Originally Posted by lizshue81
YOU set your rates
Bugle makes a good point that Austin is a bit cheaper than one would expect for a city as expensive and popular. Guys here like to haggle or tell us what we should be charging. There are beautiful and talented girls charging anywhere from a toaster oven trade up to prices similar to NYC etc. I think as long as you feel good about your rates and you are bringing in the kind of clientele you are looking for them keep on keepin on!
However, and this is just food for thought, you mention that you're not pulling the clientele that you are looking for. And a person running their own business, if something needs fixing, then you should analyze your incoming problems, find possible solutions, then act on them.
For example:
- want to keep your current rates? Put more effort into PR. Investigate your menu. Deal with the lower volume.
- want to increase your volume? Lower your rate to beat your competitors. Put more effort into PR. Strike deals to increase overall net gain.