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Old 04-29-2015, 10:31 PM   #31
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I've had a lot of one to one conversations about hooker boards throughout my hobby days, almost exclusively with clients. I also talk with a whole lot of clients about their take on/experiences with the hobby. 70% of the conversations I have about the hobby focus on the fucked-up-ness of boards. (30% is dudes digging for secret insight into the lifestyle or looking for inside gossip). The vaaaaaast majority of men I've met here have been far more supportive, understanding, and clued-in than any of the most popular male posters in co-ed forums. Hell, if even 1/4 of the clients we faced spoke to us in session in the way many men here speak to us on the boards, y'all would alllllll be getting carpal tunnel real quick due to the pussy drought.

One of the most intriguing aspects to this whole world is power play shit that goes down on so many fucking levels. Fucking fascinating, truly. And although a girl like me knows better than to feed the trolls, it's real hard to bite your tongue day in and day out. "Lol...women be crazy," pimp talk, and "mmm...u suck real good, mami?" elicit all sorts of reactions in this well-read feminist. ALL SORTS! So, debate it is. Once again, I'm lucky that I can write a complete sentence...but I'm newly old and long-term chubby, so many of them go unread. But when the face of the hobby (the boards) fails to match the reality of the hobby (what goes on BCD), it's hard to keep quiet about it.

Hobbying is super rad for many of us. Gals get shit paid for while exploring their sexuality and power. Dudes get their dicks wet without having to risk too much out in the open. None of us voted to make pussy a commodity, but since it is...game on! Vying for big-man-of-the-boards is fine, I guess. It's just so lame. The vocal ladies are here because they're fed-up or realize they get more exposure/business from speaking up (or shamelessly advertising...or drunk...or whatever). Point is, a girl's gotta giggle when she watches a well-spoke dude bloviate about how he's much radder than a lady who gets paid for just showing up (25% of the time).

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Old 04-29-2015, 10:40 PM   #32
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It's much better listening to a feminist bloviate
TL;DR lol
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Old 04-29-2015, 10:47 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by rockerrick View Post
It's much better listening to a feminist bloviate
TL;DR lol
lol +1 hahahaha

p.s. your "TL;DR" ain't fucking valid when you cite SAT words from my middle and last paragraph.
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Old 04-29-2015, 10:49 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by JennsLolli View Post
I've had a lot of one to one conversations about hooker boards throughout my hobby days, almost exclusively with clients. I also talk with a whole lot of clients about their take on/experiences with the hobby. 70% of the conversations I have about the hobby focus on the fucked-up-ness of boards. (30% is dudes digging for secret insight into the lifestyle or looking for inside gossip). The vaaaaaast majority of men I've met here have been far more supportive, understanding, and clued-in than any of the most popular male posters in co-ed forums. Hell, if even 1/4 of the clients we faced spoke to us in session in the way many men here speak to us on the boards, y'all would alllllll be getting carpal tunnel real quick due to the pussy drought.

One of the most intriguing aspects to this whole world is power play shit that goes down on so many fucking levels. Fucking fascinating, truly. And although a girl like me knows better than to feed the trolls, it's real hard to bite your tongue day in and day out. "Lol...women be crazy," pimp talk, and "mmm...u suck real good, mami?" elicit all sorts of reactions in this well-read feminist. ALL SORTS! So, debate it is. Once again, I'm lucky that I can write a complete sentence...but I'm newly old and long-term chubby, so many of them go unread. But when the face of the hobby (the boards) fails to match the reality of the hobby (what goes on BCD), it's hard to keep quiet about it.

Hobbying is super rad for many of us. Gals get shit paid for while exploring their sexuality and power. Dudes get their dicks wet without having to risk too much out in the open. None of us voted to make pussy a commodity, but since it is...game on! Vying for big-man-of-the-boards is fine, I guess. It's just so lame. The vocal ladies are here because they're fed-up or realize they get more exposure/business from speaking up (or shamelessly advertising...or drunk...or whatever). Point is, a girl's gotta giggle when she watches a well-spoke dude bloviate about how he's much radder than a lady who gets paid for just showing up (25% of the time).
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Old 04-30-2015, 02:21 AM   #35
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To the OP - good post RT, sometimes the board is so negative it seems like there's gotta be a better way. I think if the money flow direction wasn't there the ladies would hold their own fine, but as it is the mud slinging is to their disadvantage.

I agree with everything except the part on the "No" reviews...
Sometimes that is just the way it is - maybe she's disinterested, maybe the TCB is ridiculous. I kind of wish the provider was allowed to defend themselves in that case, but I'm assuming that's too much of a can of worms to allow...(?)
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Old 04-30-2015, 02:34 AM   #36
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This h'yar commotion maiks mah haid hurt and thet's why Ah just jerk mah gherkin an save all o' mah dinero fer tah stock mah bunker wif booze an' beef jerky an' cans o' them l'il vienner snausages fer tha cummin' A-pocky-lips. When tha shee'yit hits tha fan, Ah'll be able ta get tha hottest hoogars ta fukk mah brains out fer jus' a whiff o' that weird meat jelly frum tha cans o' them Hormel meat products.
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Old 04-30-2015, 02:38 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by endurance View Post
I kind of wish the provider was allowed to defend themselves in that case, but I'm assuming that's too much of a can of worms to allow...(?)
Isn't that why God created White Knights?

Seriously, other boards allow providers to comment about reviews. The dialogue can be intense. Sometimes agency owners will double team a guy who posts a negative review. Great fun that.
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Old 04-30-2015, 03:36 AM   #38
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Well said, Russ.

All too many males seem to forget, or perhaps never really believed in the precept, not concept that

Lades and Gents are truly "partners" in the hobby.

And, while both genders accept a certain level of risk, obviously the greater risk falls on the shoulders of the ladies.

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Old 04-30-2015, 09:52 AM   #39
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It's not only the Ladies who get run off the boards it's the Gents as well.

I look at it a little bit like "Consumer Reports" or Yelp or Annie whatever.

A service/product/time is provided (by a human being).
A customer (also a human being) buys it at whatever agreed upon rate.

At what point do you differentiate between the person and the "service"?

In addition, just to give a gender free example: A lower or upper body part may be Porn Star material, but if the Face or Personality does not go with it, do I only talk about the "body" ???

Most will not ever comment or talk about the experience. Some do and that should help both sides.
When you do --> be honest and still try to be respectful but don't fall into this trap, "If you can't say anything nice" .... this is an Information Exchange board ... about a "service/product"

Sounds harsh? Well may be but it takes the "personal" factor out of it.
Does it hurt to read that the service was not up to total expectation. YES, but it is what the customer perceived.
It was about the service not the person. Actually it reflects much more on the customer than on the provider.

Now the Hobby isn't for the fainthearted, it's a rough world out here, you have all sorts of groups posting, different ethnicities, cultures, value systems, languages, slangs...
... and you have the agendas and pimps and machos and power brokers as well as the Gentleman, Lady lovers, Save a Ho, etc.

At the end of the day, it's all of us who make the Boards and Discussions. I believe the owners have set up guidelines that make it possible for a great community to exist.
It's not always Happy Days, shouldn't be, can't be.
At the end of the day, it's up to all of us to make it work, but we all can't be happy here either.

Just my dumb ass observation.
oh and Happy Fucking to all of you.
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Old 04-30-2015, 09:57 AM   #40
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Wink Pleasantly surprised!

I want to personally Thank who ever pulled the strings of the bullies who ruled the Austin Co Ed!
This action has made eccie and the Austin boards a great place to visit and contribute!
Name calling and constant insulting the Providers is not a great way to secure dates with the ladies...Just sayin!
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Old 04-30-2015, 09:59 AM   #41
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Yep money works so much better. lol
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Old 04-30-2015, 11:09 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
Then you are contributing to the problem just as much as the negative commenters.

If you and people like you don't post positive commentary and provide a normal tone, you leave it to others to set the tone.

While I agree with the OP, I can't help agree with this post as well.
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Old 04-30-2015, 12:08 PM   #43
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Back to the NO reviews.... I value them more than the Yes ones. I have bit my tongue many times when seeing someone and the looks and service were lacking and just didn't write a review because I would of given a damaging review on someone that may of just been off that day. I have written a few NO reviews.
As far as the one word stuff in welcome wagon like CBJ-pass, what's wrong with that? Is it that rude? It saved me time of research because I would never see a CBJ provider.
Russ- you are valued here. I personally skip to your reviews on someone many times thank you! But you sound a bit of a White Knight to me here. Although I do agree with pissing matches constantly get old. But I just don't get involved or participate.
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Old 04-30-2015, 04:44 PM   #44
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Relieved that someone opened a discussion about the negativity on the board.

I am here to seek mutually enjoyable experiences. I emphasize mutually. If not mutually enjoyable then I'd seek out a fleshlight/doll. This is a fantasy. An brief escape to enjoy the company of another person willing to share that with you. The donation is for the time and fantasy. What is enjoyable to one may not be to another. That includes kissing, BBBJ, CBJ, Greek and even TS. To each their own. It is amazing that this forum allows people sharing similar interests to get together. Judging those experiences is immature and a reflection of ones own self identity challenges.

In my opinion what makes this all mutually enjoyable is trust and respect.
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Old 04-30-2015, 05:11 PM   #45
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Definitely not going to argue against Russ' point about the negative tone that seems to prevail here frequently. I think many of his points are valid - in my opinion, there really has to be a pressing reason to be rude. He said/she said argument regarding a session are really prominent in that regard.

But, there are times that being direct is very important as well, and the definition of rudeness varies a bit. Like another poster, if I see a CBJ-pass comment, I just skip right along, since that doesn't interest me. Commenting on the services offered I think is valid, in that those services are a choice about how the lady chooses to run her business, not a comment about her personally. I think it is valid for her to see that it may be costing her business - and she can do whatever she chooses with that information. If she clearly states "CBJ only", and I show up expecting a BBBJ, hey, I have no grounds to be upset.

The other area where I think directness is needed is when there's misrepresentation. If a lady posts pictures of herself 200 lbs. or 30 years ago, I think that needs to be called out, particularly if one shelled out money to figure that out. If advertised services aren't available, that should be called out as well (not services someone may have gotten in a review, but one that the lady clearly states she provides).

With all that being said, I think the real driver of a lot of rudeness is misunderstanding and disappointment - if a lady mentions "I love xyz", and I see her, and I only get x, I'm going to be pissed, and that's a justified "no" review in my book, along with misrepresentation.

I've had a couple of sessions where the lady was exactly what I was expecting, but there just wasn't much chemistry - in those cases, I have no problem writing a "yes" review, because that can never be predicted. If she represents herself honestly, and her looks, price point, or services don't match what I'm looking for, I just don't schedule. If she is blatantly lying just to get cash out of me, yeah, I'll be pissed, and I'll be rude about it.
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