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Old 11-11-2012, 07:24 AM   #16
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
Defense is a responsibility, out of control spending in defense is irresponsible.
Even more so, the same holds true of Social Welfare Spending which is not Constitutionally prescribed and which far and away exceeds defense spending.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:33 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You perpetuate the ignorant fucking mantra of the left. Fact is, “defense” is a constitutionally specified responsibility of the U.S. government; while social welfare spending is a contrivance of devised by you lefty-loonies. Furthermore, the defense budget to date has sustained the government you lefty-loonies now expect to spend even more on social welfare. You ignorant morons cannot pare down the U.S. defense forces to the degree that they are on par with its arch-rivals and simultaneously expect to sustain a government – a nation – that is capable of surviving to continue to provide the social services you lefty-loonies think the government is obligated to now provide.

Just an FYI, the Hispanics I've worked with, both in and out of the service, were/are not "moochers".

I liked the part where the Armed services doesn't want anymore tanks,but the congresspersons where the tanks are built tell them they are getting more tanks.Now there is one place defense spending could be cut.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:44 AM   #18
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Key words - Combined Federal and State spending. If we're talking about Federal spending, here is the breakdown for 2013.

Defense - $851B
Non-Defense - $410B
SS - $820B
Medicare - $523B
Medicaid - $283B
TARP - $12B
Other Mandatory Programs - $654B
Interest - $248B
Total Outlays - $3.803T

Social Security is not an entitlement program, people paid for it and as they retire we have the duty to pay them back. I max out my SS contributions in July, and I know I won't get anything back because the money has been spent by your buddies in the two parties 95% seem to love.

So what's left on the table to reduce is our deficit is $2.983T. Any business person will drill into the numbers, run a pareto on the top 80% of expenditures and focus in those areas. Defense will be at the top of the list and also needs to be looked at. I'm not advocating to not defend our country, I'm advocating to use our dollars more effectively. For someone who doesn't like Federal spending to blindly trust that more is better and that the Federal Government is maximizing the benefit out of those dollars spent, is truly naive.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:45 AM   #19
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And I do thank you for confirming that Hispanics are not moochers. I wish the right wing radio and TV talking heads would stop perpetuating that myth. Some people might start to believe it.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:52 AM   #20
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
Key words - Combined Federal and State spending. If we're talking about Federal spending, here is the breakdown for 2013.

Defense - $851B
Non-Defense - $410B
SS - $820B
Medicare - $523B
Medicaid - $283B
TARP - $12B
Other Mandatory Programs - $654B
Interest - $248B
Total Outlays - $3.803T

Social Security is not an entitlement program, people paid for it and as they retire we have the duty to pay them back. I max out my SS contributions in July, and I know I won't get anything back because the money has been spent by your buddies in the two parties 95% seem to love.

So what's left on the table to reduce is our deficit is $2.983T. Any business person will drill into the numbers, run a pareto on the top 80% of expenditures and focus in those areas. Defense will be at the top of the list and also needs to be looked at. I'm not advocating to not defend our country, I'm advocating to use our dollars more effectively. For someone who doesn't like Federal spending to blindly trust that more is better and that the Federal Government is maximizing the benefit out of those dollars spent, is truly naive.
No quibble with how you categorize SS, but the rest of the charts stand, and they show government outlays for social service porgrams far and away exceed expenses for defense. The chart shows, the "war on poverty" has been waged since the 1960s with no resolution in sight and at a cost nearly three times what this country has spent on defense -- throughout its entire history.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:56 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
And I do thank you for confirming that Hispanics are not moochers. I wish the right wing radio and TV talking heads would stop perpetuating that myth. Some people might start to believe it.
Talking Heads Geraldo Rivera and Kimberly Guilfoyle have never perpetuated such myth.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:57 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
Florida has finally tallied all the votes and has declared Gore the winner...
Ekim, I'm sure you meant that statement as a joke, because it is a flat-out lie.

After the Supreme Court shut the door, the newspapers paid for the full-up recound of the entire state of Florida, precinct by precinct, ballot box by ballot box, under all sets of counting rules.

The result was the same under all rules: Bush won. Period.

Interestingly enough, the rules the Gore people wanted gave Bush the largest margin of victory, while the Bush camp rules gave the narrowest margin.

This was very disappointing to the newspapers. They had been hoping to run a huge headline about the full recount proving Gore had actually won. Those pesky ballots just didn't cooperate.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:57 AM   #23
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IB - The data you provide bundles State and Federal. I'm talking about Federal budgets because that's where we have a major problem and we're dragging the entire nation along for a bumpy ride. When you pay $248B in interest, that's unbelievable! We could do so much more with that money. Let the states spend their money as they please. There are more controls at the state level than at the Federal level.
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Old 11-11-2012, 07:58 AM   #24
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by ekim008 View Post
I liked the part where the Armed services doesn't want anymore tanks,but the congresspersons where the tanks are built tell them they are getting more tanks.Now there is one place defense spending could be cut.
Ekim the Inbred, you're the ignorant, moronic type that would like such things.
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Old 11-11-2012, 08:02 AM   #25
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IB - Is there an analysis from the Heritage Foundation that includes only Federal spending? Combining with State spending muddies the data.
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Old 11-11-2012, 08:06 AM   #26
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
IB - The data you provide bundles State and Federal. I'm talking about Federal budgets because that's where we have a major problem and we're dragging the entire nation along for a bumpy ride. When you pay $248B in interest, that's unbelievable! We could do so much more with that money. Let the states spend their money as they please. There are more controls at the state level than at the Federal level.
To attribute all of those "interest payments" to defense spending is dishonest considering social welfare spending exceeds defense spending. Ignoring how much money the states expend on social welfare is also a dishonest representation of the facts except to lefty-loonies who want to claim not enough tax-payer money is spent on social welfare.

Originally Posted by icuminpeace View Post
IB - Is there an analysis from the Heritage Foundation that includes only Federal spending? Combining with State spending muddies the data.
That is the point of their study: they are illustrating how much tax-payer money is REALLY spent on social welfare.
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Old 11-11-2012, 09:28 AM   #27
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I did not attribute interest expense to Defense. They're a separate category in the budget. You keep mixing issues - State vs. Federal. At the end of the day, I really don't care any more what happens here. My plan B is well on its way and it doesn't depend on what happens in the U.S. If the left nor the right are willing to work for the country and just drive their agenda, there is no hope for this country.
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Old 11-11-2012, 10:36 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
No quibble with how you categorize SS, but the rest of the charts stand,.
Medicare is also paid for, just like SS.

That leaves Defense.

This election should have been about answering the question...Do you want to pay higher taxes to continue to pay for a Defense budget that has doubled in the last decade?
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Old 11-11-2012, 10:39 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
To attribute all of those "interest payments" to defense spending is dishonest considering social welfare spending exceeds defense spending.

SS and Medicare are paid for, of course you have to attribute the majority of interests payments to Defense. That is what the majority of borrowed money went to.

In fact they bacically took it out of the savings of both SS and Medicare.
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Old 11-11-2012, 11:00 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Medicare is also paid for, just like SS.

That leaves Defense.

This election should have been about answering the question...Do you want to pay higher taxes to continue to pay for a Defense budget that has doubled in the last decade?
And still you ignore the tables! "Means Tested Welfare" alone still exceeds defense spending, and you're ignoring the monies spent on education (pre-Odumbo figures that do not include Odumbo's expansion of Pell Grants!) -- a social service expense -- and other functions of running the government. Neither the debt or deficit spending IS solely attributable to defense spending, and without defense, you wouldn't even have a government! Regarding Medicare, it's not entirely funded as you say.

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