Originally Posted by gnadfly
Your stupidity is monumental bintex.
Bush is gone. Obama had three and a half years to wrap up Afghanistan. Things are markedly worse under Obama's stead and the Taliban will quickly refill the vacuum as soon as we leave. Barry lost focus when the his commander asked for more troops to implement a successful Iraqi strategy. When he didn't get those troops, Barry fired McChrystal. Things have been going downhill since. Now 18 Afghanis were beheaded for dancing at a wedding and our soldiers simply can't trust the native soldiers.
But you hate Bush. You will take it to your grave. We get it. I find it hilarious.
Turdfly, you referring to someone as monumentally stupid is akin to the pot calling the kettle black. You lived, ate and breathed George W. Bush for the entire 8 extraordinarily long years that he was POTUS. In your dreams you had orgasm's thinking about what it would be like to spend BCD time with him.
George W. Bush was a total and absolute failure as President. There is a very good reason that I often refer to him as "the most unpopular (and incompetent) President in modern history." If there is any question in your feeble mind, I will make it easy for you. Just click the link:
As it relates to hating Bush, I do not hate him. However, I do hate what he did to this country. In 8 extraordinarily long years, we waged 2 unfunded wars, with one being the ill advised and ill conceived mistake in Iraq. By the time the Shrub left office the United States was mired in the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. In simpler terms, it took eight, very long years but the crows finally came home to roost!
Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
I actually find it quite humorous that you have the audacity to criticize me for hating Bush when you obviously harbor so much hatred for Obama. Once again, it is another classic example of the pot calling the kettle black! Through the years, I have come to expect that from you! In a short phrase, you are nothing more than a mindless and clueless partisan hack!
With all of that said, a Turdfly and a Catfish have something in common. You will each swallow all of the stink bait that's on the hook! Hook, line and sinker!