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Old 05-14-2022, 02:48 PM   #16
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Thank you much. Your help makes it much easier to prove how stupid you are.

The only information other than what I posted was your Revolver article. Too bad you misunderstood your own link.

Right off the bat, Epps was never on the Most Wanted list, before or after Jan. 6th. He was on the Capitol Violence Most Wanted list after Jan. 6th.
On Jan. 8th, he saw his name on the list and called the FBI tip line (see below).

(None of your conservative "mates" challenged your total bullshit claim Epps was on any FBI list before the Capitol riot. Looks like we can assume your "mates" are as well read as you.

Is barley boy still available in the pool for who gets their GED first?)

But this is where it gets really good.
From you.

As I previously asked Skep and some o' you other lads to do
- read the reports from Revolver news - and you'll surely
get the full story.
Like I said, new information makes most of the Revolver article outdated and shows how wrong it was.
But not this part. From the Revolver article.

(Side note. Read the article knowing Ray Epps called the FBI on Jan. 8th and gave them a recorded interview. Hilarious! )
By January 8, the FBI Capitol Violence Most Wanted List featured a big fat friendly face shot of Ray Epps. The FBI’s Washington Field Office, in a tweet the same day, called for the public’s help in identifying Epps. Epps, dressed in full camo with a bright red “Trump” hat, is the FBI’s “Suspect 16” in the bottom-left quadrant of both images reproduced below:

“Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1,
These 2 excerpts show he was added Jan. 8th and removed July 1st.


Funny that Skeps first post - a lot of paragraphs there that
LEAVE OUT the simple FACT that Ray Epps was on the FBI

See? You don’t even know the name of the list. It’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted Most Wanted List just months before the Capitol protest! Funny? Not before the fact but hilarious after the fact. And the simple fact is that Epps wasn’t on ANY FBI list before the Capitol riot.

And you shit the bed. Again.

WHY was that fact not mentioned??Because it’s not a fact.

His name was removed right before January. Hope you were wearing your Depends because you just launched load #2. The correct answer would be July 1st.
Just a coincidence?? .I don’t know. But it’s not a coincidence you were wrong again.

Was surely willing to give YOU a fair chance here, Munch.Did you learn your lesson?
Even though me conservative mates here were laughing at me
for wasting me time doing so. ... They know you're a lost cause.
No, they’re laughing at you because you just got a good old American ass kicking. They don’t really like your sheep station ass either.

Do I still make you laugh? You wouldn’t know credibility if it shoved it's fist into your vagina.
It’s obvious you didn’t read the story in post #1 or the article in Revolver.

One more time for the slow people.

“But for more than a year, well before the name Ray Epps was widely known in right-wing circles, federal authorities have had information — from both him and Mr. Samsel — suggesting that he was not a government agent and did not encourage the younger man to engage with the police that day. (You understand why they didn’t disclose that information before, right? They aren’t obligated to provide information on an ongoing investigation except some things to do with due process and some such)

Just two days after the attack, when Mr. Epps saw himself on a list of suspects from Jan. 6, he called an F.B.I. tip line and told investigators that he had tried to calm Mr. Samsel down when they spoke, according to three people who have heard a recording of the call. Mr. Epps went on to say that he explained to Mr. Samsel that the police outside the building were merely doing their jobs, the people said.”

So just 2 days after the attack, Ray Epps called the FBI tip line. In a recorded call, according to 3 people who have heard it, Epps explained he had tried to calm Samsel down when he spoke into his ear. Epps went on to say he explained that the police outside the Capitol were just doing their jobs.

“Then in late January of last year, in an interview with the F.B.I., Mr. Samsel said much the same thing, telling investigators that a man he did not know came up to him at the barricades and suggested he relax, according to a recording of the interview obtained by The New York Times.
“He came up to me and he said, ‘Dude’ — his entire words were, ‘Relax, the cops are doing their job,’” Mr. Samsel said.”
The recording of Mr. Samsel appears to be a brief clip of a longer interview with the F.B.I. that took place in late January 2021 after he was arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer at the Capitol.

So after Epps told his story to the FBI (on Jan. 8th), it was corroborated by Mr. Samsel, (in late Jan.)in an independent interview after the initial interview with Epps.

So why is this coming out now?

“The recordings of Mr. Epps and Mr. Samsel were released by the government last week as a discovery disclosure to scores of defense lawyers representing people charged with crimes in connection with the Capitol attack.”

So this explains why Epps name was removed from the Capitol Violence list. He had been identified, interviewed, and not charged with a crime. His story was verified, he is a veteran, a small business owner, and a Trump supporter. He was in DC because Trump asked his supporters to come.
He was a chapter president in the Oath Keepers in AZ in 2011.

At this point you'll squirm, deflect, or do anything you can to keep from admitting you were wrong. Or do anything to keep from accepting the fact you're a flaming asshole regardless of your political leanings. Since you already say things you can't provide links or proof your statements are factual, just relax for a day or two. You'll be lying again in no time.
Emojis, CAPS, the misrepresentation and misreading of one of the only links you have ever given, the spreading stain on the front of your pants, each expression of the asshole you are....

Didn't your daddy ever teach you not to lead with your chin?

Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... You liberal lads make me laugh once again!

As I previously asked Skep and some o' you other lads to do
- read the reports from Revolver news - and you'll surely
get the full story.

Funny that Skeps first post - a lot of paragraphs there that
LEAVE OUT the simple FACT that Ray Epps was on the FBI
Most Wanted List just months before the Capitol protest!

WHY was that fact not mentioned??

His name was removed right before January.
Just a coincidence?? ... Must be. The Biden admininstration
and FBI/DOJ would never lie to the American people. ...

So the FBI/DOJ claims Ray Epps was NOT working for the them
during the protest? ... Wasn't arrested like the others were.
Just another coincidence.

Was surely willing to give YOU a fair chance here, Munch.
Even though me conservative mates here were laughing at me
for wasting me time doing so. ... They know you're a lost cause.

And you're stuck now having to push the administration's lies
as the Biden ship has SUNK.

Slither-back under another rock, Munch. ... Your credibility's gone.

### Salty
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Old 05-14-2022, 03:47 PM   #17
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Your use of allsides tells it all. You use a mediabias chart that explicitly says it doesn't address whether a post is factual or not.
In other words, you're not too sharp.

You just admitted Trump wants to fuck his own daughter (and probably has), has been a Russian asset since 2010, has given China our military plans for defending Taiwan, was in complete collusion with Russia over the election, etc., etc., just because he hasn't said he didn't do any of that stuff while under oath?
The problem with this line of thinking is that I don't have your capacity for telling outright lies or your lack of character. So while I can use an example of your fucked up way of thinking to point out your....flaws, I'm not going to follow you down your rabbit hole.

And of course the recorded calls between Epps, Samsel, and the FBI that were ju8st given to many defense attorneys of defendants of the Capitol riot for discovery are propaganda or slanted in what way?

You really will say anything, won't you?
No lie or batshit crazy theory, no display how stupid you really are stands in your way.

When you are confronted with a fact that say, you have to deny that gravity exists or some such, instead of SHUTTING THE FUCK UP, you have to say something that removes all doubt you should be under constant supervision by health care providers.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

New York Times (News)

News Media

AllSides Media Bias Rating: Lean Left

how naive you and the rest of the goobers suffering from TDS are. first you without question believe a left leaning (far left actually) news site known to slant their articles into misleading and often false propaganda. and if that isn't stupid enough you take a phone interview not under oath as settling the matter just because Epps claimed to the FBI he wasn't working for the FBI or some other government agency.


you don't need to be a fed to be working for the fed. they are called informants. cops use them all the time. are they cops? of course not.

the fact that Epps is an agitator is just that, fact. the question is who is he an agitator for? just because he tells the FBI not under oath does not clear him of being an agitator for some government entity. .

in fact it makes it more suspicious given how the Government has treated others that day. people who were merely at the capitol that day or at the rally without any evidence they entered the building were arrested. people who traveled to and from the capitol that day were suspected.

speaking of context ..

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources


Stop Calling Jan. 6 an ‘Insurrection’

That’s a legal term that denotes much more than a sporadically violent riot or disturbance.


so professor poofter are ya gonna keep calling Jan 6th an insurrection?

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Old 05-14-2022, 04:31 PM   #18
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Salty has really lost his mojo. Not even worth insulting anymore.
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Old 05-14-2022, 11:50 PM   #19
Salty Again
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... Nice try Phony - and a FAIL. ... Seems like the SAME contortions
you used to "justify" the pushing of the FAKE "collusion" narrative
between Russia and Trump. ... No wonder the lads are onto you here.

So you're claiming the FBI Washington Field Office "Most Wanted List" and the Capitol Violence "Most Wanted List" are two different things??

And WE are supposed to believe the FBI/DOJ's "account" of Ray Epp's
participation in the Capitol protest? ... Is THAT right?

Intersting the Mr. Epps was NOT charged with a crime - aint it?

Mr. Epps IS ON CAMERA -MOVING WIRE FENCING... This govermnet cover
bullshit tale of Epps and Samsel is laughable at best - and of course
offours GREAT COVER for what Epps was really doing there.

... You DO understand that the Easter Bunny is phony - don't ya...
I surely hope so - 'cause the depths you'll go to barrack for
the OUTRIGHT Lies of the FBI/DOJ is actually insulting, Munch.

Next, you're gonna tell us they cannot find Hillary's missing e-mails!

Blimey! ... So Ray Epps was NEVER under FBI surveillance before 6 Jan?
Do you really believe that? ... And he was onley helping the upsot fellow - doing a good deed there that day - and WAS NOT arrested
while most others were? ... And the government has to show
conversation between the two to make it seem believable.

I surely missed the point where FIFTY (50) past or present members
of the government's "Intelligence Community" all signed a statement
that sayes the FBI is telling the truth about Ray Epps.

It's really sad that YOU surely lack the common sense to truly
understand things - like the simple fact that Revolver didn't
just guess things or create Ray Epps out of thin air.

They were tipped off about him. ... And his presence there.
Wake Up!

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Old 05-15-2022, 02:10 AM   #20
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Did you notice the wacky one took my advice?
He shut the fuck up. Everything he says isn't bullshit. He makes some good points sometimes.
But you...you're special. And you're pathetic. I addressed a single post you made that had....well you know what I posted. You vomited a bunch of made up conjecture that hasn't been claimed anywhere.
I pointed out your lies, misrepresentations, and pissed all over your condescending bullshit. I bet you were crying as you sputtered on your monitor.
Not as smart as the wacky one, you tried to cover your stupidity. You can always post a link. And in this case the report that you have cited numerous times, the report you said,
"you'll surely
get the full story."
That "full story" was different from your newest story. It specified dates Epps was put on the list and when he was taken off. Those dates are public records. As is your claim he was on the list before the riot (did you notice I left out the part where you didn't know the name of the list you claimed he was on).
Then you claim he was removed from the list before the date of the event you want him arrested for.
You don't know what I think. You don't even know what you think. You just claimed the Capitol Violence Most Wanted list and the Most Wanted list are the same thing. WTF?
Prove it.

You've been called out for your lies and the best you can do is offer up a new set of lies...as you tell me my credibility is gone. It's like I said, your "friends" aren't laughing at you because you won't give up on me, they're laughing at you because they can see how stupid you are. I don't just believe anything either side says. I want to see where and what information is being used.
Here is a quick example.
The FBI releases recordings of conversations that are admitted as discovery for some of the upcoming Capitol riot trials. You crawl out of your husband's ass and claim the FBI is filing false evidence.
Your evidence/proof the FBI is lying? None. Zero. Zip.
You are shithouse rat crazy.
You get caught lying so you lie some more. Your post didn't address a single issue in my post.
Everyone on this site can sense your fear. Your squirming like a worm freshly impaled on a hook.
Does your husband know you are online?
Your word is worthless. I probably won't respond to your made up bullshit. But I might respond to a link. Any credibility you might have had was gone months ago. And now you won't/can't refute anything in my post yesterday.
Guess I'll just use you as a speed bag. Your look of faux outrage and surprise are priceless.

You can go now.
Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Nice try Phony - and a FAIL. ... Seems like the SAME contortions
you used to "justify" the pushing of the FAKE "collusion" narrative
between Russia and Trump. ... No wonder the lads are onto you here.

So you're claiming the FBI Washington Field Office "Most Wanted List" and the Capitol Violence "Most Wanted List" are two different things??

And WE are supposed to believe the FBI/DOJ's "account" of Ray Epp's
participation in the Capitol protest? ... Is THAT right?

Intersting the Mr. Epps was NOT charged with a crime - aint it?

Mr. Epps IS ON CAMERA -MOVING WIRE FENCING... No he isn't. I can't prove he isn't. But I don't have to.
Prove he is.
This govermnet cover
bullshit tale of Epps and Samsel is laughable at best - and of course
offours GREAT COVER for what Epps was really doing there.

... You DO understand that the Easter Bunny is phony - don't ya...
I surely hope so - 'cause the depths you'll go to barrack for
the OUTRIGHT Lies of the FBI/DOJ is actually insulting, Munch.

Next, you're gonna tell us they cannot find Hillary's missing e-mails!

Blimey! ... So Ray Epps was NEVER under FBI surveillance before 6 Jan?
Do you really believe that? ... And he was onley helping the upsot fellow - doing a good deed there that day - and WAS NOT arrested
while most others were? ... And the government has to show
conversation between the two to make it seem believable.

I surely missed the point where FIFTY (50) past or present members
of the government's "Intelligence Community" all signed a statement
that sayes the FBI is telling the truth about Ray Epps.

It's really sad that YOU surely lack the common sense to truly
understand things - like the simple fact that Revolver didn't
just guess things or create Ray Epps out of thin air.

They were tipped off about him. ... And his presence there.
Wake Up!

#### Salty
You don't cite any sources in your entire rant. You bring up a bunch of stuff I haven't and won't discuss with a serial liar.
I'll say one thing. You talking about common sense makes me laugh.
One more thing you wouldn't recognize if it slammed its fist into your vagina.Now fuck off.
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Old 05-15-2022, 12:29 PM   #21
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... Hee Hee! ... Let me repeat this again:

I missed the point where FIFTY (50) members of the government's
Intelligence Community all signed a statement sayin' the
government is telling the truth about Ray Epps.

Like they did with Hunter's "FAKE" laptop.

So what we have here - along-with your swearing & phony outrage
- is the simple fact that YOU will believe any claim made
by the FBI/DOJ - as long as it fits the liberal narrative.

You must ALSO believe the 50 intelligence people who claimed
the laptop was fake - and also OBama - who claimed that Trump
wasn't spyed on. ... And Bush's claim - from the intelligence people
- about all the "weapons" of mass destruction.

YOU keep putting your trust in the government.
See how that works for ya... I'll surely believe what I see and hear.
And me-own political "insiders" - who predicted that Biden would
be a DISASTER for the country.

... See?

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Old 05-16-2022, 07:09 AM   #22
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... STILL tryin' to figure HOW this works exactly... How the Biden
administration got FIFTY (50) past and present Intelligence Officials
to ALL "agree" that Hunter's own laptop was not-onley FAKE (not his)
and just "Russian DisInformation"...

That title there - Intelligence Officials - should mean CIA and FBI
and DOJ, right? ... And you would think they would have looked
at everything and CONFIRMED things to be ACCURATE.

At least before ALL 50 surely agreed with the LIES about it.

Ya know... the American "Deep State" is surely like a cult.
Where "career" government just blindly sign whatever they are told
and simply agree-with whatever somebody higher-up tells them.

And I won't even mention the corrupt main-stream media.

This isn't the way HONEST GOVERNMENT is supposed to work.
And the American people surely deserve better.

#### Salty
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Old 05-16-2022, 07:28 AM   #23
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Salty makes up more stories and fairy tales than the Walt Disney company.

What is scary is he may actually think that because he believes the lies, they are true.
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Old 05-16-2022, 04:35 PM   #24
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... Are YOU actually claiming that FIFTY (50) past and present
members of the "Intelligence Community" DIDN'T sign on and
claim that the so-called laptop was NOT Hunter's and was just
Russian DisInformation??

Biden surely MENTIONED them in the debate with Trump! ...

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Old 05-16-2022, 09:10 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Salty makes up more stories and fairy tales than the Walt Disney company.

What is scary is he may actually think that because he believes the lies, they are true.

I'm sure when the Republicans take control and the video doesn't show up in January of 2023 he'll claim it'll be released in 2024. But you're right, he's spent so much time drinking whatever they serve in that tin foil lined basement of bambi sparkles that he DOES believe it.
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Old 05-16-2022, 09:40 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Salty makes up more stories and fairy tales than the Walt Disney company.

What is scary is he may actually think that because he believes the lies, they are true.
You do realize you are talking to a hillbilly clown who lives in WV but acts like he is from Australia; don't you? Do you actually expect to read any form of logical reasoning with a complete imbecile like that? A damn goldfish has more intelligence than that goofy old weirdo clown.

I don't even read that fool's posts. I read enough dumb shit on this board already so need to add to it.

Edit: See the below post; another WV hillbilly fool who I neither care to entertain nor read his dumb shit as well. I don't even know what that fat old sissy posted, but I am sure it was stupid as usual and not worth me reading.
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Old 05-16-2022, 09:57 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
You do realize you are talking to a hillbilly clown who lives in WV but acts like he is from Australia; don't you? Do you actually expect to read any form of logical reasoning with a complete imbecile like that? A damn goldfish has more intelligence than that goofy old weirdo clown.

I don't even read that fool's posts. I read enough dumb shit on this board already so need to add to it.
So, you read your own posts.
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Old 05-16-2022, 11:26 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
You do realize you are talking to a hillbilly clown who lives in WV but acts like he is from Australia; don't you? Do you actually expect to read any form of logical reasoning with a complete imbecile like that? A damn goldfish has more intelligence than that goofy old weirdo clown.

I don't even read that fool's posts. I read enough dumb shit on this board already so need to add to it.

Edit: See the below post; another WV hillbilly fool who I neither care to entertain nor read his dumb shit as well. I don't even know what that fat old sissy posted, but I am sure it was stupid as usual and not worth me reading.
... So YOU can't debate this, so you just offour your
sad insults - which is why most of the lads here can't
take your earbore posts seriously.

All that rich bullshit of basketball and Ivy League education
and what-not, and then all the contradictions.

It's sad, really. ... But we can still laugh at it.

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Old 05-16-2022, 11:28 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Are YOU actually claiming that FIFTY (50) past and present
members of the "Intelligence Community" DIDN'T sign on and
claim that the so-called laptop was NOT Hunter's and was just
Russian DisInformation??

Biden surely MENTIONED them in the debate with Trump! ...

#### Salty
.... THIS still stands. ... Any takers??

### Salty
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