Originally Posted by stevepar
yssup rider....
the same thing happened on indys....amish and his wolfpack buddies invaded the site like a swarm of locust hell bent on destruction....i think they migrated here after people on indys got tired of their crap....
they will also bad mouth indys at ever chance....
the same thing could happen here which would stunt all the recent growth of this site mentioned previously...
Lighten up Stevie. It was actually BSers Wolfpack. Now, head over to the Political forum. They accept guys that don't hobby. Like Aussie and Noob. They called guys like that trolls in the Stump. I will say this, there's not a whole lot of intelligent debate there. It only takes one post for the insults to fly. At least in the Stump, you might get thru one page before it degraded into a hissy fight.
How's your track days going.