the country who are in some cases demonstrably committing numerous crimes, that's courageous.

If a city clerk in a conservative area refused to give a license for two gay people to get married because of a genuine religious conviction that has been standing in her religion for thousands of years, that's treason!!
this thread has a discussion of religion in it or God.

liberal religious convictions are reflected everywhere, its just a different set of sins they more than preach about. Instead of exhorting for goodness and truth and gentleness and loving your neighbor, the sins they rail against and more than rail, yes, try and do even make into laws, are much more controlling.

a simple one is you are sinning when you grill hamburgers
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Old 07-08-2015, 07:28 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Why did you wimp out at the end?

Go get'em tiger - you cannot let him get away with this shit, whether or not your faggot attorney files papers.

Are you a man or a cocksucker?
I would like to ask the MOD(s) of this forum to why DSK is constantly allowed to use the word "fag**t without any warning or points? The word violates ECCIE rules on using derogatory words.
If DSK is comfortable using the word "fa**ot he would be comfortable using the "N" word- the word Fa**ot should not be allowed in these forums and I don't see why the MODs are not issuing him any points/warnings.
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Old 07-08-2015, 07:43 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I would like to ask the MOD(s) of this forum to why DSK is constantly allowed to use the word "fag**t without any warning or points? The word violates ECCIE rules on using derogatory words.
If DSK is comfortable using the word "fa**ot he would be comfortable using the "N" word- the word Fa**ot should not be allowed in these forums and I don't see why the MODs are not issuing him any points/warnings.
Yeah Weeendowed and Wormraider , too peas in a pod, if they cant beat ya they love to run to the mods. Of course this is not a secret since they both have admitted it publically. By the way dummy how do you know they didn't issue him points, is there some PM information your putting out there.
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Old 07-08-2015, 08:55 AM   #35
JD Barleycorn
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Now the AP has a story that the gun used was the property of a federal agent. WTF?

You ever notice how a liberal slam piece almost always turn out to be crap, false, or twisted. When the story is a conservative slam piece is almost always turns out to be true and gets better with each reading.
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Old 07-08-2015, 09:31 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Yeah Weeendowed and Wormraider , too peas in a pod, if they cant beat ya they love to run to the mods. Of course this is not a secret since they both have admitted it publically. By the way dummy how do you know they didn't issue him points, is there some PM information your putting out there.
Those two eunuchs are starting their own snitch, fudge packing and knitting club ! Three things that they figured out how to do with some SUC-cess !
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Old 07-08-2015, 09:36 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Now the AP has a story that the gun used was the property of a federal agent. WTF?

You ever notice how a liberal slam piece almost always turn out to be crap, false, or twisted. When the story is a conservative slam piece is almost always turns out to be true and gets better with each reading.
You are well and truly brainwashed. You hear what you want to hear. Listen to yourself.
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Old 07-08-2015, 09:40 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Yeah Weeendowed and Wormraider , too peas in a pod, if they cant beat ya they love to run to the mods. Of course this is not a secret since they both have admitted it publically. By the way dummy how do you know they didn't issue him points, is there some PM information your putting out there.
Look this is not the first time I have reported DSK to the MODS and it appears nothing has happened - he has the audacity to call my attorney a fa**ot and my attorney is planning to sue him for libel. I hope DSK aka JL can produce proof that my attorney is a fa$$ot or who will be in some serious financial trouble.
I would like the MODs to please block out that word and issue a stiff penalty to DSK - I pray that the MODS do not have an agenda against me and ignore this request.
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Old 07-08-2015, 10:50 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look this is not the first time I have reported DSK to the MODS and it appears nothing has happened - he has the audacity to call my attorney a fa**ot and my attorney is planning to sue him for libel. I hope DSK aka JL can produce proof that my attorney is a fa$$ot or who will be in some serious financial trouble.
I would like the MODs to please block out that word and issue a stiff penalty to DSK - I pray that the MODS do not have an agenda against me and ignore this request.
The have an agenda against stupid so ur fucked
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Old 07-08-2015, 11:23 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look this is not the first time I have reported DSK to the MODS and it appears nothing has happened - he has the audacity to call my attorney a fa**ot and my attorney is planning to sue him for libel. I hope DSK aka JL can produce proof that my attorney is a fa$$ot or who will be in some serious financial trouble.
I would like the MODs to please block out that word and issue a stiff penalty to DSK - I pray that the MODS do not have an agenda against me and ignore this request.
Do you really want me to send the mods a picture of you sucking your faggot attorney's dick, you stupid fuckhead?

I most certainly do not want to get you banned, you are too fucking entertaining, even though you are a faggotty, shiftless and lazy{edit}.

P.S. Your attorney is a big fat joke if he would sue anyone using an anonymous name during a flame war on a SHMB. There are no damages, fuckhead!!! You go tell him to dip his sandwich in the shitter and eat it, cause that is more than he will get from me.

I assume he can tell from your voice that you are a broke dick [edit] and couldn't pay the motherfucker, anyway?
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Old 07-08-2015, 11:30 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Conservative Logic:

I can compare two utterly unrelated events and try to draw some sort of bizarre analogy that only a retard could accept as being valid.
I get it now. You are a solicitor, not a barrister. You just shuffle fucking paperwork and intimidate less educated rule followers who reflexively respect authority and are impressed by your KMart law degree.

You could never win over a jury in a close case.

I bet you make less than fifty grand a year and have to suck dick on the side to buy your cheeseburgers and low quality wine.
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Old 07-08-2015, 12:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Look this is not the first time I have reported DSK to the MODS and it appears nothing has happened - he has the audacity to call my attorney a fa**ot and my attorney is planning to sue him for libel. I hope DSK aka JL can produce proof that my attorney is a fa$$ot or who will be in some serious financial trouble.
I would like the MODs to please block out that word and issue a stiff penalty to DSK - I pray that the MODS do not have an agenda against me and ignore this request.
WE, since you choose to participate here then should by now also be aware of the fact that occasionally you will see posts made here that you might object to ...but just because you object to something doesn't mean that I'm going to run in here and remove it.

Remember it's completely your decision alone whether or not you click on this forum and read this crap in here ...so if doing so is causing you this much angst then maybe you should seek out a safer area of the board.
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Old 07-08-2015, 01:03 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
WE, since you choose to participate here then should by now also be aware of the fact that occasionally you will see posts made here that you might object to ...but just because you object to something doesn't mean that I'm going to run in here and remove it.

Remember it's completely your decision alone whether or not you click on this forum and read this crap in here ...so if doing so is causing you this much angst then maybe you should seek out a safer area of the board.
OMG I can't believe what I read out of a mouth of a MOD. It appears than even the MOD has an agenda against me. All I ask is that everyone in here follows the rules and clearly DSK must be immune from prosecution in the forums. The word fa$$ot is a deragatory word and should not be tolerated - people in the real world have been rightfully terminated for using that word- athletes have lost millions in endorsement for using that word.
Now I have a MOD basically telling me to grow a pair and get lost. I have a right to be here and express my views. Why does nearly everyone in these forums have a freaking agenda against me ? It appears my presence is not wanted - I have been politically and religiously crucified in these forums and I can't even turn to a MOD for help.
I think I will take my attorneys advice and disable my account and seek legal action against these cyber bullies and cyber terrorist. I have been very humble and I have not been rude to anyone - all I ask was for peace and a sense of security when I enter these forums. I have been called racial names - sexual epitaphs have been thrown at me and my attorney and I even had someone wish me death. I have RTM the MODS and nothing has happened -this is out right anarachy in these forums and it's running amok!!! I am officially done in here - this is a sad day for ECCIE the bullies and cyber terrorist have won.
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Old 07-08-2015, 02:02 PM   #44
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A sexual "epitaph" has been hurled at you?

You're such an idiot! Tell your attorney that if he sues anyone here for libel, truth is a defense.

WeeEndowed, the God Fauxing Christian, this forum was created so we could call each other faggot, and worse. Grow a pair, or have your old ones sewn back in. Your lies and stories are too funny for us to miss.

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Old 07-08-2015, 02:46 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by JCM800 View Post
WE, since you choose to participate here then should by now also be aware of the fact that occasionally you will see posts made here that you might object to ...but just because you object to something doesn't mean that I'm going to run in here and remove it.

Remember it's completely your decision alone whether or not you click on this forum and read this crap in here ...so if doing so is causing you this much angst then maybe you should seek out a safer area of the board.
BRAVO !!!!!
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