This thread has gotten more attention than I ever expected. I have had over 50 responses via PM, email and phone. The responses aren't just local either, I've had inquiries from people out of town and out of state.
We had our first class last Thursday and it was great! There were fewer people than I expected but the ladies who did show, were serious. The instruction was priceless. There was no "scheme", no "do-it-now" and no $ required. We learned the basics and what was good for each of us and we must have asked a thousand questions. To everyone who missed it, you really missed it! We had fun, (some had more fun than others
you know who you are! ) and I'm looking forward to meeting with our sexy and super-smart teacher again in the future. Thank you for taking your time and giving it to us. We appreciate your time, efforts and telling us what we needed to hear.
There is going to be another class, this time it will be on Real Estate. Not buying houses for thousands of dollars either. Anyone interested in more info, contact me. If anyone wants to have another "basics of investing" class, let me know and I'll put it together.
For everyone who has responded to these "investing" threads,
thank you. You've all been so gracious and generous with your knowledge. I have alot to learn and I'll be listening.