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Old 02-22-2017, 06:48 PM   #16
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Yep, SC, you're a poser.
Nothing at all wrong with a .22 or .22 mag.
I can't count how many deer and javelinas I've flattened with a .22.
Feel free to try one on yourself if you think otherwise.
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Old 02-22-2017, 07:08 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Slitlikr View Post
Yep, SC, you're a poser.
Nothing at all wrong with a .22 or .22 mag.
I can't count how many deer and javelinas I've flattened with a .22.
Feel free to try one on yourself if you think otherwise.

Feel better now? Lol

Generally speaking...All one has to do is run up and test that theory
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Old 02-22-2017, 07:13 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by O'Mike View Post
LOL, no it's not. Too snappy. Look at all the agencies and PDs that are ditching it and going back to the 9mm. Just to name a couple, the FBI going back to a 9mm and Texas DPS went back to a 9mm. The new Army Sig is a 9mm. Qualification issues and a few other reasons. The recent bullet designs and performance of the 9mm make it a better all around caliber. Not saying some can't learn, but it has it's issues. I defiantly would not recommend it for a new shooter, much less a female new shooter.


Uhh I agree with this but if she can handle the .40 cal then be my guest. I think newbie females are better off with more accuracy and precision weapons and the 9 is built for that. However, for those that are new and just want to point and shoot without loading the clip , checking safety's, chambering, and all that shit. I think the .38 is a great starter weapon.
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Old 02-22-2017, 08:37 PM   #19
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For a second there, I thought that was NaMo sneaking up behind me

I've had great success starting women off with 22's, and then transitioning them to .380's. They just seem to have the good balance of ease of use, fire power, and concealability.

I must say Brooke, my experience with HK's and women is the opposite. I own USPs, P2000s and P30s. The springs in HKs are pretty stout and women always seem to have an issue racking the slide. All those hand jobs you've given must have really upped your hand strength
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:14 PM   #20
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I disagree about the.22 being useless. The bullet shatters when it hits the body causing more internal damage while higher calibre just punch holes, which only works if you have good marksmanship skills, which most people don't. Current statistics are that even in combat situations people are only aiming to kill and average of 20% of the time with small arms. And anytime you pick up a gun, you better be dam sure you know how to use it and will use it or you are a danger to yourself and others.
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:35 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by OldGent View Post
I disagree about the.22 being useless. The bullet shatters when it hits the body causing more internal damage while higher calibre just punch holes, which only works if you have good marksmanship skills, which most people don't. Current statistics are that even in combat situations people are only aiming to kill and average of 20% of the time with small arms. And anytime you pick up a gun, you better be dam sure you know how to use it and will use it or you are a danger to yourself and others.

Useless relatively speaking.

For women especially excited beginners like SP I think most experts would recommend a revolver as the absolute minimum in firepower, and the .380/9mm/.38 SPL range as the min potency level in terms of handgun caliber. 22 Mag's are good to practice with but should not be used long term for defense. My recommendation of the 38 SPL is reliable, low maintenance, and less moving parts. In other words point and shoot....In terms of bullets depends on what you buy.... keep in mind though 38s shoot heavier bullets which tend to penetrate more than light weight high velocity 22 bullets.
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:43 PM   #22
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here it is. I recommend 1 for the beginner chic on ease of use

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Old 02-22-2017, 09:44 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Useless relatively speaking.

For women especially excited beginners like SP I think most experts would recommend a revolver as the absolute minimum in firepower, and the .380/9mm/.38 SPL range as the min potency level in terms of handgun caliber. 22 Mag's are good to practice with but should not be used long term for defense. My recommendation of the 38 SPL is reliable, low maintenance, and less moving parts. In other words point and shoot....In terms of bullets depends on what you buy.... keep in mind though 38s shoot heavier bullets which tend to penetrate more than light weight high velocity 22 bullets.
Perfect example of your cluelessness.
Your first sentence is completely senseless.
It goes downill from there.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
SeekingP should take note.
Please cease and desist. You are a danger to yourself and others.
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:48 PM   #24
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basically all one needs in life

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Old 02-22-2017, 09:51 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Slitlikr View Post
Perfect example of your cluelessness.
Your first sentence is completely senseless.
It goes downill from there.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
SeekingP should take note.
Please cease and desist. You are a danger to yourself and others.

You're only frustrating yourself with your personal frustrations. so stop hating with your nonsense before you give yourself a coronary.

and SP trust me on guns. This clown advising a 22 over a 38 is a joke and anyone with common sense knows it. hahaha
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Old 02-22-2017, 09:56 PM   #26
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Old 02-22-2017, 10:06 PM   #27
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and SP as I mentioned previously...to start go to a gun show to buy your first gun. you will certainly find a .38 special from a private dealer. .380 will work as well just a little training on how to use it...but No background check although the seller will likely ask to see your drivers license and write down the number for their record keeping but it beats the Background check process you'd have to go through otherwise.

here's a list of fast approaching shows.

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Old 02-23-2017, 04:20 AM   #28
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So, you've graduated from posting porn in the Men's Lounge to Chicks with guns in Sandbox. Good choice.
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Old 02-23-2017, 08:01 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
You can bypass back ground checks by paying cssh at the many gun shows we have every year. Collectors / sellers always have .38 specials for sale.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
to start go to a gun show to buy your first gun. you will certainly find a .38 special from a private dealer. .380 but No background check although the seller will likely ask to see your drivers license and write down the number for their record keeping but it beats the Background check process you'd have to go through otherwise.
Well you've proven you don't know shit about gun shows. Let me guess...never been to one but you're posting here what you've read in the liberal media.

All dealers at gun shows do federal background checks whether you pay with cash or not. The only time you don't have one is a good old boy sale between two private citizens.
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Old 02-23-2017, 08:37 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by oilfieldscum View Post
All dealers at gun shows do federal background checks whether you pay with cash or not. The only time you don't have one is a good old boy sale between two private citizens.
Just to clarify, they have dealers at shows. Those are the folks that have a FFL license and are required to perform background checks on the guns they sell. They usually have tables filled with new guns and have a professional look to their operation.

There are non-FFL sellers at gun shows. Those are the guys that either rent a smaller number of tables and sell off those, others walk around, or collect in groups in the back or front to sell a few guns from their own personal collections. Those guys are not FFLs and are not required to perform background checks. Usually they will negotiate on their price and are cash and carry. They are not in the business of selling firearms. Just because they have a table does not make them a dealer. Anyone can refuse to sell you a gun if they feel uncomfortable with the sale, attitude is key.

SC I don't let anyone write down my personal information when conducting a purchase/sell unless they are a dealer and it is required by law. On occasion I will flash my LTC so they can see that I am legitimate, but not long enough for them to collect information. Never do I participate in a bill of sale, can cause more trouble than many incorrectly think it can prevent.

If you have an interest in firearms, join in and read some of the internet forums dedicated to that liberty. They all have buy and sell sections where you can meet a like minded individual and trade/sell/buy firearms, most times in a personal face to face transaction.

BTW, for a time the .22 was credited with being the number one caliber for killing individuals in the US. Hot topic a decade or so ago. Times have changed as smaller centerfire guns have gained popularity, but it is deadly and will drop a squirrel in its tracks as well as numerous small game animals. It is also used in Olympic competition and is a great training tool.

The .40 S&W is a dying caliber. Read up on it. Good reasons for its demise.

I have recommended on numerous occasions a small 5 or 6 shot revolver like SC has said. For those with strength issues they are easier to load and fire than a semiautomatic. Personally I like the heaver .357s for that purpose having the new shooter use .38 specials in them. A number of quality manufacturers make a wide selection of those handguns.

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