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And still there is no movement in the polls towards Trump as there was in 2016.
Trump trailed Clinton on election day 2016 by 3% nationally. Today RCP has Trump trailing by 8%. Trump's approval rating is not rising. Still almost negative by double digits. Biden has solid poll leads in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. After the election I'll review the accuracy of the polls.
Trump may still pull victory out of his ass as he did in 2016 but it currently does not look good for him. I doubt there will be much movement in the polls in 8 days.
Well spoken as always SR. Trump infects thousands while failing to improve his poll numbers. The poll movement is negligible, and he’s on the verge of losing Georgia and Arizona. Biden wins GA and AZ, then it doesn’t matter what happens in TX or FL.
Pity the Brownshirted, goosesteppers only read what Herr Twitler and his cabal of pizza parlor pedos tell them to read.
Playing right into the Putin/Fox narrative and the Giuliani disinformation machine.
Joeys thinks his running against George Bush , and 2019 tweeted obout the planed pandemic ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
Pity the Brownshirted, goosesteppers only read what Herr Twitler and his cabal of pizza parlor pedos tell them to read.
That rich coming from the side with an actual mob of masked vigilantes killing people and burning property for "wrongthink", using educational institutions for indoctrination, and the media as a lying propaganda machine.
You guys are the villains, you won't realize it until you're against the wall.
That rich coming from the side with an actual mob of masked vigilantes killing people and burning property for "wrongthink", using educational institutions for indoctrination, and the media as a lying propaganda machine.
You guys are the villains, you won't realize it until you're against the wall.
The funniest thing about all of this bullshit is that we have people on the far left trying to kick off their own version of the French Revolution because they think they're on the bottom, or that they think they're being treated unfairly. Reality is that they live in the most advanced and affluent nation on the fucking planet which at it scale does a better job taking care of those at the bottom than almost every other nation.
Essentially there are two types of libs: The entitled youth, who cares not to work or struggle in life, thinking they have enough character, and the guilty elder who despite eating from a silver spoon compared to the rest of the world, chooses to dwell in their own disasters and begs and implores the world to save the people that they secretly feel superior to, but at the world's expense, not their own.
It's always the libs with the platitudes and the "knows what's best for you" attitude who think we need to help the homeless, but are content to just let them camp in YOUR front yard or YOUR park, because it doesn't effect them. They don't have guns and are terrified of them, so they're happy to offer up YOUR guns to the altar of big government, to police YOUR language for "microaggressions", or that with their etsy store they don't have health insurance they want YOU to pay for it, or that YOU must vaccinate YOU and YOUR children or you're a murderer, but when it comes to abortions that's none of YOUR or the government's business.
And still there is no movement in the polls towards Trump as there was in 2016...
Guessing you are probably a fan of Medieval times, like using leches for blood letting.
Polling has been in effect since 1824 or 1936, depending on how you wish to define polling. This current year is 2020. Anything change since the original polls that seems worth mentioning? Hmm... could be. Even if you ignore technology and communications advances, enthusiasm is still a motivating factor as well as an indicator.
But first: a pop- quiz
Q) What was the #1 google search since the Biden Laptop Surfaced?
A) How do I change my mail-in vote
Bear in mind, the videos and links to videos have at least one thing in common: They all occurred in the past week
So let's check in on what is arguably an elitist Liberal stronghold 2 min
The longer, 9 minute, version is actually better cinematography-wise - IMHO
To understand why it's a fave with this 2 minute video
What does it look like when you combine a Trump rally with a peaceful protest and a prayer meeting, you might ask. Answered in this 1 minute video
So now, the final exam:
After witnessing 10Thousand plus Trump peaceful protesters in a single week;
How many arson fires were set?
How many people were assaulted?
How many police officers were assaulted?
How many stores were vandalized or looted?
Guessing you are probably a fan of Medieval times, like using leches for blood letting.
Polling has been in effect since 1824 or 1936, depending on how you wish to dine polling. This current year is 2020. Anything change since the original polls that s worth mentioning? Hmm... could be. Even if you ignore technology and communications advances, enthusiasm is still a motivating factor as well as an indicator.
But first: a trivia pop- quiz
Q) What was the #1 google search since the Biden Laptop Surfaced?
A) How do I change my mail-in vote
Bear in mind, the videos and links to videos have at least one thing in common: They all occurred in the past week
And yet Biden is way ahead of Trump unless you can supply us with something objective to prove otherwise. People who attend Trump's rallies are Trump supporters. Close to 100%. Those are not the voters Trump has to convince to vote for him now and in 8 days. He needs those suburban women whom he begged to like him to change their minds and support him.
Polls have been around a long time and are for the most part very accurate. Exactly one state, Wisconsin, was missed in 2016. Every other state was either called correctly or put in the category of "too close to call". Trump carried the majority of those states and won.
Here is why the 2020 polls are supposed to be more accurate. (1) Less undecided voters than in 2016. (2) Samples for the polls are drawn up based on past voting trends. In 2016 those factors were political party, age, race, and gender. In the 2016 election one additional factor came out loud and clear -- college education. The 2020 polls have tried to correct that missing factor by attempting to cross check that that demographic is included.
I come not to bury Hiden... Who am I kidding? Of course I am.
I don't predict the news - I just report it. Remember when the media used to do that?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And yet Biden is way ahead of Trump unless you can supply us with something objective to prove otherwise...
Besides the enthusiasm factor, you might also want to consider the attendee data collected at Trump rallies. I don't have them at my finger tips at the moment.
Many 1st time voters
Many, many Demonicrats.
Many Independents and undecided voters
Many who previously voted Her Royal Hellishness (2016)
And for all the divisiveness proclivities of the Lefties:
Tons of black support - at least 2-3x from 2016
Strong Hispanic/Latino support
Quite likely 100% of Cuban American support.
And more, and more.
How did you say the polling accounts for all three groupings again?
I take it you totally bombed the pop-quiz and final exam, not to mention not even watching the course material.
P.S. And we have not even begun to consider the Law Enforcement vote (endorsements) or the Unions yet.
I don't predict the news - I just report it. Remember when the media used to do that?
Besides the enthusiasm factor, you might also want to consider the attendee data collected at Trump rallies. I don't have them at my finger tips at the moment.
Many 1st time voters
Many, many Demonicrats.
Many Independents and undecided voters
Many who previously voted Her Royal Hellishness (2016)
And for all the divisiveness and labeling antics of the Lefties:
Tons of black support - at least 2-3x from 2016
Strong Hispanic/Latino support
Quite likely 100% of Cuban American support.
And more, and more.
How did you say the polling accounts for all three groupings again?
I take it you totally bombed the pop-quiz and final exam, not to mention not even watching the course material.
I would love to see something to back up your statement as to the make-up of attendees at Trump rallies.
I am not going to teach you Market Research 101 and how samples are drawn. I was a Market Research Analyst for several years for one of the largest corporations in the country. I am not an expert but my knowledge is better than most.
And I'd also enjoy where you are getting these statistics from:
Tons of black support - at least 2-3x from 2016
Strong Hispanic/Latino support
Quite likely 100% of Cuban American support.
And more, and more.
The only way to make such statements if from the input from POLLS. Yet you dismiss polls as being inaccurate. Is Trump doing better than in 2016. Yes. How much better is to be determined.
SR reminds me of 'tatoo' on the defunct TV series Fasntasy island
' De polls, 'De Polls!!!!hatred and rage at not being onc trol fuel the DPST's.
The only poll that matters is Nov 3
Vote biden - the last free election the DPSTs will ever permit - if they are allowed power - which is what they seek.
Not to serve the people - but raw Power and Control to impose their radical marxist totalitarian state, and destroy representative democracy forever!