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Old 04-09-2023, 09:51 AM   #16
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Default Help me help you. Physician, Heal thy Self

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Incorrect as usual, genius. They both received a "like" from me because they made harmless fun out of the usual absurdity of another one of these threads from you anti vaxx bitter old timers. I don't need your dollar though so keep it until you want to add a lot more zeroes to it so that it's worth my time to discuss further... that's for Tiny to put on his list if he is reading this and keeping track of my six figure bet minimum criteria.

Probably shouldn't be talking shit when you have no idea what you are talking about. You owe those guys an apology for your goofball post while including schizophrenia in it as well. Last time I checked, medical speculation is a no go. Why some of you folks can't follow these simple rules is beyond my comprehension. LOL
Are you saying the triumvirate of Doctors LM, MM and EB are such eminently qualified Psychologists that ya'll can derive someone's IQ without examining or even administering any sort of standardized IQ test? Impressive.<strokes goatee> Bottom line: Does this mean I get to keep the dollar?
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Old 04-09-2023, 09:59 AM   #17
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The better question to ask is whether I am going to argue with anti vax clowns like I'm a child? The answer is I don't argue with people who I believe lack comprehension or reasoning. What's the point in doing so? That's way below my pay grade. LOL

Edit for below: Don't hold your breath waiting... don't get vaxxed. Do get vaxxed. Why should I give a fuck either way? I only worry about what concerns me and mine.
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Old 04-09-2023, 10:16 AM   #18
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Default I gots a prognosis for that

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
The better question to ask is whether I am going to argue with anti vax clowns like I'm a child? ..
I'm patient. I'll just wait ya out.
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Old 04-09-2023, 11:25 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie View Post
We (unjabbed) will always be the control. You (jabbed) will always be the experiment. No amount of debate or ridicule will ever change that. The control group thus far has achieved overwhelmingly the best results. You can’t find one unjabbed person with buyers remorse. Such is not the case with
There are one million unjabbed people who died from CoVid infection in the USA. They may have regretted not getting the shot. You wouldn't know about it because they are dead.

The 500,000 who died during Trumps watch, the vaccines were not available. The 500,000 who died under Biden's watch, the vaccines were available. They decided not to take the shot.

How can you say with a straight face the control group had the best results? There were 260 million people in the USA alone who got either the two shot Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or the one-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

CC, your logic is not sound.
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Old 04-09-2023, 12:12 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
The only point being made in the article is that people who have contracted Covid may have some lingering side effects. There is no correlation being made between vaccinated and unvaccinated people who have contracted Covid.

Are the spike proteins generated by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines harmful?

There is no evidence that vaccine-generated spike proteins are harmful.

The mRNA vaccines work by teaching our cells how to make a harmless spike protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. The body then makes antibodies to help you fight infection if the COVID-19 virus enters your body.
Some people are concerned that the spike proteins generated by COVID-19 vaccines can cause harm to the body’s organs or tissues. However, there is no evidence that the vaccine-generated spike proteins cause harm.

COVID-19 infection, however, can damage many organs and tissues. It is important to focus on the right risk.
The vaccine-generated spike proteins don't last long in the body; the immune system quickly identifies, attacks, and destroys them.

Scientists estimate that the spike proteins, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body for up to a few weeks.

5.5 billion people vaccinated worldwide. All is good.
SpeedRacer, your description of M-RNA function is consistant with how the CDC describes it. Good post.

From the CDC.

First, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle or upper thigh, depending on the age of who is getting vaccinated.
After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it, leaving the body as waste.
Next, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein does not belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This is what your body might do if you got sick with COVID-19.
At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to help protect against future infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. The benefit is that people get this protection from a vaccine, without ever having to risk the potentially serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

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Old 04-09-2023, 01:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
The better question to ask is whether I am going to argue with anti vax clowns like I'm a child? The answer is I don't argue with people who I believe lack comprehension or reasoning. What's the point in doing so? That's way below my pay grade. LOL

Edit for below: Don't hold your breath waiting... don't get vaxxed. Do get vaxxed. Why should I give a fuck either way? I only worry about what concerns me and mine.
What would the real rifleman do?

Hey Lucas. The government says you must take several experimental shots for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate or you might lose you job as a marshal's deputy. Roll up your sleeve, Rifleman! KPOW, POW, POW, POW, POW, POW, POW, POW. JIK, JIK. DU, DUUUU, DUUUU, DU, DU, DUUUU, DUUUU, DU, DU, DU, DUUUUU.
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Old 04-09-2023, 03:19 PM   #22
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Default A gift for texassapper and Why_Yes_I_Do

The word "vaccine" is not mentioned in the paper a single time. The vaccines earlier on prevented many from getting COVID, and later prevented them from getting severe disease. This is another example where you and Why_Yes_I_Do turn logic on its head, and attribute the effects of the disease to the vaccine. Which I guess isn't as strange as your links that attribute every random death to the vaccines.

Here is my gift to you and to Why_Yes_I_Do. Since you haven't been able to come up with anything that supports your contention that the vaccines are possibly worse than the disease, I've come up with two papers for you. Now IMHO they only support that for younger people. For older people like SpeedRacer and, to a lesser extent, me, getting the vaccines was clearly a good idea.



The second paper, by the Norwegians, which hasn't been accepted for publication by a journal, has some real weaknesses, which I'd be happy to point out if you're interested. I haven't spent much time with the first paper.

Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie View Post
People I used to have meaningful, intelligent conversations with can no longer engage in an intellectual exchange. It's almost as if they are devolving. The spike protein crosses the blood brain barrier as well.
Yes, that's a real risk if you get COVID, the disease. Thankfully, by getting the vaccines and boosters, all the way through the bivalent shot, I've probably avoided the disease, and if not whatever I had was asymptomatic. As such, my mental capacity is undiminished.

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I don't need your dollar though so keep it until you want to add a lot more zeroes to it so that it's worth my time to discuss further... that's for Tiny to put on his list if he is reading this and keeping track of my six figure bet minimum criteria.
Should I resuscitate the thread, to add to the list? You were good to play along with that!

Your recent recommendation that people consider leaving the USA before the Progressives take over could be worth every bit of your 100K fee, at least for those of us who pay income taxes.

Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie View Post
You can’t find one unjabbed person with buyers remorse.
LOL. There's a guy who works out in my gym who turned 90 a couple of months ago. For his age, he was extremely fit. He'd do over 100 pounds on the bench press, leg lift and leg curl machines. He came down with COVID at his birthday party. Then his wife did. He's still on oxygen, and his wife is barely getting around. Now he did get the vaccine, and also around Septempber of 2021 the first booster. But nothing after that.

He told me he darn well wishes he'd gotten more jabs.

SpeedRacer has a lot more examples.

Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
The 500,000 who died during Trumps watch, the vaccines were not available. The 500,000 who died under Biden's watch, the vaccines were available. They decided not to take the shot.
Adav8s28, you're a smart guy. I don't understand why you're always compelled to stretch the truth to support the Democratic Party Manifesto.

Officially, around 400,000 people died during Trump's watch, and over 700,000 since Biden took over.

Thank goodness for Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, the Trump Administration's Operation Warp Speed, and brave human guinea pigs like SpeedRacer and his wife. Thanks to them, we got the mRNA COVID vaccines into peoples' arms in record time, and hundreds of thousands of lives were save.

(For those who don't know, SpeedRacer and his better half participated in the Pfizer trials, back in 2020.)

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
5.5 billion people vaccinated worldwide. All is good.
SpeedRacer, I assume like me, you've gotten the first bivalent booster? Are you inclined to get the second any time soon?

I'm probably going to hold off as long as infection and fatality rates stay low. The CDC's not recommending a second bivalent booster at this time, unless you're immunologically compromised or really old.
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Old 04-09-2023, 03:48 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
The better question to ask is whether I am going to argue with anti vax clowns like I'm a child? The answer is I don't argue with people who I believe lack comprehension or reasoning. What's the point in doing so? That's way below my pay grade. LOL

Edit for below: Don't hold your breath waiting... don't get vaxxed. Do get vaxxed. Why should I give a fuck either way? I only worry about what concerns me and mine.
Name calling again? Anti Vax has been disproven. Just because someone does not get the Covid shot does not in any way mean that they are anti vax. You're just calling names and I hope the mod takes note.
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Old 04-09-2023, 05:14 PM   #24
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Default Wow. Just wow

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
The word "vaccine" is not mentioned in the paper a single time. ...
Let's try changing it up for ya. Do NOT look for the word vaccine, Look for the word vaccines, plural. Do not even look at the paper. Only look at the title of the paper, which you posted. Now for the tricky part which you may needs to take off your socks for (or not): how many vaccines cause the body to create the spike protein of the covid? I'll glibly gloss over the fact that the actual, technical, answer is zero, as the covid vaxx is actually a gene therapy and not a vaccine even.

As to posting proof positive on the subject: faggit about it. Imma not waste any time on it. If you think your good with it, then I'll go with this maxim: I continue to have the option to take the vaxx at my leisure, while you have no way to rid yourself of it. In between all of that - now that the dust has settled, we actually know how to treat the covid without killing people.

Lucky? Maybe. But who is the lucky one and for what? You or me?
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Old 04-09-2023, 05:23 PM   #25
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Default I had no earthlly idea it was even theortically possible

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
The better question to ask is whether I am going to argue with anti vax clowns like I'm a child?...
Whew knew?!? I've never seen that non-childish side of yours before. Whose says disparaging things about old dogs and new tricks anyway?
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Old 04-09-2023, 05:59 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Name calling again? Anti Vax has been disproven. Just because someone does not get the Covid shot does not in any way mean that they are anti vax. You're just calling names and I hope the mod takes note.
That's your idea of name calling? Damn, you sure are quite the sensitive one for a former American bad ass sniper. It's either that, or I forgot how to insult people properly.

It's pretty fucking obvious that the 1st two posters in this thread are anti vaxx. Stop being so dramatic about nothing.
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Old 04-09-2023, 06:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Let's try changing it up for ya. Do NOT look for the word vaccine, Look for the word vaccines, plural. Do not even look at the paper. Only look at the title of the paper, which you posted. Now for the tricky part which you may needs to take off your socks for (or not): how many vaccines cause the body to create the spike protein of the covid? I'll glibly gloss over the fact that the actual, technical, answer is zero, as the covid vaxx is actually a gene therapy and not a vaccine even.

As to posting proof positive on the subject: faggit about it. Imma not waste any time on it. If you think your good with it, then I'll go with this maxim: I continue to have the option to take the vaxx at my leisure, while you have no way to rid yourself of it. In between all of that - now that the dust has settled, we actually know how to treat the covid without killing people.

Lucky? Maybe. But who is the lucky one and for what? You or me?
Neither the word "vaccine" nor the word "vaccines" appears anywhere in the paper. Texassapper inserted the word "vaccines" into the link name, even though the paper has nothing to do with vaccines.

Agreed, now that we have Pfizer's Paxlovid, there is a good treatment for the disease. I'd forgotten about that. I was hesitating about getting a second bivalent booster this month, and that's the icing on the cake. I won't do it. Thanks, you might have saved me from a sore arm and a 15 minute trip to CVS.
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Old 04-09-2023, 06:32 PM   #28
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Default Imma toss the Tiny dog a Tiny bone

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Hmmm, you might have something there. When they said "(vaccinated people, who are also contaminated with large amounts of spike proteins, were obviously not examined by the scientists)" Is what you mean is the vaxx is not a vax, but a gene therapy perhaps? FWIW: I read it as saying that the vaxxed would be flooded with massive amounts of the spike proteins from the gene therapy, which is exactly what the gene therapy does - create spike proteins.

If not, aren't you proving the OP's point about brain cell sloughing after all - as the title of the article included it: German study: Spike proteins from viruses and vaccines cause brain cells to die Oh! And then there was the whole last paragraph the OP pulled up in the post. Didn't you read that? I assumed it was from the article versus their personal editorial.If not, my apologies.

"We should be aware that the repeated administration of such spike proteins via the experimental gene syringes can be compared to multiple corona infections in terms of contamination of the human body with these spike proteins. But the more often such spike proteins are administered, the greater the potential health problems - in this case also in the human brain. We are talking about irreparable damage here, because the brain cells no longer regenerate."...
So I went ahead and read it anyway (because Masochism, that's why) and performed multiple searches in the text of the study, specifically looking for phrases the OP used, including in the title of the study: I rate the published OP posting Pants on Fire. However, not that they might be wrong about those conclusions, just that I don't see the specific words lifted from the source text used - including within the OP title link.

So there you have it. Seeings whereas Speedy has already volunteered to be a human guinea pig (truth be told, all vaxxed actually were too, but at least Speedy voluntarily volunteered and early - which I previously and publicly thanked him for his service.) now creates an opportunity for Tiny to volunteer in the future trial/experiments of the paper at issue.

Sooner or later they will have to run these tests on live humans instead of human cadavers, like they did with the mice. But rest assured, they clearly stated that they ensured the live mice were "deeply anesthetized" before they lopped off their head for testing. Seems the mice were deeply committed to or at least totally invested in the research. Good luck and soldier-on.
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Old 04-09-2023, 06:42 PM   #29
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Default You make the call - while you can

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
...Agreed, now that we have Pfizer's Paxlovid, there is a good treatment for the disease....
Personally, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 meter pole. Totally your choice, at least for the time being.
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Old 04-09-2023, 08:40 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
So I went ahead and read it anyway (because Masochism, that's why) and performed multiple searches in the text of the study, specifically looking for phrases the OP used, including in the title of the study: I rate the published OP posting Pants on Fire. However, not that they might be wrong about those conclusions, just that I don't see the specific words lifted from the source text used - including within the OP title link.

So there you have it. Seeings whereas Speedy has already volunteered to be a human guinea pig (truth be told, all vaxxed actually were too, but at least Speedy voluntarily volunteered and early - which I previously and publicly thanked him for his service.) now creates an opportunity for Tiny to volunteer in the future trial/experiments of the paper at issue.

Sooner or later they will have to run these tests on live humans instead of human cadavers, like they did with the mice. But rest assured, they clearly stated that they ensured the live mice were "deeply anesthetized" before they lopped off their head for testing. Seems the mice were deeply committed to or at least totally invested in the research. Good luck and soldier-on.
I am at a loss to understand why you're wasting time reading texassapper's link, which doesn't even address COVID vaccines, when I gave you the ammunition to go after SpeedRacer and me. Now, it's not exactly like the Flechette shells or Dragon's Breath rounds that you're fond of. We kept those for ourselves, figuratively speaking. What I gave you is more like .22 ammo, in the form of the preprint, "Is there a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?" And BB's for the other paper. But hey, it's a place you can start -- better than throwing rocks like you have been.
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