Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
well why don't you explain that for us.
>let's start with the fact that Jerusalem was founded by the original 12 tribes of Judaism
Which are the decedents of Isaac and Ishmael, who are the both the ancestors of the Arabs and the Jews.
>Who cares if they ran off a few Arab Palestinian goat herders to do it.
Those were not Arabs, but Canaanites, who were descendants of Noah's grandson Ham.
>Jerusalem was founded by the original Jewish people and only they have any claim to it.
...According to the Jews. The Arabs, who have nearly the same story, claim it's their land for the exact same reason.
>yet at the end of WWII when the British Empire was being unwinded by the British because they no longer had the resources to maintain .. and control it
The transition actually began in 1922 when the League of Nations was portioning out the corpse of the Ottoman Empire. Britain got Palestine because in 1917 it signed a proclamation that they support a Jewish ethnostate.
>the British offered the Palestinians Jerusalem as part of their new nation. they turned it down. you know why? because the US also backed creating a homeland of Israel for the Jewish diaspora to claim and settle as their own nation.
True. However, what gives Britain, the League of Nations, and eventually the UN the right to do this?
>How much land do you think the Palestinian's arab brothers in Jordan, Syria or Egypt would give up for their "brothers" to have a homeland? not one hectare i bet.
You're correct in saying zero, however, the Jews are the intruder in this case, they are not owed land. It was not the Palestinians' responsibility to give the Jews land, and it's not Syria, Jordan, Egypt, or Lebanon's responsibility to give either side land.
Furthermore, the Israelis have been the aggressors in the region since their founding, with terror cells attacking Palestinians and Brits while the Brits still occupied, occupying Egyptian land in the 50's, and then instigating the Six Day War in the 60's.
At the end of the day, I don't care who wins. It's barbaric-ass brown people killing each other, which happens all day every day for the last 10000 years. I'm just tired of paying for it. No one's the good guy.