Originally Posted by WTF
And you and not follow the money. These old fucs are taking out more than they paid in. That is a fact. The surplus was spend mostly on Defense as that is the largest federal expense besides social. Security and medicare. Both of which have run a sur0plus up until recently
There you go again you fucking moron. It's not their fault the fucking goverment wasted untold amounts of money. You act like it is their fault SS is in the shape it is in. SS and MC both need to be adjusted but not on the backs of those currently living off of it. The R's have put proposals out there to rework SS but the D's just want to cry about how it would kick granny to the curb. Any rework needs to be a gradual phase in of adjusted benefits so those that are currently on SS and MC are not affected.
Raising taxes should be the last option considered. Cut all goverment waste and get the economy back growing and I don't believe tax hikes will be necessary but to raise taxes first with the promise of cutting waste is foolish.