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Old 06-07-2011, 08:14 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures View Post
I might be right behind you! LMAO..

God I cannot stand Sarah Palin.. *shudders* at the thought of her being our president.

Why do you hate Sarah Palin? What policy positions does she take that you disagree with?

I predict the liberals will just insult Sarah Palin and reiterate how much they hate her....none of them will discuss Sarah Palin's policy positions [but if one does try, it will be a mistatement of her position].....this is probaly because the liberal elite masters told the liberal mob to hate her, so they do without knowing why.....
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:57 AM   #17
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On College Campuses, Obama's Not Cool Anymore

Elspeth Reeve Elspeth Reeve – Mon Jun 6, 1:02 pm ET
President Obama polls numbers a nearing the levels he enjoyed in 2008, with one glaring exception: young people. Especially young white people. His approval rating is at 56 percent approval rating among people ages 18 to 29. That's higher than the 51 percent national average, but that's a decline of 10 points compared to the 2008 exit polls, according to the National Journal's Ronald Brownstein report. And if you want a look into the reason for the slump in one of the demographic groups that most strongly embraced Obama in 2008, it may be this: Obama's simply not cool anymore.
The New York Times' John Vinocur finds ample anecdotes to flesh out that theory at Oberlin College, a campus that prides itself for its brand of hipster left-wing activism. Among Vinocur's data points: Four undergrad editors at The Oberlin Review signed an essay lamenting that most students had opted out of agitating, unlike alums who protested slavery and the Vietnam war. A symposium last month called "Oberlin-based Perspectives on the Obama Presidency" noted that students don't think Obama's cool anymore--all his cute little quirks have become grating, a polisci professor explained, and the real Obama can't live up to their idea of him. Students aren't even impressed that Osama bin Laden was killed, protesting that the world's most wanted terrorist was unarmed when he was shot. Vinocur writes that although disaffection at Oberlin is "a speck of confetti in a storm of pre-2012 election indicators in America... it's also a fact that Mr. Obama's most diligent canvassers in 2008 often came from the country's campuses." Brownstein, too, notes that the lack of youth enthusiasm is "worrisome" and could be related to young people's higher unemployment rates.
But perhaps Obama shouldn't get too worked up about all the kids still living in their parents' basements. Aside from hurting the president's aura of cool, maybe it really matter that the under-30 crowd isn't excited about Obama? Despite all the buzz young voters got in 2008, they weren't critical to Obama's victory.
Voters aged 18 to 24 turned out at a rate of 49 percent in 2008, compared to 47 percent four years earlier--a statistically significant, but still small increase, according to the Census Bureau. Pew Research's Scott Keeter, Juliana Horowitz, and Alec Tyson explain that without the youth vote, Obama would have lost North Carolina and Indiana, but he still would have won crucial states Ohio and Florida. In the latter states, young people's share of the electorate actually decreased by 4 percent. Yes, Obama's huge get out the vote operation reached out to way more young voters than McCain's campaign--25 percent compared to 13 percent--but Obama didn't neglect the old folks. His campaign reached 55 percent of seniors in Virginia, for example compared to McCain's 45 percent.
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Old 06-07-2011, 09:06 AM   #18
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Default Harvard Law vs ...............

Originally Posted by Marshall View Post

BTW: Bush and Palin had better grades in college than Obama
How do you know this Marshall?


degree from Harvard Law School with honors (at least a 3.5 GPA) says something in itself. Palin attended 5 colleges, none of which had admissions requirements, to pull together a bachelor's in journalism and communictions. We should not only know her GPA, but she should be able to explain how this education is relevant to the office of the Presidency.
Due to privacy in education laws, the only way we can determine Palin's GPA is if she freely tells us. Tell her you want to know!
"Federal privacy laws prohibit the schools from disclosing her grades, and none of the schools contacted by The Associated Press could say why she transferred." Palin switched colleges 6 times in 6 years By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS, Associated Press Writer Thursday, September 4, 2008

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Old 06-07-2011, 04:30 PM   #19
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Marshall/DFW5Traveler has 11 posts in what is now an 18 post thread. This being my 2nd, i'm now the only other poster with more than 1.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:49 PM   #20
Karl Hungus
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Default Its not a liberal or conservative thing

Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
Outrageous stupid things? Like what? Supporting the US Constitution? Agreeing with the Founding Fathers? Do you disagree with the US Constitution and Founding Fathers?

Wow! Where to start on this masterpiece?!?

First, I'm not a liberal. I happen to know that Karl Rove (also not a liberal) is not impressed by Sara Palin, so the ad hominem attack that I must be liberal is: 1) a faulty inference because if I am a liberal, then Karl Rove must be a liberal, which I know to be false; and 2) it is not an insult to call someone a liberal (although I expect in your circular world where liberal is synonymous with evil it is, but in my world I have the intellectual breadth to pick and choose from the entire spectrum of political and social ideas, which means I can be a liberal on some things (women's rights over their bodies, including the right to engage in sexual relations with whomever they please for money or otherwise) and a conservative on others (letting market principles guide policy, which again allows the providers to take care of their business in peace)). We are a complex country and always have been. You might want to embrace the depth that this nation offers if you really want to celebrate its greatness.

Second, I know you don't want a Constitutional smackdown from a lawyer, so I'll go easy. First, reasonable minds can and have differed on the meaning of the Constitution, so your claim that Sara Palin somehow has cornered the market on Constitutional interpretation is laughable and offensive. Second, conservatives who say they support the Constitution are advocating strict construction and do not believe in a Constitutional right of privacy, but Palin does, which puts her in the liberal camp and by your reasoning opposed to Scalia and the other true supporters of the Constitution. Third, do you remember Palin's completely idiotic answer in which she seemed to think that the VP was somehow responsible for making the Senate get things done? Nuff said.

Third, agreeing with the founding fathers? Good lord. You do know that the founding fathers were heavily divided between those that sought a strong federal government and those that opposed it. Those issues didn't get worked out until the Civil War (if even then). So the statement means nothing without saying which founding fathers you want to support because the founding fathers were not a unanimous bunch. I think Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Obama have just as much right to claim the mantle of the founding fathers as Nixon, Reagan, and Scalia.

So do I disagree with the Constitution and the Founding Fathers? You betcha... Do I disagree that purely private conduct is within the reach of the Commerce Clause? Do I disagree that Roe v. Wade does not go so far as to reach prostitution laws as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy? Do I disagree that a black man is only 3/5ths of a white man? Do I disagree with prohibition? Do I disagree with the electoral college? You betcha... There are so many things I disagree with, but I still took an oath to uphold it, and I still believe that for all its faults, the United States is the greatest nation on the planet.

As to Sara Palin's stupid statements, there are so many but here are a few of my favorites:
  1. COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--
  2. COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world? PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media — COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious. PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years. COURIC: Can you name any of them? PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.
  3. "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies."
  4. "Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn."
  5. "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada.
And for bonus points: Don't forget that Palin was prank called by Canadian comics who convinced her she was talking to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

To be sure, these are all "Gotcha" questions [sarcasm font off], but I'm not sure I want a president so gullible that she can't spot a "gotcha" when the job requires dealing with some seriously unscrupulous bastards threatening America. I would hate to see a "gotcha" at the hands of China, Iran, Russia, or Islamic terrorists. Not acceptable.

So I'm really not sure what you are hoping to get from all this "liberal baiting" other than demonstrating just how badly you need one of these beautiful ladies to take you BCD and help you work out your frustrations (which is a perfectly legitimate reason to be on these boards, its why I'm here). But your arguments for Sara Palin fall flat, and as I stated, I believe she is not meant to be a serious candidate, but sort of a shrill carnival barker/clown who is there just to piss everyone off and hijack the news cycle with conservative stories.
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Old 06-07-2011, 11:22 PM   #21
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Blinded by hate... Palin would have a rough time winning the election due to the blind frenzy she sends the majority of liberals into... it's funny, but why is it so hard for them to even admit that she was right about this one thing?

Personally, I don't think Palin has the credentials to lead this country... but then again, neither does Obama.
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Old 06-07-2011, 11:55 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by DragonTongue View Post
Blinded by hate... Palin would have a rough time winning the election due to the blind frenzy she sends the majority of liberals into... it's funny, but why is it so hard for them to even admit that she was right about this one thing?

Personally, I don't think Palin has the credentials to lead this country... but then again, neither does Obama.
Really and truely, I doubt anyone who runs will be ultimately qualified or have the credentials to straighten the country out the way it needs to be, to much damage done. I think what we need to focus on is someone to at least stabilize the country. Might sound a bit negative, but everyone who tries to change things messes things up more. What really needs to happen is to improve things one inch at a time until we can find our way back, into the light.
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Old 06-08-2011, 12:16 AM   #23
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Blinded not by hate but by sensibility, the American voters would NOT elect another ignorant clown to the nation's top office.

Been there, done that, may never recover.

IF she were old, fat and ugly like, well, Nrwt Gingrich, she be required to explain her obvious lack of education, knowledge and manners.

But for some reason, she's allowed to get away with Glenn Beck-like bloviations which cast most of the people in this country in an embarrassing light.

I don't want to see her birth certificate. I want to see her diploma!
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Old 06-08-2011, 04:13 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Karl Hungus View Post
COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world? PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media — COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious. PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years. COURIC: Can you name any of them? PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.
I always thought the best part about that wasn't that she couldn't name any papers she read, she couldn't even name any newspapers. Period. I mean, as often as she lies (see Andrew Sullivan for the body count), she couldn't just say "I read the NYT, Washington Post, etc etc etc"? No, because she probably had never even heard of the NYT or Washington Post. And if you think that sounds ridiculous, go ask any typical beauty queen who went to 5 colleges in 6 years, and ask her what major newspapers exist in this country and see what ya get.

, I believe she is not meant to be a serious candidate, but sort of a shrill carnival barker/clown who is there just to piss everyone off and hijack the news cycle with conservative stories.
Wait! Are you suggesting that Marshall is actually Sarah Palin?
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Old 06-08-2011, 05:27 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Wait! Are you suggesting that Marshall is actually Sarah Palin?
He is just Sara Palinish.

So far into this election cycle, our conservative brothers in this forum have trotted out Donald Trump and Sara Palin. Oh and one poster may answer phones for the pizza guy!

You folks better hope the economy is in the shitter come Nov 2012.
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:18 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Karl Hungus View Post
First, I'm not a liberal.

I can be a liberal on some things

You need to make up your mind......you seem confused, that means you are a liberal........

Also, IF you voted for Odumbo, you are 100% guaranteed liberal.........
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:26 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Karl Hungus View Post
She gets out there and drives around on her bus and says really outrageous stupid things,

I'm repeat my question: What outrageous and stupid things did she say on her bus trip? You haven't given me any......

Sure, you go back over the past 2.5 years and cherry pick this and that.....as to what you did select I don't know how accurate you are on a number of items, but I'm not spending time fact checking your claims.....

Mrs. Palin has a stellar record as a mayor and governor.....I never hear you liberals attack that.....

Again, your original statement was about the things she said on her recent bus trip....I responded to that and you criticized me.....seems like you are another liberal with a reading comprehension problem.....
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:34 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Wait! Are you suggesting that Marshall is actually Sarah Palin?
Now that one was good.
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:35 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Karl Hungus View Post
I happen to know that Karl Rove (also not a liberal)Also, not a conservative! is not impressed by Sara Palin, many republican elites also hate SP.....I have posts all over this board about thatso the ad hominem attack that I must be liberal is: 1) a faulty inference because if I am a liberal, then Karl Rove must be a liberal, which I know to be false;Karl Rove is pretty squishy on conservative issues, despite what he claims....you are squishy also and 2) it is not an insult to call someone a liberalWRONG! liberalism is about force, force is evil, thus liberalism is evil (although I expect in your circular world where liberal is synonymous with evil it is, but in my world I have the intellectual breadthintellectual breadth? That sounds like code word for REALITISM..... to pick and choose from the entire spectrum of political and social ideas, which means I can be a liberal on some things (women's rights over their bodies, including the right to engage in sexual relations with whomever they please for money or otherwise) and a conservative on others (letting market principles guide policy, which again allows the providers to take care of their business in peace)). We are a complex country and always have been. You might want to embrace the depth that this nation offers if you really want to celebrate its greatness.Yep, realitivist......
I am an objectivist.....Objectivism is conservative.....you should read up on what Rand said about Kant......just more proof you are liberal......
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:57 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Karl Hungus View Post
Second, I know you don't want a Constitutional smackdown from a lawyer, so I'll go easy.

Go easy?.....you don't go at all...you don't say very much about the Constitution, and what you do say is underwhelming......you're like a boxer who doesn't throw a punch the whole fight........

Oh! You're a lawyer! Wow! There aren't too many lawyers that actually deal with Constitutional issues in their practices....most lawyers have only a marginally better understanding of the Constitution than laymen....I will hazard a guess that you don't deal with many Constitutional issues in your soft tissue injury practice.......

smackdown?....really?.......Le t me just say: Every morning when I get up, I got chunks of guys like you in my stool...........

First, reasonable minds can and have differed on the meaning of the Constitution, you start off by sounding like one of those "the Constitution is a living and breathing document" peopleso your claim that Sara Palin somehow has cornered the market on Constitutional interpretation is laughable and offensive. Second, conservatives who say they support the Constitution are advocating strict construction

Conservatives are originalists......we believe language consist of words which have ordinary and common meaning. Those meanings are communicated to others through the written and spoken word. When parties enter into voluntary arrangements [like contracts], they use words to describe the terms and conditions by which they are obligated to perform and on which they are expected to rely.....They are interpreted in the context of their original making and the intention of the parties.......

the Constitution is just like a contract [in fact a contract among states] which has certain terms and conditions for governing which have the same meaning today as they did yesterday and will tomorrow.......the Constitution connects one generation to the next by restraining the present generation from societal experiments and government excesses.......

there really is no other proper way to interpret the Constitution without abandoning its underlying principles......if you ignore the framers' intent, it's no longer a constitution but a concoction of political expedients that only serves contemporary policy agendas......that's just giving license to arbitrary and lawless activism.........

the Constitution is a durable foundation which we can count on in an ever changing world.....though it's imperfect, the framers did put in place the amendment process to make it more perfectible......

and do not believe in a Constitutional right of privacy, but Palin does, that's intellectually dishonest to say that....you can go back to the Curic interview but you can't ignore her repeated position on privaciy issues which she has written and spoken in the past 2.5 yearswhich puts her in the liberal camp and by your reasoning opposed to Scalia and the other true supporters of the Constitution.
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