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Old 10-07-2022, 05:06 AM   #16
ICU 812
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I see some of the main issues facing the Nation today to be:

Border Security
Reliable Energy

There arer more but lets just focus on those for now.

How will implementing any of the progressive agenda address any of the above issues in the short term or near future?

How iill implementing the "Grteen New Deal" address the increased need for reliable energy in the next ten years as the mandates for everyone to have an electric car kick in?

How will embracing "wokeness" reduce crime or homelessness?

How will shrinking police departments and deemphasizing incarceration reduce crime?

I am open to hearing positive remarks about what the liberal progressives will do to make America a better place to live.

Tell me why I should vote a straight Democratic ballot this fall and in 2024 without telling me how bad the Republicans are.
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Old 10-07-2022, 09:39 AM   #17
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This forum is 80% right wing loons who hate this Country
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Old 10-07-2022, 11:05 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
This forum is 80% right wing loons who hate this Country
That’s kinda harsh WTF, I figure it to be about 77%, 80 seems a little strong.

Back on track:
It seems delusional to expect anything will change, there is no Left of Center or Right of Center, the majorities are too Far Left or too Far Right.

I’m still trying to figure out why women Abortion Righters can’t get on the pill or use the Plan B pill, or make their one night stands use a fucking condom...And then you have Greg Abbott who thinks a woman impregnated by a rapist or by incest, or the pregnancy is life threatening to Mom or Child is not eligible for an abortion.

This is my example of the politics of this country are “My way or no way”. No one stands for the middle, it’s all extremism, so how can anything ever change?

My father had a quote his entire life, “Anyone who thinks a politician will improve his lot in life is a Fool!”
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Old 10-07-2022, 11:23 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
How Will The Nation Become Better Going Forward?

Restore law and order
Restore the Constitution as written
Secure the borders
Make our elections secure
Move away from the lib race card agenda
Build more jails
Say NO to the u n
This is just a warm up of what it will take....

Restore law and order There has never been law and order the way people think there should be.
Restore the Constitution as written The founding fathers thought it best to rewrite the constitution from time to time via constitutional conventions.
Secure the borders Rather see a quick and efficient immigration process, it shouldn't take 5 years. People that are against immigrants are inherently racist.
Make our elections secure Only trumptards whine about this falsehood that elections are "rigged" The only rigging is the massive amount of gerrymandering going on by the republicans.
Move away from the lib race card agenda End racism on both sides, end affirmative action all together, everyone should have equal opportunity based on merit
Build more jails We jail way too many people as it is and not enough rich politicians that can skirt and plug up the system because of their wealth
Say NO to the u n This is stupid, all nations should work together to make the world a better place.
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Old 10-07-2022, 11:24 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
That’s kinda harsh WTF, I figure it to be about 77%, 80 seems a little strong.

Back on track:
It seems delusional to expect anything will change, there is no Left of Center or Right of Center, the majorities are too Far Left or too Far Right.

I’m still trying to figure out why women Abortion Righters can’t get on the pill or use the Plan B pill, or make their one night stands use a fucking condom...And then you have Greg Abbott who thinks a woman impregnated by a rapist or by incest, or the pregnancy is life threatening to Mom or Child is not eligible for an abortion.

This is my example of the politics of this country are “My way or no way”. No one stands for the middle, it’s all extremism, so how can anything ever change?

My father had a quote his entire life, “Anyone who thinks a politician will improve his lot in life is a Fool!”

Did hell just freeze over, cause I tend to agree with much of what you said about our politics being controlled by the far Left and Right.

But this is a good reason why this decision and all others not specially given to the federal government, that states should be making this decision.
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Old 10-07-2022, 11:58 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
Restore law and order There has never been law and order the way people think there should be.

But we sure as hell have been closer than we are today with no cash bail and DA's soft on crime and refuse to punish offenders especially of violent crime. Sorry but the Democrats brought this on themselves and I have no doubt will be punished for their soft on crime stance.

Restore the Constitution as written The founding fathers thought it best to rewrite the constitution from time to time via constitutional conventions.

Yes they did and that possibility still exists with 2/3's of the States needed to change the Constitution but it appears that 2/3's of the States do not agree with the position of the Biden administration. The founding fathers also wisely put in writing that any authority not enumerated as belonging to the federal government ie immigration, shall be left to the States to decide. Want to change that, change the Constitution and this idea that we can't because Republicans won't change is ludicrous.

Secure the borders Rather see a quick and efficient immigration process, it shouldn't take 5 years. People that are against immigrants are inherently racist.

People are against illegal immigration. You know this but deflect as usual. There is no such thing as as a "quick and efficient" immigration process. Our asylum laws are based on things other than economic opportunity which is what the vast majority of people are illegally crossing our border for. That is against our laws. So how do you prove that you are not here for economic opportunity but that you have a legitimate fear of persecution. That takes time. Hell, these illegals have been taught to dump any reference to who they are to make it more difficult to identify them so that a back ground check can be conducted. I agree with Pelosi, we need immigrants to do jobs that Americans don't want to do like pick crops. That is why we need a workable "guest worker" program which I have no doubt what so ever that Republicans would support but Democrats will not. You come here, you work for 5, 10 years, have a clean record and you can apply for citizenship right behind all the other people who requested this before you.

Make our elections secure Only trumptards whine about this falsehood that elections are "rigged" The only rigging is the massive amount of gerrymandering going on by the republicans.

I guess we'll have to start referring to Hillary and Stacy Abrams as "Trumptards" both of whom, to this day, say their election failure was do to a "rigged" process whether it be a SC decision or ballot box "problems".

Move away from the lib race card agenda End racism on both sides, end affirmative action all together, everyone should have equal opportunity based on merit

End affirmative action? Are you kidding me? No Democrat would ever vote for that, they know it is one of the few things that keeps their party viable. And "based on merit" is something Democrats also will never do. There entire mantra now is "equity" which is the exact opposite of "meritocracy". But I'm glad to see you acknowledge that "racism" exists on both sides of the aisle because it does. On the other hand, "systemic racism" can only be cured with laws that we pass, which we have passed but you can't pass a law to change a persons heart and bigotry.

Build more jails We jail way too many people as it is and not enough rich politicians that can skirt and plug up the system because of their wealth

If we had "too many people in jail" there would be no crime at all. It is the very fact that not enough violent people are in jail that's the problem. How many times do we have to hear that the guy that just killed somebody is out on bail for "KILLING SOMEBODY"? But your statement is helpful in knowing just why we have the crime wave we are having, you don't want to put people in jail. I do and I don't care how much money it takes, I'll pay increased taxes for a safer country.

Say NO to the u n This is stupid, all nations should work together to make the world a better place.

A naive answer if I've ever heard one. It's an admirable but naive wish. Countries like China, Russia, Iran and many more have completely different agendas that will never, ever be reconciled and you must know that but you "wish they would". "Wishing ain't getting notin' done".

We should have a "United Democracies of the World" instead of the UN. We tell China and all the other countries that they are free to be authoritarian against their people and we will talk with you, we will trade with you but we will not ask for your vote on ANYTHING!
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Old 10-07-2022, 05:42 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
That’s kinda harsh WTF, I figure it to be about 77%, 80 seems a little strong.

Back on track:
It seems delusional to expect anything will change, there is no Left of Center or Right of Center, the majorities are too Far Left or too Far Right.

I’m still trying to figure out why women Abortion Righters can’t get on the pill or use the Plan B pill, or make their one night stands use a fucking condom...And then you have Greg Abbott who thinks a woman impregnated by a rapist or by incest, or the pregnancy is life threatening to Mom or Child is not eligible for an abortion.

This is my example of the politics of this country are “My way or no way”. No one stands for the middle, it’s all extremism, so how can anything ever change?

My father had a quote his entire life, “Anyone who thinks a politician will improve his lot in life is a Fool!”
We need to do away with primaries and do like Alaska did.

It gives more power to those in the middle.

It is why that silly bitch didn't get elected and a more centrist candidate did.
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Old 10-07-2022, 05:42 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
THe inflation rate is predicted to return to "normal" levels soon. 2.4% in early 2024. In 2008 my retirement investments took a major hit and quickly recovered in the next year. I expect the stock market to recover. Mortgage rates in the 1980s were double digits. I remember when 6-7% was the norm. They were 6% in 2003. We have been spoiled in the 2010s and 2020s. The "progressive agenda" has had no impact on the ability of a person to attend college. And the increase in the national debt was in control when Bill Clinton was in office. Bush increased it by 105%. The increases under both Obama and Trump were huge. $8.34 trillion in 8 years under Obama and $8.2 trillion under Trump in only 4 years. Of course, Trump had to deal with the Coronavirus. And Biden has increased the deficit by $1.8 trillion thus far.
Conflating the deficit with the debt....that's not very honest.

In 1981 (the first Reagan budget), the national debt was 998 billion dollars which was about 31% of the GDP.

In 1989 (the first Bush budget), the national debt was 2.857 trillion dollars, which was 51% of the GDP, and an increase over eight years of 286%.

In 1993 (the first Clinton budget), the national debt was 4.411 trillion dollars, which was 63% of the GDP, and an increase over four years of 154%.

In 2001 (the first Bush budget), the national debt was 5.507 trillion dollars, which was 55% of the GDP, and an increase over eight years of 125%.

In 2009 (the first Obama budget), the national debt was 11.910 trillion dollars, which was 82% of GDP, and an increase over eight years of 216%.

In 2017 (the first Trump budget), the national debt was 20.245 trillion dollars, which was 104% of GDP, and an increase over eight years of 170%.

In 2021 (the first Biden budget), the national debt was 29.617 trillion dollars, which was 124% of the GDP, and an increase over four years of 145%.

In 2022 (today), the national debt is 30.824 trillion dollars, which is 123% of the GDP, and an increase over a single year of 104%.

Now no one is very good at this but Reagan had the Cold War to fund, Bush finished the Cold War but had to deal with Iraq, Clinton got relief from funding the Cold War, Bush has Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama didn't have to actively deal with any aggression by any country, Trump was drawing down our commitments but had to deal with Covid. Biden had no wars to deal with accept to surrender Afghanistan and Trump had given him three vaccines for Covid but Biden spent money on cronies and lockdown recovery (most of which has not yet been spent).
All told, republicans have increased the debt (not to be confused with the deficit) 9.372 trillion + 6.403 trillion + 1.554 trillion + 1.859 trillion or 19.188 trillion over 24 years (799.5 billion a year).
The democrats have increased the debt 1.086 trillion + 8.335 trillion + 1.207 trillion or 10.628 trillion over 17 years (625 billion a year). Biden is projected to spend (at this rate) another three trillion dollars or 681 billion a year for 20 years of democratic rule.
The republicans bought the end of the Cold War, the War on Terror, Covid, tighter control of the border, and a booming economy.
What did the democrats buy with our money? Complete inaction after the Cold War, ignored the Muslim terror threat, lost control of the border, surrendered Afghanistan, paid off the Iranians twice, give up the economy to China, and crushed our energy might to the Russians which gave the world the Ukrainian invasion.

A lot of numbers but to conclude, no one from either party is good with our money but the republicans gave us a nice house, a good running car, and that promised vacation after the kid graduated from college.
The dems had us downsize our home, we're driving a hybrid beater, and vacation has to be postponed again until that kid goes to California to join Antifa and find themselves (whatever sex they think they are now).
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