Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts
I believe that the more okays a guy has (in his length of membership) just tells me that he likes variety or is searching for something specific and hasn't found it yet.
How would you like it if our Partner count was displayed and guys chose us off of that? Lets no go there...please no. Not being bitchy, just something for you to think about.
I understand your rational, but I will tell you that I have "found" a couple of ladies that I have reviewed, and I have had sessions with them multiple times, however, I still like to see different providers as well and that will never change as long as I am hobbying.
As far as your "partner count" goes, it is displayed, just click on your ECCIE reviews, but also keep in mind that you have had MANY other sessions as well, from the guys that do not ever do reviews, the ones that did not want to put a review of you up and lets not forget about RL "sessions" outside the hobby.
But you are right, there is not accurate way to measure how many men you have been with, and the same can be said vice versa.
Point is, those are just numbers and does not reflect anything as far as if a guy is a "STUD" or raises red flags for providers.