Originally Posted by hotrix1
Good for you both.
Double Penetration babe? A Cock in the V, and one in the A. Or combination of dildo/cock, dildo/dildo, etc. C'mon Ginger seriously? You didn't know? 
Hell it could be with a guy/guy or guy/girl or girl/girl with extensions on the girls of course. 
Thank you Mr Hot!

I appreciate the info. That’s kind of what I thought, and of course I knew it meant TWO penetrations; just not sure if two men were always involved with one woman. I’m not much of a porn watcher and I don’t think porn is actually for educational purposes, lol! And of course people certainly do their own thing and know what kind of DP they want. I just didn’t know what it USUALLY meant. Two men or toys. TWO WOMEN with strap ons doing another woman never occurred to me at all, LOL! Haven’t tried a strap on or many toys. I like the REAL thing!
Do you think they do that in the clubs in DFW, like Lido’s or Colettes? It’d be much hotter to see people exploring that in PERSON, maybe even be involved to a certain extent! I’ve always wanted to go to a swingers club and watch.
And play a little.

However, since I’m not about to get peened in my A; OR be able to fit more than ONE peen in my V; it just has NEVER been an issue I’ve really cared to explore before.
But...you know what they say about curiosity and the Katt!