Originally Posted by boardman
What a shit show...
You are such a sour pus. Da great thought referencing puss in boots might endure me to you, kitty soft paws. It has not and da great is sad. Da great is not Sisto and or px,sisto seems quite smarter than me and pxo spends way too much money on pus for da Great liking.( I sometimes have a slight problem giving a chick 200 knowing she's going to freely foook and feed some degenerate who foooking does nothing all day). But please board, I am full of shrimp and Ribeyes. I got quite the kick out of going to the Heb in riveroaks and putting Ribeyes and shrimp in the basket. Came out to 60 for the Ribeyes and shrimp, I spared no cost. Then da great got a cheesecake and the only cheap thing da great bought was some koolaid. Shout out to my roots. Upon paying da great thanked everyone in line for being great taxpayers granting me dis privilege,then promptly swiped my ebt/ foood stamp card so no actual dollars came out of da greats pockets. Please continue paying taxes kitty.#God bless America# modties#stuffed on steaks. Honor. Loyalty. Respect. Love. Dignity. America first. Tooodlez ..