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Old 03-29-2010, 04:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ReadCT View Post
And I am never going to tell a customer, for whom I have a confirmed deliverable due, that I am sorry and I cannot meet my commitment because "work can't always come first."
Originally Posted by dentonseek View Post
I too run business this way and would get my ass out of ANY social occasion to make good on a business promise.
Ummm while I agree with you gents if it was a "confirmed deliverable due," the OP started this based on the real world or an unanswered email or phone call. Not a situation where an appointment was scheduled then fell through.

See....this is what he said.

Originally Posted by Tony Patella View Post
With that being said, how many times do you get the feeble excuse for an unreturned call or email, "Sorry I didn't et back to you, I was traveling." or "Sorry I couldn't get back t you, I was busy."
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Old 03-29-2010, 04:38 PM   #17
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The lovely Jamie Young stated that, "... I chose to cancel my appt because I was too tired." And went on to give justifications for her tiredness and lack of communication. That's really what I was talking to.

Not stirring anything, nor looking for a fight, and no longer talking about Jamie with this next part: I know the feeling of dreading to call someone back & wanting to delay the conversation, hoping it would just go away. I have made the same decision in the past & probably will do so again. I am just saying that this is not the best way to run a business. And when it happens one must accept the inevitable negative consequences to one's reputation & thus one's earnings.

Dentonseek observed that this happens with the way some girls run their business. Monkmonk said he would forgive hot girls who deliver hot sex. OP is observing that he is not quite at that same place. I am with the OP.
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Old 03-29-2010, 04:58 PM   #18
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Back in the good ol "ASPD" days one of the providers had a tag line:

"If i don't answer the phone I am either taking a sh*t or fuc*ing somebody. Leave a message and I will get back to you when I can. Stop calling over and over."

I think it was pretty funny.
OK back to the main topic.

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Old 03-29-2010, 05:50 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by ReadCT View Post
The lovely Jamie Young stated that, "... I chose to cancel my appt because I was too tired." And went on to give justifications for her tiredness and lack of communication. That's really what I was talking to.

The thing is, I did offer to reschedule/make right because I TOO believe in good business practice, but he was just in town for the night so he couldn't do it any other night than that one. There was nothing more I could do. I apologized and left it at that. I wasn't just "too tired" from a long day or being lazy; I freaking moved my entire apartment that day, and the elevators were out of order so I spent my day climbing staircases leaving me more exhausted than normal. If I hadn't cancelled, the service would have been horrible.

I don't see why this is such a big deal and that men will go so far as to say I am NOT worthing seeing.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:12 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by ReadCT View Post
The lovely Jamie Young stated that, "... I chose to cancel my appt because I was too tired." And went on to give justifications for her tiredness and lack of communication. That's really what I was talking to.
Oops, sorry
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Old 03-29-2010, 07:04 PM   #21
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Default This is GOOD reading and BOTH sides have very valid points.

I agree with BOTH sides on this thread. (Since i am a very patient man and there are so many beautiful ladies to choose from.)
I would love to mention what makes this thread so interesting is the fact that there is no sugar coating or ass kissing in this thread so far. Just telling it like it is. speak your mind ladies, i love it.

Originally Posted by yaddayadda View Post
Back in the good ol "ASPD" days one of the providers had a tag line:

"If i don't answer the phone I am either taking a sh*t or fuc*ing somebody. Leave a message and I will get back to you when I can. Stop calling over and over."

I think it was pretty funny.
OK back to the main topic.

I also thought that was funny, these ladies are GREAT.
do you remember this one from Nicole Preston:
WTF is Wrong with you?

LMAO, OK back to the main topic.

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Old 03-29-2010, 08:26 PM   #22
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I agree that their is no reason for zero response. I suppose I just have a different idea of how long of a period to wait before deciding I was not worth responding to in the first place. My business IS communications but I also appreciate that life happens.

Ladies and gentleman should ALWAYS respond. If it takes a week to respond because you were on vacation then the gentleman should not get their feathers ruffled when the response is finally received. We are talking about common courtesy rules here and not specific ladies so let's not beat this one into the ground because some men and women have no common courtesy.
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Old 03-29-2010, 08:32 PM   #23
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Calls get dropped. Calls do not get through, and then a missed call appears several hours later. Calls not registering.

This was my experience last week. None of it was hobby related.
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Old 03-29-2010, 09:54 PM   #24
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Interesting thread. I have many thoughts. Most people have a life and can't be immediately available all the time. I appreciate when I'm with someone, that they ignore their phone and email. With providers, they have a life and business and that requires their attention. Being out of touch with a particular person for hours, even days occurs for a lot of us.

lmao, "Baby, can you do me doggie while I check my email? RCG while I text? Missionary while I check my messages? Set my phone on vibrate so I can use it as a toy?"----------And how many guys are texting while getting a BJ?

My thoughts ran amuck.....As many said here, things happen. The excuse may be the truth. Maybe we could all be a little more tolerant and respectful of others' time and choices.

No offense meant to anyone, just my personal opinion.
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Old 03-29-2010, 10:15 PM   #25
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Default Too Funny

Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
Ok, then there are some of us ladies who actually drive when we travel and not fly. I'm not checking my email on my phone when I'm shifting gears and paying attention to the road. So if after that 6-9 hour drive I get to my hotel and see I have an email, I will respond with "sorry I missed your request, but I was on the road traveling." Why does that have to be a sorry excuse? Or wait...maybe I went to my mother's house for a few days. Gee, I don't think I will be checking my work stuff on her computer lol.

Look at it like this....at least she got back to you instead of ignoring you all together. It's still a part of customer service, even if you don't like the reason.


Meg, I hope when you're with me, another hobbiest calls. Answer the phone and tell him you're being f**ked properly by me, while shifting gears, driving, paying attention to the road------and chewing gum, on your way to your mother's house, wondering how you'll explain to her why you're walking funny, the new "perfume" she smells, and your beshevelled appearance, not to mention the stains she notices. And if he doesn't mind, you'll call him back after you've gotten off a few more times AND, because your mother taught you not to talk with your mouth full.

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Old 03-29-2010, 10:22 PM   #26
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I, too, run my own business and nothing bites my balls more than other business people not returning calls in a timely manner. If I failed to do so, no more work, no more play funds for Donnie and on to a new line of work.
It seems the more successful ladies in the hobby do answer calls and respond to e-mails as they should. The others, well, what can you say, no wonder their business goes to the wayside. Now the hot, young and flaky ones, we will put up with their flakiness until we have banged them silly several times.
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Old 03-29-2010, 10:45 PM   #27
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I feel your pain, both real world and hobby. Have run my own business and have missed deliverables. And had to make that dreaded call.

And have had the no call back here, just last Friday... While hanging out With ReadCT. Said she would call back in 30 min, no call back. Sent a note the next day and she said she had a client extend to 2 hrs and she didn't want to call me back. Was not really sure how I felt about that...

Jamie, calling the client and offering to reschedule was a good thing to do. But a thought occurs - maybe if it was moving day, you should have declined the session. Not meant to offend. Hope it does not.

An interesting topic and I am really interested in how it plays out... I love good civil discourse on controversial topics.

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Old 03-29-2010, 10:54 PM   #28
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On the one hand, we hobbyists don't like being ignored or made to wait when we call. But on the other, we hate hate HATE it when a provider answers a phone call midsession...

"Answer the phone!"

"Don't answer the phone!!"

Confusing, aren't we?
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Old 03-29-2010, 11:08 PM   #29
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My hobby email forwards to my blackberry, so I try to respond quickly in most cases. Those who have seen me before have my phone, and they can text me. Also there I try to respond promptly.

I will admit, in the past couple weeks, it has been more difficult for me to answer even text messages. Real life can get busy.

Hotlips - I really need to show you how to surf the web, put on makeup, jam with the radio and drive at the same time
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Old 03-30-2010, 12:41 AM   #30
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A perspective from outside the hobby - I pay for a cell phone for MY convinience, so I can call ppl or receive calls when I want to, not to be at the beck and call of others. (Same for the work/home phone - if I am doing something more important, I do not pick it up). If our evolving social norms expect me to return cell phone VM's by the hour, I will get rid of it, I have (and enjoy) a life that doesnt involve cell phones or e-mails. I think the best practice is to let others know when they can expect a call back from you (in a day, in 2 days, next working day, etc)?

For the hobby - if I am not getting a prompt call back - I am (my roses are) not that important - I don't like it, but have come to accept it over the years.

P.S. I am going to hate the day I get a middle seat on an aeroplane and the 8 busy ppl around me are chatting on their cell phone for hours!

Bottomline - I am never going to be as successful a businessman as some of you
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