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Old 04-01-2010, 09:57 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
Thanks Cup of Java for my mention!!! I was beginning to feel left out. We could debate about this for ever and ever. Sometimes it feels like we have.
6 Oh my, I hope you didn't take my comments as disrespectfull. You are by far one of the most informative posters on the board. Thank you!

As far as my comments in Jest, referring to Powel. *cough* *cough* What I shoud have said is one should not endeavor the Powel undertaking without the experitse and sound advice of Six!

I am doing that tour someday!
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Old 04-01-2010, 10:22 PM   #17
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And to think that I was worried for a moment when I saw this thread that another tragedy had befallen the Flying Wallendas.
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Old 04-01-2010, 11:43 PM   #18
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Default Just keep it real... ok?

Remember the saying "agree to disagree"? Well, it seems many here don't and I would be guilty of that myself on occasion. There are times I am very critical of other ladies who I don't feel are genuinely interested about the hobbyists and are more "hustler" or fakers. They irritate the hell outta me, but we're all different in our approach & comfort levels. Some of our ladies strike me as primadonna "look at me" types who also irritate the hell outta me.

*** Staff edit of personal attacks. ***

Honesty and unconditional love are two things sadly lacking in today's society. Why can't intimacy in it's most raw form be understood as a "need" and not a "deviance"? That's a HUGE topic & not one for this thread, but wanted to get that line of deductive leaps started in the minds of the open-minded for future discussion.

*** Staff edit of personal attacks. ***

An Aside: Please don't assume I am just "against" or "uninformed" about the BDSM community as that would be incorrect. I researched that world for years both in reading and action, and had a mentor who was a Master Dom Trainer whose wife was high-up in the organization providing these services. I have no issue w/ that school of belief or living your life as it's a personal choice. These same expectations delivered via protocol are IMO not appropriate when employed in the hobby. I've already covered that discussion in a previous novella which I have never reread to this day as I would probably blush. I digress...

It is NOT my place to determine if something is appropriate or inappropriate in any authoritative context; however, we all have our own perceptions & expectations about ethics in any business. As individuals, it's our choice what vendor we support. My opinions and personal examples are shared here merely to assist in illustrating a point.

Sensual Sophia and I have had disagreements about some points over the years, but she is always rational in her arguments and able to express her ideas clearly. We have agreed to disagree more than once. She suffered disrespect at the hands of one of my regular clients which made me feel horrible and resulted in my client receiving notice from me that I would no longer be available. She has integrity despite having differences in her motivations than mine. I admire that and will always give her kudos as deserved.

To return to a "teaser" only mentioned earlier, I want to elaborate briefly on deductive reasoning. Deductive leaps occur when a person is presented with a scenario and its possible outcome. They can either buy into the theory presented them immediately, or allow their mind to take over & start calculating other possibilities within seconds. Later on, down the road a bit, they are faced with this same or similar situation, and because they have already made some deductions previously, they are prepared and ready to take action to affect their preferred outcome.

What if we all started making a more concerted effort to give a damn about each others feelings? Because we have the ability to show tolerance, we allow someone w/ rougher edges taste a bit of the fine life and nurture them with some tips in how to properly comport themselves? Or maybe we decide that we're going to hold on to anger and hatred when someone crosses us and instead, move on! There's no reason for personal attacks or attacks on groups as a whole because there is always a REASON why someone sees things differently.

We are the sum of our experiences, remember? Most of you guys out there are smart enough to know this already & there are ladies who are genuine enough to allow for this, too. There are some new players joining the fray all the time and some have been quietly watching from the sidelines, but no two people will be on exactly the same wavelength thus debates, arguments & resentment. Lovely cycle, eh?

Some of you are now going "what does this have to do w/ anything?" Well, it causes the negative undercurrents that are engulfing our little community here in Austin. We have always been very conservative in comparison to larger cities which are more diversified in their offerings & interests. To them, Austin is pretty vanilla or plain jane.

The hobbyists tend to be very naive at times, too, so are apt to take to heart the opinions of their fave provider up to that point. They are not always aware of affiliations or tendencies by members who may have tunnel vision in regard to our local scene, so they merely echo the opinions of the one they admire most. Eventually, truths are exposed or buried well enough for a general concensus to develop and the issue merely fades away.

Lurkers probably see the big picture better than the active posters as they don't become encumbered by emotion and allow themselves to be swayed by people they haven't "known" beyond forum postings. That's probably why they tend to be the best clients. Less drama, more respect and no problem in complying w/ the preferred protocol of their chosen date. However, being less involved with the community members can mean being limited by blind spots in their research.

Greymouse makes valid statements in regard to the main purpose for a hobby board. People are looking to make a connection. To have a meaningful and powerful connection, build it up to a high level of intimacy via sharing of thoughts and touch, and be rewarded with satisfaction that at least meets our needs even if not exceeding them, requires more than some pics and a rate list. It requires getting a feel for each other for some more choosy shoppers.

Expressing our opinions here in the Coed Forum is the only vehicle for direct interaction given to providers. Many of my clients have based their decision to see me on their impressions derived from my responses. I know the numbers and they indicate that it's in my best interest to be an "active" participant. That's not difficult for me as you can tell by this post alone that I not only love our community, but have no problem sharing my thoughts even if they may not win me any points. I am who I am & that applies to each of us.

Don't be afraid to be REAL sometimes. Whether you're having a bad day or a good day, at least be willing to humble yourself to apologizing when you're wrong. If you disagree w/ someone, agree to move on and realize you're only saving yourself energy for other endeavors. When someone doesn't meet your expectations, be honest in accepting that it's their choice as to what they will do and how and look for someone who more closely mirrors your viewpoints. Relatability relies upon a truthful and REAL representation to be determined worthy or not.

These are my opinions and you can take 'em or leave 'em. I stand behind them until further evidence sways me otherwise. I'm also willing to apologize for any unintended slights or TMI that may have been included in an effort to convey an idea more clearly. It's hard to be vague to protect in the name of discretion when some facts are missing that affect the big picture. If I weren't so without guile, I'd probably recognize those things that should be omitted more easily. It's a fault beyond my understanding at times.

Just call me Yosemite cuz I'm a straight shooter!

P.S. I hope those I mention in my illustrations realize that I don't care what people think as long as they're getting good information. When they're being given skewed facts to further a personal agenda against me, that's different. Anything you take issue with me about can be discussed via personal channels rather than showering the rest of the community w/ bullshit & distracting them from the focus of their intent here to have a

KATASTROPHICALLY FUN TIME!!!! UN-limited, if possible. lol

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Old 04-02-2010, 01:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by CupOfJava View Post
T-sac, I have seen you several times at the past socials! Enjoyed chatting with you and appreciate your posts.

Well 1st off you have a smart Dad! However, I respectfully disagree with your comments here. I do agree the truth should be told, but it is HOW the truth is told. Would it not be more prudent for the truth be told in the manner the boards were setup? With reviews and in the LR? There is no need for calling out of individuals in the COED just to prove a point or to cause drama. I don't come to the COED for that!

I do not believe there is a need for someone to be playing "Captain Safe a Bro" that all can be done with reviews, back room chatter and the LR

I agree 110% with the key word being RESPECT. That is my whole point in the nut shell RESPECT eachother.

From the past? Come on T-sac. You and I started this hobby around the same time. Two, three years ago. It was not that bad! LOL It was actually quite respectful, fun and great place to hobby. Or why would you have stuck around during that time?

The old school guys can tell us allot more about the "Good ol days" of ASPD than either of us can.

Now I agree, the last few months on ASPD were a different story and not much fun at all. Why drag that mess over here?

Well you and I know some different people. But I am sure there are plenty of gals that will work Austin no matter what the boards here were saying. As far as growth here? Well, it's still very new I am sure it is going to improve. I just want to do my part on keeping that way!


I am not calling any individuals out! In fact, I believe most all of us regular posters, including myself, are at fault for letting the board go astray. We all have done our part to "muddy the waters" so to speak. Why not bring the fun back? Why can't we have fun spirited discussions without insults, hurting people feelings and being disrespectful? There is no need for that at all!!!

The "Truth" is told in the Reviews and LR. These two places inform the Hobbyist details that should be told more BCD so the guys can freely talk about, discuss, comment, recommend, insult, not recommend, review, FREELY about lady without repercussions and retaliation and 20 pages of DRAMA. I believe this system works well! When you drag the dirty laundry in the COED, you get 20 pages of drama!!! That doesn't help anyone make an informative decison on anything! Then you just have a bunch of people showing their asses!!!

T-Sac, enjoy your post and conversations. Keep posting my friend!
In theory I agree with pretty much everything you said. One part does bother me. I put it in bold there at the end.

The problem is, this recent drama is from a review, from the review forum. And it was carried over here to COED. And BELIEVE me I am not a team blue vs. team pink (or whatever it was) guy, but the person who brought the review drama out of the review forum, was..... you guessed it a provider. And one who is at the center of a lot of stuff right now. I am not going to get into that right now either.

The community was doing exactly what you said, sharing info BCD and in Reviews. A PROVIDER started a thread telling the men how to rate women, and now this review is being talked about in several threads, and those who agree with the reviewer's right to his opinions I feel are being lumped into some "women haters" group. And all this hobbyist wanted to do was be real on his opinion on the lady.

But what does it matter to share info anywhere if it is not secure when it should be. Why have a locker room, if that info is leaked like crazy anyway?

And Ella, I am SO sorry you are going through this. Had the WK's left the reviewer to his opinion rather than attacking him for posting within his rights, had a provider not brought this to COED, that review would be on page 3 now and headed towards history. I hope that the saying is true that "all publicity is good publicity". I know I am not more interested in meeting you than ever before.

I agree Java, we need respect, we also need secure areas where discussions to go on in private, and we need to be able to be honest with ourselves in reviews. IMHO most of the "drama" that has been started lately was not the men who are writing acurate reviews, and championing those who do. The drama has been perpetrated by those who feel the need to go over board in defending a ladies honor. And the comments were really not even that bad.
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Old 04-02-2010, 01:39 AM   #20
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i took nothing as disrespect! I think you are a cool fella and appreciate your contributions too!

we seem to have the same tastes in BBBJ's!!!
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Old 04-02-2010, 06:29 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by rekcaSxT View Post
And Ella, I am SO sorry you are going through this. Had the WK's left the reviewer to his opinion rather than attacking him for posting within his rights, had a provider not brought this to COED, that review would be on page 3 now and headed towards history. I hope that the saying is true that "all publicity is good publicity". I know I am not more interested in meeting you than ever before.

I meant to saw now, instead of not. I am NOW more interested. That would be mean. SORRY!
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Old 04-02-2010, 02:42 PM   #22
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Old 04-02-2010, 04:09 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by txtraveler07 View Post
want to do dirty things with providers that they would never subject the mother of their children to, etc.
That is correct. I want a woman I can use in every filthy way possible. This is hard to explain to my wife because there is no "romance" in it. It us pure hanging-the-head-off-the-edge-face-fucking raunch. If she was into that, I would not be paying for it. But as a good Southern Baptist, I am not going to hold my breath waiting for her.

Luckily, I have a housewife down here who likes to earn a few bucks by letting me use her body in ways my wife never will.
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Old 04-02-2010, 04:29 PM   #24
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oh *snap* you didn't just through religion into the discussion, didja? LOL
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Old 04-02-2010, 05:03 PM   #25
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Default Men and Woman. Out of balance!

Actually, my balance is doing just fine right now. However I am out of milk.
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Old 04-02-2010, 05:33 PM   #26
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Hey, what happened to the Kat altered state post?????
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Old 04-02-2010, 06:38 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by dammit View Post
Hey, what happened to the Kat altered state post?????

Looks as though they removed it and may have given her a vacation.
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Old 04-03-2010, 11:13 AM   #28
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Simply put,
if you dont like the neighborhood that you live in......move.
if you dont like the gym that you belong to..........change.
if you are not happy with your job.................get a new one.
if you are unhappy with this board...........find a new one.

Im not trying to be a dick. Just sayin' that the answer is pretty simple.
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Old 04-03-2010, 01:21 PM   #29
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Well said Brad, some people need to get a little thicker skin and develop a sense of humor.

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Old 04-03-2010, 03:15 PM   #30
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Wait a minute! There's something wrong with farting contests???

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