Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Long and hard....thanks for the help Pauly
As to the OP's original request, I have reassigned all the reviews I could find. If I missed any please pm or RTM the links to those reviews and I'll fix them asap.
Legacy: moved from IPR
ya its old, but I still want a yellow bar telling me ya or na with a why. No Activity does not cut the cake.
RTM'ed this post Sir, But did give two links
moved ok I guess. But was/is IPR and gave contact that was current at the time,
errrr WTF
her Join Date 02-28-2013
and both her and I should have listed as a review.
this was her 2nd review on icky, and became almost a flavor of the month after mine
BTW: Activity's need a add, but
FOV na. how about "wetting finger at sticky Lips cafe-ay "