Originally Posted by MR.knowitall
And she is already back to posting instructions on how to join, pay and be verified (back to being DoucheGuys sidekick again). Hell, I'll bet she never was taken off the board in the first place. Would have been real easy to have her troll through the site all this time incog while pretending to be banned.
Rising to the top again fast, which means everyone is at risk the more privileges she gets. Guess there is no tolerance level at RTP, just whatever 'exit' DoucheGuy decides to get off on is the road to take.
Yes MR.knowitall. And I know you are intelligent enough to know what I am talking about. I'm betting that would have been seen in the member group lists. Since she has everything intact, I'm betting he put her in a list outside of other providers. Guess what THAT isn't "banned" is it? You won't find Crowley or CarloMotave in any of those lists. I do wonder if Coach is still buried in there somewhere. Like I said you can get valuable information on those lists if you are allowed to see them. You won't get absolute info but you can at least see something that doesn't make sense and question it. I guarantee there are groups with certain members of the "in" crowd. Hell he created one before I was banned. It was a special verified only group that supposedly had Coach blocked. Supposedly Diveguy did this by putting Coach in a group called "Verified +". Hmm why did he call it that? Weird huh. Did he REALLY have blocked access in that group? Who knows. It's HIS word so we just have to trust HIM don't we?
And I'm sorry from my perspective (knowing the whole story of what happened with the "outing"). There is no fucking way she got her act together in just a few months. I am honestly rooting for her to get better. Am I rooting for her to get back into the hobby full force like before? Hell no. Everyone deserves a second chance. But that doesn't really look like a second chance to me. It's more like giving her back what she feels she deserves. And THAT ain't right.