Originally Posted by lustylad
Maybe if you start bragging about your 3 Ivy League degrees it will make you feel better about yourself.
Don't be stupid. I have those degrees because I was raised to make a nice living. Those degrees have enabled me to do so in the financial sector.
It is just funny to me how some of you bitches like to bring up my degrees. I only bring them up to piss you low self esteem fuckers off. Do you think it is fun growing up in California and Texas as a kid and then spending all of that time in the snow for those Ivy League degrees? I did it for the money. I don't even like school but I spent 7 years up there in the snow because I wanted the money. It paid off and I knew the sacrifice would be worth it.
After my last degree, I immediately moved to Los Angeles. I couldn't get out of the North East fast enough.
I bring up my degrees only because many of you idiots like to name call. I have three degrees from the best of the best. I am 100% cognizant of the fact that I seem like a prick when I do so, but if you call me dumb, what exactly do you think you are in the grand scheme of things because I am a hell of a lot smarter than you?
I don't need to feel better about myself. My kids are well taken care of and that's all that matters to me so I'm good. Thanks for being stupid though as usual. It's cute that you are trying to indirectly take up for Lexus Lover but I don't give a shit about the cliques in here. I say what I say and I don't need a fucking person to have my back because I'm fine riding solo and I just don't give a fuck. Some people like me and some people don't and I'm completely cool with that. This board is strictly a boredom killer to me and nothing more and nothing less.