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Old 11-27-2013, 09:07 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by tucson View Post
Am I to understand the ladies rely on the rubbers to not get pregnant.? Surly they are on the pill. I would never think the ladies would take a chance even with their boy friends or SO.

Tucson, the longer I am around the hobby, the less shocked I am. I can't tell you how many hobby babies there are out there or hobby pregnancies there have been.

I guess the bottom line in all of this is: Each of us is responsible for protecting ourselves, relying on another (hobbyist or provider) to take care of one's self is quite the risk.

Condoms fail, birth control fails, accidents happen, people make mistakes etc. Ensure your best interests are taken care of, do your best to do no harm, get tested regularly and recognize that life is full of risks. Period.

If one isn't prepared to deal with the potential consequences, they shouldn't play.

WALDT. So, there should be no judgment (in theory), however we live in a very real (and non-theoretical) world.

I presume that most providers have, or have had, a relationship outside of the hobby. An SO, BF, GF, casual encounter with a civilian, etc. The same is true of the hobbyist. I presume at some point, we (providers and hobbyists) have engaged in a level of activity that some would consider "risky". To me, not an issue. What matters is that 1) I am respectful of my partner(s) (civilian or hobby partners) 2) I do not secretly bring risks into that relationship. 3) I am prepared to deal with the consequences of those risks.

I know several hobbyists that were served with papers requiring them to submit to DNA testing. Is that harsh? Not IMO, they knowingly engaged in BBFS with a provider who was indeed on contraception. The contraceptive failed and a baby resulted. In Texas, there goes 20% of your net available for the next 18 years.

Again, not judging, but are we all truly prepared to deal with the consequences?

I had a condom break once, early in my hobby "career". I was freaked out, but the provider was calm and said, "don't worry dear, I also take an oral contraceptive, so I won't get pregnant." That was reassuring, but certainly the event was an eye-opener for me.

A provider friend of mine recently got a message from a one time client. He tested positive for HIV and he was letting the ladies know. That provider is retired. She did not engage in BBFS in the hobby, but I don't care how careful you are, the reality is that viruses are pesky. She tested negative.

Want some facts on risks?

Genital Herpes may be caused by HSV-1 OR HSV-2. It is the location of the outbreak that makes it “genital herpes”.

HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus type 1) is the “fever blister” virus – associated normally with cold sores on the mouth. CDC studies show that nearly 58% of persons aged 14-49 have HSV-1.

HSV-2 is related to HSV-1 and is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) .

MOST persons infected (CDC estimate is over 80%) with HSV-2 have NOT been diagnosed with genital herpes.

Women are more prone to infection than men.

CDC studies show that 1 in 5 women aged 14-49, while 1 in 9 men aged 14-49 are infected with HSV-2.

The more sexual partners one has in a lifetime, in general, raises the risk of infection.

There are racial differences in the numbers as well:
39.2% of blacks, 12.3% whites and 10.1% of Hispanics are infected.
(When adjusted for only 2-4 lifetime sexual partners, the numbers are still racially skewed: Blacks 34.3% Whites 9.1% and Hispanics at 13%)

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be shed from skin that appears “normal” (in other words, no sores).
In these “asymptomatic” infections, HSV shedding occurs on 10% of the days.

Generally a person can only get HSV-2 infection during sexual contact with someone that has a genital HSV-2 infection.


The CDC does not recommend screening for HSV-1 or HSV-2 for the general population. In other words, you either need symptoms (e.g. lesions) or need to ask your Doctor for testing.

There is no cure for Herpes.

Antiviral meds (such as Valtrex) can shorten or suppress outbreaks and a daily suppressive therapy can greatly reduce the likelihood of transmission of the virus to partners.

Only way to be sure to avoid HSV-2? Never have sexual contact. (However, some contact is riskier than others).

Only way to be sure to avoid a hobby baby? Never have sexual intercourse.

All facts above are from

______________________________ ______________________________


STI s (and babies) are a risk, hobby or not. Of course, hobbying increases our partners and therefore our risks.

That being said, the risks two people choose to take BCD should be mutual and consensual.

A provider who is diagnosed with an incurable STI and pulls herself from the hobby, is IMO, doing taking a responsible act. Her other responsible choice would be to inform each and every client of her infection. (Mutual and informed consent).

By the same token, a hobbyist with an incurable STI should pull himself from the hobby or inform each and every provider of his infection.

STI testing should be routine, it is inexpensive and responsible.

In the event of the "unwanted phone call", pull yourself out, get tested and play again when it is safe.

Probably more than you wanted and off my soap box for now.

My .02

Respectfully submitted,

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Old 11-27-2013, 01:40 PM   #17
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Where would I go for STI testing? I have never run bare back but wished that I could. I was married 50 years and always bare back. Now its like wearing rubber boots. If I knew a lady that had tested negative and I were to show up with a clean test I would be spending a hell of a lot of money on her.
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Old 11-27-2013, 03:07 PM   #18
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Showing up with a clean test.....yea right...Who is going to verify the two paper documents and say it's legit.......No if's and or butts or so called paper can make BBFS ok. How about using a female condom and see how that works.....
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Old 11-27-2013, 03:29 PM   #19
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Y'all are arguing over a thread started by a banned troll...just sayin'...
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Old 11-27-2013, 07:43 PM   #20
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Let's admit it. Take the risks of STDs and pregnancies out of the picture, and most of us would prefer to bareback (both guys and gals).
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:00 PM   #21
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Y'all are arguing over a thread started by a banned troll...just sayin'...

It's the subject not who started it. Bare back holds a fascination for many of us.
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Old 11-29-2013, 07:27 PM   #22
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Well written
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Old 12-02-2013, 06:31 AM   #23
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I have to say, I believe "Bare Back" to be a fetish.
And while it isn't a fetish I wish to partake in- I do believe it happens more than most are willing to admit. The issue comes back to the same old topic, "Std or/and Pregnancy"

If you are partaking in BB, just remember to get check regularly.

To providers that are offering BB, even if you are on birth control- there is still a chance you can get pregnant. My advice would be to get as much information from the client as you can. If you are against abortions and end up pregnant, the last thing you want is a baby to grow up without a father. It can be mentally scarring but those child support checks will help support your new bundle of joy. Also, even if the hobbist is fixed and can't have children BUT you can, it never hurts to get his information for just in case STD scares. Also, if you contract something and believe him to be at risk, you will need something better than a fake name or screen name to get a hold of him. Another thing, while someone could claim to be clean and disease free, they can also claim to be fixed. Getting someone pregnant (believe it or not) is a fetish. So, just watch out.

To hobbist looking to get BB, don't try talking a provider into it. If she brings it up and you are willing to partake, do what you want. But the same advice for you goes, you need real information. If she gives you something like an STD or she gets pregnant and claims you are the father, she is just another name in the wild. Here one day and gone the next. I'm not going to start preaching. It's your life, do what you want. But at least be smart with it. If not for you, at least for your loved ones. Even if a provider claims to be on birth control- (I) would never cum inside. Ever. You have to understand something, you are a meal ticket. Getting her pregnant just insured her some money without ever having to touch you again. Also- if you really are fixed, the last thing you need is a letter claiming they need a DNA sample from you, heaven forbid your wife or lover gets it. Having the vasectomy papers handy when you go in doesn't hurt either.

Also, please, don't try being sly. That whole, "I forgot/ didn't bring a condom" thing is such a huge turn off (for me). Even though I do supply the equipment- I might not have your size in stock. And I'm sorry, no glove, no love; from me.
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Old 12-02-2013, 09:55 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by ZedX79 View Post
Is it a fetish? No. Is a creampie a fetish? Absolutely. ,,,,,,,
I think this pretty accurate...

Are there other sexual acts that in their most natural state are considered a fetish?
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:23 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
Y'all are arguing over a thread started by a banned troll...just sayin'...
This is the type of topic that causes problems. I do not see bbfs as a "fetish". I see it as an "issue" that is being bantered to death on this board.

The topic stays open. And I'm loath to admit it, but WU has a point. The topic was only started to stir things up which is what trolls are known for doing.

There is a huge (and stickied) topic in the National forums about bbfs. Might interest some of you to read it.

I will say that I've enjoyed reading a few of the diverse opinions on the topic, though.

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