Originally Posted by DallasRain
I am OCD...I NEVER sit on a toilet seat....I hate sitting at tables in a restaurant/I prefer booths {more private}
I am number 7 out of 8 guys..I grew up on a farm and I know how to milk a cow/kill a chicken and steer a tractor
I own interest in a jersey cow and also part interest in a goat breeding business
I hate hate hate frogs more than anything in this world
I luv mardi gras & New Orleans
I am a gypsy soul...luv traveling and exploringf
I luv biker badass boys
I am a sex addict
FROGS?? Why frogs? And do you mean frogs, toads, or both? Is there a back-story, or is it just one of those things like hating broccoli or spiders?
Also, you said "number 7 out of 8 guys"...which prompted me to go see if you were TS/TV. I was skeptical, because you look hot, but I've been fooled from just pictures before. But you
said 7 out of 8
guys, not siblings or kids....