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Old 10-01-2011, 05:45 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
Pretty soon people will be getting a full body shake-down before going into a Wal-Mart.
That will just increase prices at Wal-Mart, because Wal-Mart will no longer have to be competitive on pricing ....

"Come to Wal-Mart and Get the Groping You are Missing at Home"

A whole new marketing strategy.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:25 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
Obama got his hands dirty in the Middle East. It's called Libya. With the continuance of Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars he promised to end and the broken promise to the troops he said he was going to bring home. He most definitely has not taken care of the issues at home. His approval rating speaks the truth. Had he brought the troops home he'd have something to hang is hat on and I'd give him some credit. He could have used that alone to get reelected. However he still has the power to bring everyone back, but will he? I don't think so.
If Bush/Cheney would have been able to locate and kill a few of these scumbags, most of the Far Right Wing Wackos on this board would have called for a National Ejaculation in the Streets Day!

Instead it's happening on The Muslim Dude's Watch!

The F R Wacko's don't know how to act!
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:42 AM   #18
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Look around you what do you see? How many of your friends and family are out work? Can't blame bush. Obama has spent more tax money in 3yrs then any one in history and guess what you have to pay for it. And nothing he has said has worked in less your an illegal alien. In this country. Americans are 4th class citizen in their own country and we pay the bills. Check for yourself
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:45 AM   #19
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Yes indeed, just look at the results. A dictator who voluntarily stopped his WMD programs and threw them open to inspection was deposed by rebels who boasted to the media that they had previously been in Afghanistan killing Americans.

Now, apparently, thousands of high tech surface to air missiles are "missing". But at least we didn't ignore the war powers act and spend tens of millions of dollars to secure oil for the US. . . we did it to secure oil for France. I have to tell you, as the father of a son at the front, I'm not too thrilled with the rebels getting air support easier than he can get it, let alone the fact those missiles will likely be in Afghanistan soon, if not already. Libya was absolutely, none of our business and of very little strategic importance to us. Syria even less so on both counts.

Now Egypt appears to be spriraling toward islamo-facism and the only peace treaty in the middle east (as well as the US troops in the Sinai enforcing it) are in imminent peril. Thanks to the current POS-POTUS and SecState doing the bidding of the Muslim brotherhood. No doubt the Hildabeast got some special treatment from Huma Abedin for helping out since her mother is a big shot with the "brotherhood".

So, congratulations to Obama, he has single handedly lost the middle east with the exception of Iraq for at least a couple of generations, and dramatically increased our casualty rate in Afghanistan. I'm sure he is anxiously awaiting his virgins in paradise for helping bring down the great Satan.

At least he didn't go through with his plans to prosecute the interrogators who made Osama's death possible.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:45 AM   #20
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Nostdamas warned you the tall skinny man preaching peace he will destroy you from within hello open your eyes
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:55 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
When events like 9/11 happen we just lose more freedoms. How about getting groped and X-rayed by TSA agents for flying, to now include getting groped by Dept of Homeland Security goons before entering NFL stadiums. Pretty soon people will be getting a full body shake-down before going into a Wal-Mart.

The thing that has cost the US 3 trillion dollars is crony capitalism, inept politicians, back door off-the-wall banker deals, banker bailouts, and being considered TOO BIG TO FAIL! If I could start a business that was too big to fail I could then proceed to buy up the whole world through fraud! Who wouldn't be happy? What recession, what depression!
I do not deny that their is a price to pay- obviously something has to give- if I personally have the option of going through an X-ray and being "searched" with the security of knowing that I have a 99.9999% chance of arriving to my destination- or to avoid secuirty checks and x-rays knowing there's a 50-50 chance I won't have the plane I am flying on hijacked or slammed into a building I will go with the extra pat down and security.
Now can companies do better than TSA??? Hell Yes- I actually think the govt should allow the airline companies to implement their own security.
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:00 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Yes indeed, just look at the results. A dictator who voluntarily stopped his WMD programs and threw them open to inspection was deposed by rebels who boasted to the media that they had previously been in Afghanistan killing Americans.

Now, apparently, thousands of high tech surface to air missiles are "missing". But at least we didn't ignore the war powers act and spend tens of millions of dollars to secure oil for the US. . . we did it to secure oil for France. I have to tell you, as the father of a son at the front, I'm not too thrilled with the rebels getting air support easier than he can get it, let alone the fact those missiles will likely be in Afghanistan soon, if not already. Libya was absolutely, none of our business and of very little strategic importance to us. Syria even less so on both counts.

Now Egypt appears to be spriraling toward islamo-facism and the only peace treaty in the middle east (as well as the US troops in the Sinai enforcing it) are in imminent peril. Thanks to the current POS-POTUS and SecState doing the bidding of the islamic brotherhood. No doubt the Hildabeast got some special treatment from Huma Abedin for helping out since her mother is a big shot with the "brotherhood".

So, congratulations to Obama, he has single handedly lost the middle east with the exception of Iraq for at least a couple of generations, and dramatically increased our casualty rate in Afghanistan. I'm sure he is anxiously awaiting his virgins in paradise for helping bring down the great Satan.

At least he didn't go through with his plans to prosecute the interrogators who made Osama's death possible.
Provide sources that support your claims- you can't you are just talking out your ass. Do you think these pro-democracy protesters in Egypt- keep in mind many of them were women -removed a dictator and now you think they are going to want an Islamic republic- where women will not be able to vote- Shariah law will be enforced- women will have to wear a chador???? Are you fucking kidding me???? These revolutions in Syria, Tunisa, Libya, and Egypt was Al-Queada's biggest nightmare- the last thing Al-Queda wants to see in the middle east is a moderate democracy govt in those nations.
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:02 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
Obama got his hands dirty in the Middle East. It's called Libya. With the continuance of Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars he promised to end and the broken promise to the troops he said he was going to bring home. He most definitely has not taken care of the issues at home. His approval rating speaks the truth. Had he brought the troops home he'd have something to hang is hat on and I'd give him some credit. He could have used that alone to get reelected. However he still has the power to bring everyone back, but will he? I don't think so.
The troops have been coming home where have you been???? Did you expect Obama to have them home all in one day? Do you understand the logistics and time it takes to bring troops home or do you think all in one day they(troops) just pack up their bags and head to the airport?
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:02 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Provide sources that support your claims- you can't you are just talking out your ass. Do you think these pro-democracy protesters in Egypt- keep in mind many of them were women -removed a dictator and now you think they are going to want an Islamic republic- where women will not be able to vote- Shariah law will be enforced- women will have to wear a chador???? Are you fucking kidding me???? These revolutions in Syria, Tunisa, Libya, and Egypt was Al-Queada's biggest nightmare- the last thing Al-Queda wants to see in the middle east is a moderate democracy govt in those nations.

Don't actually read much, do you? I will not take the time to educate you, a few key strokes with google will do the job.
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
The troops have been coming home where have you been???? Did you expect Obama to have them home all in one day? Do you understand the logistics and time it takes to bring troops home or do you think all in one day they(troops) just pack up their bags and head to the airport?

I've been watching the casualties mount. My son's unit was stripped of a third of it's combat strength when deployed to replace a larger unit and has suffered three times the number of casualties in three months that the previous unit suffered in nine. All to serve a malignant narcissist's political posturing so true believers like you can yelp with joy.

You don't really give two shits about our troops lives, only your precious mesiah. I should have known better than taking you off "ignore". I won't make that mistake again.
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:17 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
You don't really give two shits about our troops lives, only your precious mesiah. I should have known better than taking you off "ignore". I won't make that mistake again.
I can only speak for myself but I certainly care about "our troops lives". That has always been my primary concern and always will be!

I have a dramatically different take on the situation than you! My argument would be that GW should have completed his mission in Afghanistan (Wanted Dead or Alive) rather than lose focus upon the perpetrators of 9/11 by authorizing the invasion of Iraq. This is not a recent determination on my part. I said the same thing on the P during the ill fated spring of 2003. My argument has not changed during the past 8 1/2 years! Had GW maintained focus upon the perpetrators of 9/11, we would have defeated al Qaeda long ago!

Instead "The Muslim Dude" <YIKES> had to "fix up," GW's fuck up! It has not been an easy task but we are much farther along than we were on January 20, 2009!

BTW, how many WMD's did GW find in Iraq?
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:44 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
So the fact this POS had proven hands in plots to attack Americans and kill them means we should just let these guys do whatever the fuck they want? How does it help the economy I will tell you why- when assholes commit terrorist attacks like 9-11 you think that's good for the economy? When people don't feel safe flying- you think that doesn't hurt the economy- you think airline companies won't lay off employees if people are afraid to fly? If people are afraid o fly than it hurts the touring industry- hotel- car rentals etc- this is the most absurd comment you have ever made. OBL whole idea was to hurt American financially and it's estimated that the 9-11 attack cost the USA 3 trillion dollars.
The next time one of these POS succeeds in a major U.S attack at home you will be the first one crying how we should have taken the terrorist out.
Dayum! This doesn’t sound like a typical, liberal-Dimocrap’s post! Obama (with Holder in tow), on the other hand, campaigned on giving those assholes in GITMO – you know those “POS [that] had proven hands in plots to attack Americans and kill them means we should just let these guys do whatever the fuck they want” – trials in civilian courts . . . in New York City no less.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Provide sources that support your claims- you can't you are just talking out your ass. Do you think these pro-democracy protesters in Egypt- keep in mind many of them were women -removed a dictator and now you think they are going to want an Islamic republic- where women will not be able to vote- Shariah law will be enforced- women will have to wear a chador???? Are you fucking kidding me???? These revolutions in Syria, Tunisa, Libya, and Egypt was Al-Queada's biggest nightmare- the last thing Al-Queda wants to see in the middle east . . .
“Provide sources that support your claims - you can't you are just talking out your ass.” BTW, wasn’t that the same fall back argument that W and Cheney used when no WMDs were found in Iraq? Hell son, you done become a Republ-I-Can and not a Dimoc-Rat!
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:46 AM   #28
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The troops.are combing home for everyone that comes home 3 leaves. Where have you been
Obama mission is destroy the us not save it. Actions speaks louder then words
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Old 10-01-2011, 10:19 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
Don't actually read much, do you? I will not take the time to educate you, a few key strokes with google will do the job.
Sorry that's not the way it works- burden of proof is on you- any nitwit asshole can come on here and say anything- some moron can come in here and say George W Bush created the most jobs during his term and George W Bush had the U.S economy booming- but without any stats or sources to prove it that claim will hold no weight- same applies to you- you made the claim YOU BACK IT UP WITH YOUR SOURCES!!! Do you think someone can stand before a judge any make any claim he/she wants- and than when the job asks- where's your proof/evidence- you think someone can tell the judge.." Hey you don't read do you- go google it...?" Learn how to debate- you don' come in here with absurd claims than tell someone to go google it!!!
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Old 10-01-2011, 10:34 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Iaintliein View Post
I've been watching the casualties mount. My son's unit was stripped of a third of it's combat strength when deployed to replace a larger unit and has suffered three times the number of casualties in three months that the previous unit suffered in nine. All to serve a malignant narcissist's political posturing so true believers like you can yelp with joy.

You don't really give two shits about our troops lives, only your precious mesiah. I should have known better than taking you off "ignore". I won't make that mistake again.

if you think I give a rats ass if you put me on ignore????? take your fucking battle up with George W- if memory serves me correct Obama as a senator voted against the Iraq war- oh and don't feed me this sympathetic shit about your son- I have relatives who are serving as well and as far as lives- I care about every persons life- a police officer makes a sacrifice everyday he puts on his uniform- ditto to firemen and many others- your son volunteered to join the military- we need to stop this shit about elevating troops lives over every other human being lives- I support our troops and hope they all come back home- so get lost- I wonder if your son knows while he is putting his life on the line that his "proud" dad who posts on a hooker/whore board????
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