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Old 05-29-2017, 02:19 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Hey intelligence, I visit Austin due to work. I like to have a good time down there, but the fact that interstate commerce amazes you floors me because this is 2017 and we have, wait for it, automobiles. God man, when were you born. Better yet, where were you born because I bet it was under a shed.

Work on that intelligence factor and then reply.


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Old 05-29-2017, 06:01 AM   #17
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Old 05-29-2017, 08:35 AM   #18
Claire She Blows
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
Whispers and Still Looking stay within the guidelines... it's not a matter of any of us "allowing them"... as long as they don't violate the guidelines, they are free to participate here as they see fit.

I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for some of you to grasp...

Um, because clearly they violate guidelines #1, #3, #4, and #17 on a regular fucking basis, and yet no one does a goddam thing about it.
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Old 05-29-2017, 08:43 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
Um, because clearly they violate guidelines #1, #3, #4, and #17 on a regular fucking basis, and yet no one does a god damn thing about it.

Are you certain you want to start up with me? Have you not enough to deal with right now? I have been nothing but a gentleman and silent on and off the board in regard to you.
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Old 05-29-2017, 09:08 AM   #20
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I have to agree with Claire. Our opinions appear to be supported by z's appearance in this thread as a wk for SL and w. And his condescending comments to those that disagree with him don't help his case. The mods are too close to the offenders and as a result coed has become a cesspool. Lighten up people.
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Old 05-29-2017, 09:45 AM   #21
Claire She Blows
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post

Are you certain you want to start up with me? Have you not enough to deal with right now? I have been nothing but a gentleman and silent on and off the board in regard to you.
Yes, you've been a gentleman to me, but how many other women have you fucked with just for shits and giggles? How are you any better than Whispers? Just as you have been a gentleman to me, he has been a gentleman to other ladies on this board. Y'all pick and choose who you want to try to destroy. Enough is enough already. This is a GODDAM hooker board. Everyone on here should only be worried about getting laid or getting paid. And yet we keep getting caught up in this high school gossipy bullshit and for what? What the fuck purpose does it serve? Oh, that's right, it's only about the post views and clicks...
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Old 05-29-2017, 10:24 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
Yes, you've been a gentleman to me, but how many other women have you fucked with just for shits and giggles? How are you any better than Whispers? Just as you have been a gentleman to me, he has been a gentleman to other ladies on this board. Y'all pick and choose who you want to try to destroy. Enough is enough already. This is a GODDAM hooker board. Everyone on here should only be worried about getting laid or getting paid. And yet we keep getting caught up in this high school gossipy bullshit and for what? What the fuck purpose does it serve? Oh, that's right, it's only about the post views and clicks...
You have never practiced what it is you are preaching Claire. You have been "all up in other people's business" and engaging in "high school gossipy bullshit" for as long as you have been on this board.

What you really are advocating for is the ability to continue YOUR bullshit in a vacuum without fear of repercussions right?

You have taken your shots and gone after SL in the past after being shown extreme generosity and graciousness but heaven forbid he ever chooses to call you out on something?

Of all people on this site YOU are out of control and have proven to be someone that women and men alike need to be careful to avoid.....

This is NOT a GODDAM Hooker board. It is an information exchange site where the subject matter is hookers and their actions.

YOUR behaviors on this site, in sessions and in any activity that involves members of this site are of interest and the exact subject manner this site exists to share.

Get your own house in order Claire..... Maybe you will see changes in how others choose to interact with you.....

Using Social Media sites to shame Johns and destroy families kind of removes you from the pool of people here that have a right to ask for any civility....
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Old 05-29-2017, 12:46 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
Yes, you've been a gentleman to me, but how many other women have you fucked with just for shits and giggles? How are you any better than Whispers? Just as you have been a gentleman to me, he has been a gentleman to other ladies on this board. Y'all pick and choose who you want to try to destroy. Enough is enough already. This is a GODDAM hooker board. Everyone on here should only be worried about getting laid or getting paid. And yet we keep getting caught up in this high school gossipy bullshit and for what? What the fuck purpose does it serve? Oh, that's right, it's only about the post views and clicks...
Really? Does that include outing board members? How is that getting PAID or LAID? And I'm referring to myself not all this other bull shit that's being talked about. I did something nice for you and I really liked you. My reward was being fucked over by you in COED. Why? Who knows. Perhaps for the same reasons you turn on others that have cared about you. Guess you are the only one that can answer that. You know Claire its NEVER to late to do the right thing!

Bless you Claire... I forgive you. Can you forgive yourself? Or do you feel your not worth it? You can't change yesterday but you have total control over today and tomorrow. How many more need to come forward? Some one hurt you so you're going to hurt every one?

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Old 05-29-2017, 07:38 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Or gt, you could kick in a sizable contribution to the Mod staff budget. Hey, it might get you a few of those "chocolate" points
Pardon me PB but is that how you keep getting away with GL #17 violations????
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Old 05-29-2017, 08:05 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by gt27 View Post
Bro, the last time a physical confrontation happened to me left the other guy with a broken jaw. That is NOT a threat, it actually happened(it is a fact, let me know if you need the paperwork). Game three at Wrigley field and it was a pimp(I assume) beating on a girl. I am not intimidated by any means. I'm 6'0, 190lbs with a 34' waist and a 48' shoulder who works out on a heavy bag regularly(again, not a threat because SL brought out the fact that I am afraid of being beaten up).

Buddy, the only one pissing his/her pants is you. Aren't you TS? Just wondering. . .
Are you trying to skirt screening for TS SL? Silly boy!
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Old 05-29-2017, 08:09 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Claire She Blows View Post
Yes, you've been a gentleman to me, but how many other women have you fucked with just for shits and giggles? How are you any better than Whispers? Just as you have been a gentleman to me, he has been a gentleman to other ladies on this board. Y'all pick and choose who you want to try to destroy. Enough is enough already. This is a GODDAM hooker board. Everyone on here should only be worried about getting laid or getting paid. And yet we keep getting caught up in this high school gossipy bullshit and for what? What the fuck purpose does it serve? Oh, that's right, it's only about the post views and clicks...
You broke my heart but I still would NEVER try to destroy you.

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Old 05-29-2017, 08:11 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
Pardon me PB but is that how you keep getting away with GL #17 violations????
Trying to be a MOD again? He's not stalking he's a fan. Big difference! Behave yourself Doc.
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Old 05-29-2017, 09:54 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Are you trying to skirt screening for TS SL? Silly boy!
TS SL, I do like that avatar of yours. Are you in to freaky stuff because I know someone who might be game.
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Old 05-29-2017, 10:19 PM   #29
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Default Forgetting your WK'ing of Rapists?

You have never practiced what it is you are preaching Claire. You have been "all up in other people's business" and engaging in "high school gossipy bullshit" for as long as you have been on this board.

Yes, she was the one snooping on FB and brought outside social media information onto this board. You seem obsessed with this woman, she is pretty but I have never been the Robert John Bardo type. Nonetheless you seem to be quite the sleuth, just like Bardo hired a private investigator to stalk Rebecca Schaeffer and find her personal information, you troll Facebook to find info about Claire. The only difference is Bardo killed Schaeffer while you are trying to ruin Claires, among others, career.

What you really are advocating for is the ability to continue YOUR bullshit in a vacuum without fear of repercussions right?

No, it seems that you are trying to protest for your right to continue personal attacks against providers whilst simultaneously defending rapists and their activities. I don't blame you, if I told a woman that she deserved rape for her "actions" I would want to brush it under the rug too. I mean, the only thing that would make it worse is if said act occurred at my personal fundraiser, right? Only problem with your Swiffer Wet Jet strategy is that the rape was directly tied to your fundraiser.

You have taken your shots and gone after SL in the past after being shown extreme generosity and graciousness but heaven forbid he ever chooses to call you out on something?

[And you never attack anyone? Your innocence along with SL's is unsuspicious.

Of all people on this site YOU are out of control and have proven to be someone that women and men alike need to be careful to avoid.....

Actually, I think you, along with Playing in the Dark and other rape defenders are the dangerous ones. Condoning rape mentality is bad enough as it is. DEFENDING a rapist, let alone one that occurred at one of your fundraisers, is appalling. I'm glad I don't have to sleep with the thought that I told another human being that, basically, she got what she deserved.

This is NOT a GODDAM Hooker board. It is an information exchange site where the subject matter is hookers and their actions.

This is a godamn hooker board. As you flawlessly admit, this is an exchange site(some would call it a board) wherein the subject matter revolves around hookers.

YOUR behaviors on this site, in sessions and in any activity that involves members of this site are of interest and the exact subject manner this site exists to share.

Yes, all peoples actions are of relevance to this site, not just the women. I would argue that men, such as myself, have an even greater interests in people like you because people like you do more to drive away talent. The less talent, the less likely I would frequent this board. Further, the more people like you act like the social deviants you truly are, the more likely that people like me will side with the reasonable ones on this site. NOTE: I hate Hunter almost as much as I hate you, thus my "bias" has nothing to do with gender

Get your own house in order Claire..... Maybe you will see changes in how others choose to interact with you.....

The pot calls the kettle black,no? Your actions define the reason why I treat you the way I do, but you seem to lack the gray matter necessary to realize that your are treated in the manner you treat others.

Using Social Media sites to shame Johns and destroy families kind of removes you from the pool of people here that have a right to ask for any civility....

And, the use of social media to fixate on a select few and subsequently perpetrate half truths in order fulfill a morbid desire to personify misogyny is a noble deed. . . You are pathetic, not even capable of an ounce of sympathy from me, but I don't have to be the bearer of this message. Again, ask yourself this question:"But for my wallet, how many people would be there for me?"

You may have more money than I do, but I know my funeral would have a packed house.
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Old 05-29-2017, 10:35 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Smpslt7 View Post
I have to agree with Claire. Our opinions appear to be supported by z's appearance in this thread as a wk for SL and w. And his condescending comments to those that disagree with him don't help his case. The mods are too close to the offenders and as a result coed has become a cesspool. Lighten up people.
Yes, the mods down here are negligible at best. I wonder how the moderators get away with this. Tonk basically gave them a green light. smh
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