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Old 06-24-2011, 09:20 PM   #16
dirty dog
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
You know, DD, I hate to say this, but you're an ass. The person described in barleycorn's post is similar to the person whose business I am working for right now. His company is over 100 years old, his revenues and reinvestments are similar. He and his management staff took a salary cut last year and froze all salaries for a year so that they wouldn't have to fire anyone. He invests in the community and provides many perks to his employees. To raise taxes on him, and other small businesses that the Bamster and the Dems describe as rich would destroy 90% of the businesses in this country. Your opinion of the rich is probably slanted due to large corporations, but most businesses are nowhere near large, but their owners would be defined as "the rich" because they earn more than $250,000.00 per year. So just STFU.
Fuck you, you STFU. Your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I am glad you work for a good guy, but for everyone like him there are 3 like I described. So go kiss his ass if you want but dont thik I am going to because you think he is great.
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Old 06-24-2011, 09:27 PM   #17
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Fuck you, you STFU. Your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I am glad you work for a good guy, but for everyone like him there are 3 like I described. So go kiss his ass if you want but dont thik I am going to because you think he is great. .....................stfu??,,, ,lame.
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Old 06-24-2011, 10:55 PM   #18
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COG...I agree with you. The two parties are out to lunch. I have worked with many bankrupt companies and I know that you can't pull out of it without revenue (tax increases) and expense cuts.
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Old 06-25-2011, 08:19 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by deacon View Post
Fuck you, you STFU. Your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I am glad you work for a good guy, but for everyone like him there are 3 like I described. So go kiss his ass if you want but dont thik I am going to because you think he is great. .....................stfu??,,, ,lame.
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Old 06-25-2011, 11:06 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
You know, DD, I hate to say this, but you're an ass. The person described in barleycorn's post is similar to the person whose business I am working for right now. His company is over 100 years old, his revenues and reinvestments are similar. He and his management staff took a salary cut last year and froze all salaries for a year so that they wouldn't have to fire anyone. He invests in the community and provides many perks to his employees. To raise taxes on him, and other small businesses that the Bamster and the Dems describe as rich would destroy 90% of the businesses in this country. Your opinion of the rich is probably slanted due to large corporations, but most businesses are nowhere near large, but their owners would be defined as "the rich" because they earn more than $250,000.00 per year. So just STFU.
DD may be an ass, a name he will no doubt wear with pride, but you sir are an absolute liar. I would rather be an ass than a liar. You have no idea what percentage of businesses would be affected by a tax increase, but like the dipshit congressman that stated over 90% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion when the real figure was 3%, you just pulled the 90% out of your ass. Also, most business owners make no where near $250,000 per year.
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Old 06-26-2011, 12:16 AM   #21
JD Barleycorn
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I notice that some here are playing a game with words. They use terms like "corporations" and "Big Business" instead of family businesses, small businesses, entrepeneurs, etc. We have (they hope) been trained to hate anything with the word "big" in front of it. I worry about "Big Government" and I'm not referring to the Breitbart site. Most people work for a small to medium size business and not for the huge multinational corporations like Google (FOB), Microsoft (FOB), Goldman/Sachs (FOB), BP (FOB), or Apple (FOB).
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Old 06-26-2011, 08:54 AM   #22
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The bottom line in all of this Barleycorn and Fritz is you can't solve the debt problem with spending cuts alone, its gone to far past the point when it could. Even if cutting taxes for the rich resulted in jobs, which I no longer believe it does, b ut even if it did, that still does not pay the toll and will not reduce the debt. It has not worked in the past and will not work in the future. We as a country can no longer reap the benefits of the many things we get in this country without paying for it. The only way to solve the debt problem is a combination of tax increases and spending cuts in all areas to include defense. Just like the couple who has 15 credit cards and a house full of nice stuff, who cannot pay the minimums anymore, our country is debt poor and living on a bubble that will someday break. You cannot borrow your way to prosperity.
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Old 06-26-2011, 09:42 AM   #23
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Okay, you mentioned the couple down the street. How would they get out of this mess? Can they go to the boss and demand a pay raise to cover their irresponsibility? If they are the boss, can they go to their customers and demand an increase of say 10% to cover, once again, their irresponsibility? Remember this is not to cover increased costs, this is to cover their gross stupidity for thinking things would stay the same forever. They would have to raise prices a second time to cover legitiment expenses, say another 10%.
What is more realistic? Cutting expenses is the most obvious, effective thing to do. Get rid of all the cable channels, sell a couple of the extra cars, cancel the Carribbean cruise, stop the spa weekends that your wife loves so much, cancel your golf weekends that you love so much, only go out hobbying once every two weeks, do you and your family need this year's styles in clothing and shoes? You cut expenses before anything else and then you start selling off things. Have a garage sale or put some things on E bay. The federal government is the biggest land owner in the country. Earmark some of this land for auction only open to American individuals or companies. Have a random lottery for all qualifying parties like Alaska does. Privatize services which would create private sector jobs and cut government expenses.
This all seems so simple so why don't the do it. It would take away government power and the power of the politicians. We need to force them to do the right thing. That is our responsibility and our right. Once we pay off a debt, don't incur that same debt again.
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Old 06-26-2011, 01:47 PM   #24
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We extended the tax cuts were are the jobs. We gave the banks money were are the loans.
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Old 06-26-2011, 04:26 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit View Post
We extended the tax cuts were are the jobs. We gave the banks money were are the loans.
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:41 AM   #26
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I keep hearing the GOP say that we cannot "Tax the Creators."

Who the fuck are the creators? It has become a chant as they worship at the altar of big business.

I have started and run enough businesses to know that you need both revenue enhancement and cost control.
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:46 AM   #27
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I am sure there was a relevant point there somewhere but I think I missed it.

Tax cuts without the assurance of consistant behavior doesn't get the job done. They should have made the cuts permanent. Banks needed bailing out because their assets crashed and they would have come up short. Their assets crashed because the home mortgages were devalued. The mortgages were devalued because of sub-prime lending. Sub-prime lending was encouraged and sometimes forced by government action.
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