Originally Posted by Perryay
LillyLilly - That sounds kind of ominous and threatening to me. I hope I've never seen you and that I never do. WTF 
Yes, it does sound threatening, doesn't it? Think about it. Escorting is a business. If an escort provides companionship and gets no complaints, may even see someone a few times (or rejects future appointments with someone) and then finds out that person is bad mouthing in private and ruining her business, well, then there is no reason for an escort to have any loyalty to that client whether she liked him or not (yes, we do not like everyone we meet. Nor do we get turned on by everyone we meet. Nor do we find appealing everyone we meet). Don't misunderstand me.........I have a "do no harm policy" in my own life and personally believe in Karma. I look at it this way; this is a business of keeping secrets and neither client nor escort should bite the hand that feeds them. There is no reason to disrespect someone who was good to you.