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Old 01-26-2012, 10:50 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by tigercat View Post

Thanks for perfectly describing my thoughts. Never expected you to have a story that was so on point.
When you combine practicing criminal law for 28 years with being an active hobbyist up to just a few years ago, I probably have a story for just about every crazy fuck-up a provider or hobbyist can get themself into.
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Old 01-26-2012, 11:40 AM   #17
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
She crashed, damaging a house in her neighborhood. (You think I make this shit up?) When the detective told the girl she was facing pen time, she ratted out the hobbyist who gave her the Jager. The DA filed only a DWI first-offense and she avoided prison. The hobbyist, however, was only offered straight probation (not deferred), and now he has a permanent conviction on his record.
Don't know if there was a civil suit, but he would definitely have some exposure there as well. I don't think homeowner's insurance would cover this (usually an exclusion for criminal actions), so he'd be on the hook for his attorney's fees as well as damages. Might be difficult to keep this info from the SO as well.

I've often brought alcohol with me when I saw a provider or a sugar baby. Some of those gals have been under 21. I may need to give a little more consideration to that practice. Thanks for posting Tigercat.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:21 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
When you combine practicing criminal law for 28 years with being an active hobbyist up to just a few years ago, I probably have a story for just about every crazy fuck-up a provider or hobbyist can get themself into.
While I am sure you have many good stories, believe me when I say some of these guys & gals have probably dug themsleves some pretty deep holes.

I can only imagine the stories that Logan's taxi could tell.
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:22 PM   #19
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One of my favorite stories is the well-known provider who was accused of violating her probation because she had meth in her UA. She told me her theory was the meth was in ejaculate a client had shot into her mouth and down into her stomach, thus entering her system. (I hope you weren't eating lunch when you read that.) I declined to assert that defense.
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Old 01-27-2012, 05:38 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
One of my favorite stories is the well-known provider who was accused of violating her probation because she had meth in her UA. She told me her theory was the meth was in ejaculate a client had shot into her mouth and down into her stomach, thus entering her system. (I hope you weren't eating lunch when you read that.) I declined to assert that defense.
Thank God you did not word it "I SHOT down that defense" else I would have lost another keyboard.
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Old 03-14-2012, 12:40 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
I don't tend to tell war stories, but I'll make an exception here to illustrate my point. About three years ago, a young provider I've known for four years (she's 22 years-old now) was gifted a bottle of Jagermeister. Although she was on probation for DWI (and had a number of priors for drugs), she drank the entire bottle in her incall and tried to drive home. When a cop tried to pull her over for speeding and weaving, she fled, fearful that CPS would take away her little bundle of illegitimacy. She crashed, damaging a house in her neighborhood. (You think I make this shit up?) When the detective told the girl she was facing pen time, she ratted out the hobbyist who gave her the Jager. The DA filed only a DWI first-offense and she avoided prison. The hobbyist, however, was only offered straight probation (not deferred), and now he has a permanent conviction on his record.
Good story. A whole bottle of Jagermeister? Was she russian?

I don't understand this gift crap. Just take money. If you like the service, give her more money. She can buy her own shit with the exta money. You're not there to fall in love, you're there to fuck, lick or get sucked.

And secondly, don't give out personal info. If the flaky bitch decides to rat you out, well if she doesn't know anything more than your hobby name is "TrickyDick" and you have some throw away phone number, then let her rat you out since they're not going to find you easily.
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Old 03-15-2012, 10:40 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Blubba View Post
Good story. A whole bottle of Jagermeister? Was she russian?

I don't understand this gift crap. Just take money. If you like the service, give her more money. She can buy her own shit with the exta money. You're not there to fall in love, you're there to fuck, lick or get sucked.

And secondly, don't give out personal info. If the flaky bitch decides to rat you out, well if she doesn't know anything more than your hobby name is "TrickyDick" and you have some throw away phone number, then let her rat you out since they're not going to find you easily.

Well said. Personally, I ask that clients not bring alcohol to an appointment since I'd rather have nothing to do with it anyway
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Old 03-15-2012, 04:25 PM   #23
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I won't gift alcohol to non-hobby friends much less a provider. Too many risks doing that in this day and age.
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Old 03-15-2012, 04:52 PM   #24
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I think the question was what is the punishment for distributing alcohol to a person between 18 and 20, not a minor. My understnading is a minor is person who has not yet attained the age of 18 years old. So, the $4k punishment is not applicable to a provider she is a major 18 or over. I do not know Texas law, but in Louisiana it is illegal to distribute or sell to anyone under 18 - 20.

So, you can fuck her all you want, not for money though, but do not distribute a glass of wine. Reality is I have never seena nything like that in the courts and I practice criminal defense as well. I really do not know the answer, but in my mind seems so minor as to most of the stuff I see distribution of, lol. In New Orleans prositution is a mere citation, a ticket to report to court. And well our alcohol laws in this area are pretty easy going too, The Big Easy.
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Old 03-16-2012, 11:33 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
I think the question was what is the punishment for distributing alcohol to a person between 18 and 20, not a minor. My understnading is a minor is person who has not yet attained the age of 18 years old.
Under Texas law, what is a 'minor' varies by statute -- that is, there is not one age that makes one a 'minor' in all circumstances. For example, it's illegal to give alcohol to a minor -- as defined as a person less than 21 years of age. Also, it is a second-degree felony to engage in prostitution with a minor -- defined as someone less than 18 years of age.
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Old 03-16-2012, 01:33 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
... I really do not know the answer, but in my mind seems so minor as to most of the stuff I see distribution of, lol. In New Orleans prositution is a mere citation, a ticket to report to court. And well our alcohol laws in this area are pretty easy going too, The Big Easy.
While in Louisiana, it may be a very minor crime. I think in Texas, based on the law, it is possible for a DA to get a tougher penalty for providing alcohol to a minor than for prostitution. And he just might be able to provide evidence in the form of the alcohol container whereas proving sex for $$ might be much harder to prove.

Everytime you add an extra criminal violation to the prostitution offense we are all guilty of in our little fantasy world here, you give the authorities another avenue to prosecute.
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Old 03-17-2012, 12:14 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Shea Veile View Post
It isn't about nothing! Let me know when you bury a fiance` and a friend such as I have. Thanks to 2 underage drunk drivers who were drag racing.

Both were proven guilty and convicted in criminal court, sent to prison, given huge fines and lots of community service. They were sued in civil court by the families too.

It's a much bigger issue than you think it is. You'll realize that when it's your turn to wear the shoe on the other foot, anaximander.

Touche Veile your 100 % right, giving alcohol to minors is just plain dumb, rarely do they have the experience to control their intake......and for that matter.....I prefer to stay with the mature ladies. Theres no way im taking the chance to see an supposedly 18/19 year old who is actually a runaway 17 yr old. If Im not mistaken Texas does not care if you knew her true age or not.....
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Old 03-17-2012, 12:40 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by titlover1 View Post
Touche Veile your 100 % right, giving alcohol to minors is just plain dumb, rarely do they have the experience to control their intake......and for that matter.....I prefer to stay with the mature ladies. Theres no way im taking the chance to see an supposedly 18/19 year old who is actually a runaway 17 yr old. If Im not mistaken Texas does not care if you knew her true age or not.....
That is another whole thread, but shysterjon has repeatedly said that even if she has a fake ID, looks 25, etc., if she is proven to be under 17, you are going down. (I think the law may have a kink in it that the age is under 17 rather than under 18, but I wouldn't be splitting that hair when it is my penis on the line.)
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Old 03-18-2012, 01:30 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by tigercat View Post
That is another whole thread, but shysterjon has repeatedly said that even if she has a fake ID, looks 25, etc., if she is proven to be under 17, you are going down. (I think the law may have a kink in it that the age is under 17 rather than under 18, but I wouldn't be splitting that hair when it is my penis on the line.)
The age of consent to sex in Texas is 17 years of age. However, it is a second-degree felony (punishable by to 2 to 20 years in prison) to commit prostitution with a provider 17 years of age or younger. There are other laws in Texas with this apparent inconsistency. For example, it is also a second-degree felony for an educator to have sex with a student who attends the school where he or she teaches, regardless of the student's age. So a teacher would commit that offense even if the student were 19 years of age.
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Old 03-18-2012, 04:42 PM   #30
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What SJ stated was very beneficial. I would add that all of us have probably met providers at all ages that do not have the self control to drink responsibly. I would state that buying any of those ladies alcohol is a bad idea regardless of their age.
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