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Old 08-31-2014, 09:37 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by OldLRRP View Post
We have fewer people with insurance than before ObamaCare. In the long run, we could have paid for the 17% without insurance. When you consider the number of employees who have either been let go or moved to part time, you would have a better understanding of the true cost of this bill. The bill repays the insurance companies for any losses incurred. I guarantee they will show a loss.

[citation needed]
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Old 08-31-2014, 10:11 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat View Post

Government regulations are causing it. They cause the problem and then come in and take over because the problem they have caused has gotten out of control.

Take medicare for instance, say you have person A with private insurance and person B on medicare. Both go to the hospital with the same ailment and need the same treatment. Medicare tells the doctor we are only going to pay XX amount of dollars for this treatment and thats all your going to get, period! No ifs ands or buts, thats it. No matter what the cost really is. Do the doctors and hospitals just eat the loss? Fuck no they dont. They pass it on to the insurance company of patient A. So does patient A insurance company just eat the loss? Fuck no they don't eat it either. So who ends up eating the loss that the government caused? Patient A eats it. The insurance companys have to jack the rates up on people with private insurance.

And then the government turns around and says "we have to do something about health care cost, patient A has to pay too much and it's getting out of control".

Well no fucking shit! The problem isn't greedy doctors, it's greedy government. Put the blame where it belongs. Don't just bitch about the rising cost, bitch at the ones causing it.
This entire post is nonsensical. Medicare is a social program run by the government, private insurance decides if they are going to cover a procedure the government won't cover. The government reducing the payments in Medicare because a lot of doctors were scamming the system. It's not hard to find hundred of articles of doctors being prosecuted for cheating the system. Medicare fraud was a huge part of the waste that was costing taxpayers billions, now you're complaining that the government is reducing the opportunity for people to steal from taxpayers. Doctors were billing Medicare and performing unnecessary procedures on unsuspecting elderly people that didn't need them, all to get some of the easy money from the government. So yes, it was greedy doctors. People going to the ER for primary care and not paying their bills was the MAIN reason for rising costs. IT EVEN SAYS THAT IN THE LINK YOU POSTED:

Health-care providers must make profits to stay in business, and they charge more to insured patients to recoup their losses when they provide care for those without insurance and those who receive government medical assistance. Medicaid and Medicare pay significantly less than the cost of providing health-care products and services. This adds to the losses hospitals and other health care facilities absorb when they provide care for the uninsured.
You're essentially saying the government should increase socialism. You're so filled with hatred and ideological inflexibility, you don't understand your own argument or the specific details and workings of healthcare in America. Medical Bills were the #1 cause of bankruptcies prior to the ACA(Obamacare). Half of those people were 45 and older. Do you honestly believe insurance companies were lining up to insure people over 60?

If you don't even understand the information in the link you posted, I'm done.
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Old 08-31-2014, 10:22 PM   #33
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And guess how many doctor's offices and medical facilities have cut Medicaid from their accepted insurance since Obamacare took effect?

Anyone care to weigh in on this since I don't know the exact percrtage?

I heard some 65% of Baylor clinics dropped Medicaid from their accepted insurance lists.

And the ACA was supposed to benefit poor and middle class?

I bet Parkland is loving Obamacare right about now. That's the only place left for tens of thousands of Medicaid patients who's primary doctors just gave them the boot.

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Old 08-31-2014, 10:58 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
And guess how many doctor's offices and medical facilities have cut Medicaid from their accepted insurance since Obamacare took effect?

Anyone care to weigh in on this since I don't know the exact percrtage?

I heard some 65% of Baylor clinics dropped Medicaid from their accepted insurance lists.

And the ACA was supposed to benefit poor and middle class?

I bet Parkland is loving Obamacare right about now. That's the only place left for tens of thousands of Medicaid patients who's primary doctors just gave them the boot.

Like any business, they are not going to provide services for less than it costs them. Medicare patients face the same issue.
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Old 08-31-2014, 11:00 PM   #35
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You're right dude. It's crooked doctors and hospitals that have done this.

They have to make their money somewhere man. They won't stay open for business very long if they loose money. And when the government short changes them they go to the people who actually pay to make up their losses. It's really pretty simple to understand.
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Old 08-31-2014, 11:18 PM   #36
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My point was more that the people who were supposedly the targeted benefactors of ACA (poor and middle class) are the ones forced to either pay more (the middle class) or have less access to medical care (the poor). The exact opposite of what was intended.

I'm still waiting to see how it all evens out over the next few years but so far it is absolute shit.

To the previous comments, of course businesses will do what they need to do to stay out of the red. It doesn't make them greedy. It makes them smart. Government sets the policies that stifle or enable the private sector which is why people such as myself believe in very little government intervention. It just doesn't work the way its intended (see above).

Survivalism is the only thing that stands the test of time. Too big too fail should have been aloud to fail. It would have corrected much of the greed.
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Old 08-31-2014, 11:22 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Roger.Smith View Post
... The government reducing the payments in Medicare because a lot of doctors were scamming the system. It's not hard to find hundred of articles of doctors being prosecuted for cheating the system. Medicare fraud was a huge part of the waste that was costing taxpayers billions, now you're complaining that the government is reducing the opportunity for people to steal from taxpayers. Doctors were billing Medicare and performing unnecessary procedures on unsuspecting elderly people that didn't need them, all to get some of the easy money from the government. So yes, it was greedy doctors...
I guarantee you my primary care doctor is not one of them. He doesn't take Medicare. Never has and says he never will. He told me flat out that he couldn't afford to keep the lights on at the rates Medicare pays. Perhaps the reason other doctors are scamming the system is because they can't afford to work at Medicare rates and are trying to stay in business. Not that I'm condoning fraud. I'm not. I think my doctor's approach is the right one: don't work for less than the cost of doing business. Unfortunately that probably means I have to find a new doctor when I turn 65 though.
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:00 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
which is why people such as myself believe in very little government intervention.
You are not alone. It are sucking vasts amounts of money into an entity that doesn't produce anything. Keynesian economics doesn't work.
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:02 AM   #39
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The poor didn't get helped in Texas. Medicaid was not expanded, so if you make little enough to qualify for Medicaid, you are without coverage because you cannot get subsidy. So dropping Medicaid at Baylor really has little of nothing to do with Obamacare. Baylor HAS dropped a couple of common carriers, but they will always accept BCBS, because BCBS is wholly owned by Baylor.
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Old 09-01-2014, 09:25 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
The poor didn't get helped in Texas. Medicaid was not expanded, so if you make little enough to qualify for Medicaid, you are without coverage because you cannot get subsidy. So dropping Medicaid at Baylor really has little of nothing to do with Obamacare. Baylor HAS dropped a couple of common carriers, but they will always accept BCBS, because BCBS is wholly owned by Baylor.
I disagree. It has a lot to do with the changes implemented by the ACA and how it effects funding of Medicaid and whether or not facilities want to deal with it. Point is, the people who are on Medicaid have very little choices left on who to seek care from which for the Dems seems pretty bassakwards since the poor and indigent are who they supposedly want to help.

Just musing over the irony is all.
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Old 09-01-2014, 11:45 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
The poor didn't get helped in Texas. Medicaid was not expanded, so if you make little enough to qualify for Medicaid, you are without coverage because you cannot get subsidy. So dropping Medicaid at Baylor really has little of nothing to do with Obamacare. Baylor HAS dropped a couple of common carriers, but they will always accept BCBS, because BCBS is wholly owned by Baylor.
Texas declined because the government only subsidizes it for two to three years. After that, Texas would have to pay the full amount.

It is believed that people were encouraged to understate their incomes for the subsidies. The IRS will be looking at their incomes and charging them back.

Many young people are just willing to pay the fine. If they get sick, they will just sign up ...no preexisting conditions.

I read that under medicare, people can get sex change operations. Seriously? For people that are 65 years old? Your tax dollars at work.

The government still refuses to give out information about who signed up, who paid, demographics etc..
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Old 09-01-2014, 11:56 AM   #42
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Actually, I know a few people who were encouraged to overstate their income to just above the poverty line so they could get the subsidies... With subsidies, a person RIGHT on the line can get insurance for 45/month

In addition, the young people who would rather pay the fine... hope they don't get sick when it isn't open enrollment time, you can only enroll during open enrollment, or in the event of a life changing event such as marriage or a child being born.
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Old 09-01-2014, 04:15 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by OldLRRP View Post
Texas declined because the government only subsidizes it for two to three years. After that, Texas would have to pay the full amount.
Damn I hate getting drawn into these type of discussions!

You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. The people added because of the expanded eligiblity are covered by the federal govt for 3 years at 100% after that it tapers down to 90% federal payment nine years later. What Texas said (Rick Perry) was that after 10 years the cost would be too much to bear. I will point out that a minority of states turned down the federal money and the expansion. Uninsured people in Texas get care. Just ask any of the large county hospitals what their unpaid care bills are. It is estimated Texas hospitals provide over $5 billion a year. In FY 2012 Parkland provided $685 million. Guess where that hidden cost ends up?
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Old 09-01-2014, 05:21 PM   #44
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Well, at least the did finally get the website fixed.

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Old 09-01-2014, 05:26 PM   #45
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Let's just hope and pray that the Republicans get control of the Senate and we can elect a Republican president in 2016. Then maybe we can get rid of this POS legislation.

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