Originally Posted by berryberry
liberal perverts at CNN could only dream of
We are t talking about Matt Getz are we?
He's not working for CNN, is he?
Probably wanted to hang out with Jeff Toobin.
And believe me Devo your side isn't the only one that's running out of patients. And you act as if you all are the only ones that have weapons, or knowledge of thier use!
Your big lie is like the ever ready bunny, it just keeps going and going and going!
And yes Berry, had you served this country in any capacity except as a complainer, you would know and understand that this is what we do in this country, we kill and destroy its enemies!
They taught me that in the Army!
Eye is spot on!
It's good to know that people like him have my back!
Instead of liberal, call us Americans.
It doesn't make a person a liberal to recognize a threat to this country, and it constitution and if you understand this country and the way its ran you would know they are one and the same!
And you, and yours, are threats to this country!
Same as that little bitch Tucker Carlson he should have stayed on Hungary that way he could have his cake and eat it too!
Rupert Murdock, what a piece of shit!
And so is that garbage that you all like to let them pump into your heads!
Now class can anybody say the words "Seditious Conspiracy"?
I knew ya could!
Now "THERE'S" a CONSPIRACY I can believe in!
Where is that going to lead?
Because Mr. Rhodes is a Yale law school grad, so I am reasonably sure that he will understand that 20 years in Leveanworth won't be any fun, so I'm sure that will oil up his jaw!
Now the chips are falling!
And how about those fraudulent electors, man the lies just keep on coming!
Every ready bunnies all of you!
But I guess, when your Donald Trump, or someone that carries his water, the truth is inconsequential!
Fucking liars!