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Old 05-01-2011, 11:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
He should be back in a couple of days......


He is kinda like a cockroach you just can't kill him....
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Old 05-01-2011, 11:16 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by BonerJams03 View Post
How did they get his dna and when? i mean before he was killed.
His DNA was compared to the DNA of relatives that the U.S. either had in its possession or had access.
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Old 05-01-2011, 11:18 PM   #18
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I do look forward to seeing how the Obama haters try to spin this tomorrow. I think Forrest has given us a prelude.
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Old 05-01-2011, 11:37 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Booth View Post
I do look forward to seeing how the Obama haters try to spin this tomorrow. I think Forrest has given us a prelude.

You know that had this happened while Bush was in office there would have been a lot more belly aching from the left with spinning a lot a negative crap. Liberals have a lot more media outlets and they tend to cry a lot louder than conservatives. I am very glad that Osama is gone. Make no mistake our Military deserve the credit on this one...

Lets chant USA for a change and set all the bitching and bullshit aside Booth. We do not have to agree on political views, but I think all US citizens are happy that Osama is gone.
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Old 05-01-2011, 11:53 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
You know that had this happened while Bush was in office there would have been a lot more belly aching from the left with spinning a lot a negative crap. Liberals have a lot more media outlets and they tend to cry a lot louder than conservatives. I am very glad that Osama is gone. Make no mistake our Military deserve the credit on this one...

Lets chant USA for a change and set all the bitching and bullshit aside Booth. We do not have to agree on political views, but I think all US born citizens are happy that Osama is gone.
It's not just US born citizens. Osama has killed a lot more "others" than US citizens. Either way, good riddance, and I hope we're prepared for the retaliation.
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:01 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
It's not just US born citizens. Osama has killed a lot more "others" than US citizens. Either way, good riddance, and I hope we're prepared for the retaliation.

I said US citizens since we are in the USA. I am sure their are many other countries that are happy for his recent demise. I hope we are ready for the retaliation as well..
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:09 AM   #22
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Bin Laden's death announced on May 1, 2011. Hitler's death announced on May 1, 1945. Interesting coincidence.
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:58 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
You do know Obama was wanting to pull out of there...

Are you left wing Loon???

Bush did start the War on Terror not Obama...
I do not see this as anymore of a Bush victory than it is an Obama victory. But it damn sure is an American victory.

The perpetrator of 9/11 has been brought to justice! Congratulations America on a job well done!

America, this ones for you!

OBL, this ones for you!
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:33 AM   #24
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Like GW said, Wanted Dead or Alive!
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:19 AM   #25
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Osama Bin Laden is roasting in hell with 72 sinful virgins.

Meanwhile, here at COB Speicher, Iraq business goes on as usual for my Soldiers. Mission first!
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Old 05-02-2011, 07:19 AM   #26
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All I can say is I am so proud of our Navy Seals for completeing this task......

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Old 05-02-2011, 07:56 AM   #27
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Questions have to be answered in the months to come but both parties will claim victory once this becomes politics and it will be integrated in to the 2012 election. With Obama slipping in the polls this is a huge victory for him to claim a foreign policy victory, to claim he is a force internationally and not weak. I fully expect Obama to get a full sized erection to kill Quadaffi now, establish himself as a force to contend with internationally.

Today it is a victory for all Americans and human beings around the globe who believe in peace...

Obama is going to need to address some issues once the cheering ' USA" goes away and Capitol Hill begins to discuss this. Obama will get some credit but at the same time the Republicans will say this is why we pushed to continue our war on terror not pull out, w/o our pressure Obama would have pulled out. Like the infamous ' surge' in Iraq, Obama spoke against it and if he had his way it wouldn't have happened, thank God he made the right choice this time.

W/O the relations Bush established with Pakistan this would not have been possible. In fact, did Obama fail to maintain those ties? How long was he hiding in this mansion? A day, a week, since August, since August 2004? 2009? 2010? Did Osama outsmart both Bush and Obama and live in luxury since 2001 and 2002. Did both presdients fail??

Was Obama running a wild goose chase in Afghanistan spending billions of dollars of our money while risking American lives when he didn't have to? Did the CIA fail? How could he be living in this mansion and the CIA not know? Why was this mansion not leveled to the ground when the intel came in?

Today it is a victory for the country, tomorrow it will be hearings and all kinds of wild speculations. Was it because of what Bush started that Obama finished because of what Bush had set up or will it be Obama finishing what Bush failed? One party will spin it one way, the other party the other.

I voted for Bush. I will vote against Obama in 2012 but today I'm proud of the country. The United States won a victory. Kosher is a Republican, but I don't think this victory is a reason for either party to claim they are responsible, it was bound to happen eventually even if it was someone else in 2013.

I do wonder why if the reports came in back in 2010 why it took so long? Did Pakistan perhaps hide him or not share info? Did they not do so because relations with the US under Obama got strained? Was the CIA asleep at the wheel? Did thousands of US serviceman risk their lives and get stuck in harms way for the last 6+ months fighting the Taliban while we could have zapped this weisel a long time ago and already seen dozens of ships sailing back to Norfolk, VA and San Diego, CA months ago with teary family reuinions plastering the news channels? Are they coming home now?

We spent billions on inteligence in the region he was killed, for what? Someone failed.

But more importantly he is dead today, the questions can be answered in the next few months but for now enjoy the celebrations. I just hope Obama ( and I am sure he does) and the rest of the citizens don't think the war on terror is over. In the last 2-5 years Al Queda who is still very much a threat has grown to huge numbers under Obama's White House and Pelosi's/Reid's leadership and spread around the globe to heights never imagined under CLinton or Bush. The threat of terror is alive and well and we are not out of the woods yet.

Obama, Congress, the Senate, all branches of the military and especially the CIA and intelligence outlets need to get back to work because the terror threat is not over with.

Congrats to all Americans today, congrats to our president who gave the order to kill as any president would have done regardless of party if in receipt of the same intelligence.

and may some of the victims of 9/11 find some peace to help them move on in their never ending journey to rebuild their lives w/o the loved ones blown to pieces by Islamic radicals who are more in number and angrier than they ever were back on 9/11.

The Obama Administration like a boxer needs to keep those gloves on and his fists up, it is not time to take them off and relax. I won't vote for him, ever, but if Obama were in the room I'd probably buy him a congratulatory shot and do one with him ( and I don't ever drink)

He deserves credit, and I certainly hope Michelle did her job as the first lady and gave him BBBJCIMNQNS in the wee hours of the morning.
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Old 05-02-2011, 08:02 AM   #28
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Good Lord...

I have read over some of the postings and I wonder-

Can't we be united on THIS ONE THING? WHY does it have to de-volve into "Liberals" this and "Conservatives" that? I can only speak for myself on this, but on September 11, 2001, I didn't give two SHITS about our American political ideology! I just remember feeling like I had been kicked in the gut, wondering how many THOUSANDS of people died in New York and Washington, as well as flight 93. All I know is whoever did this hated US as Americans, and it's a safe bet that Al-Qaeda didn't try to sort out the victims by their voting record!

You don't like George Bush? Fine. Don't like Barack Obama? More power to ya. Just ask yourself which is more important right now- being a Conservative, a Liberal, or an American...?
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Old 05-02-2011, 08:18 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
They knew since August!! WTF??? I am sure Obama wanted to do an environmental impact study first before ordering the Attack...
Or maybe Obama and Gore were playing a game of 21 on the WH basketball court that went in to overtime.

A battle was won, the war hasn't been. When the TSA stops grabbing my balls or taking XXX pictures of my member I will know we are safe again.

As our president noted, the #1 terrorist has been killed, not terrorism itself.

So we are winning again somewhat, but the game ends at the 0:00 mark of the 4th quarter, not halftime when millions of our enemies still exist who will now be bitter.

Yemen so far is getting much worse, time to enjoy the slight victory today, many battles are ahead.

I'm grateful no matter how you slice the pie that our president ( party affiliation aside) made the right choice under the right circumstance to kill.
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Old 05-02-2011, 07:08 PM   #30
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yeesh - well said. its ridiculous to not be able to get past that for an event like this. makes me wonder if we'll ever get our shit together as a country if we can't unite under any circumstance.
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