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gfe ... I don't really care what gays do, but I don't "do" them.
There are a lot of people I've known who believe that African Americans should have equal rights and equal opportunities, but they don't want to have sexual relations with them.
I'm not "white knighting" for her, don't even know her, but IMO having intimate sexual contact with someone is "personal" regardless of the motivation.
But what about the bakers that don't want to bake gay wedding cakes.
I read the first couple lines of the OP's post and started laughing.
Then I quit reading and made this post.
I too could see the evil in Obama's heart, the lack of compassion and the unwillingness to work with those that thought differently from him. the darkness in his soul so full of hatred for how America was founded and his desire to change it into something it was never intended to be. I could feel his hatred for the law and those that enforced it. His total lack of concern for how over half of the nation felt. Pure evil.
Why is it the left fails to want to understand that we a re a nation of laws and that includes who we allow to enter this nation. It has nothing to do with a lack of compassion. It has everything to do with protecting the citizens of this nation and our very existence as a nation.
Why is it the left fails to want to understand that we a re a nation of laws and that includes who we allow to enter this nation. It has nothing to do with a lack of compassion. It has everything to do with protecting the citizens of this nation and our very existence as a nation.
As I understand the current "attitude" of the Liberals in this country it is that the Government has no authority to "ban" foreigners from coming to the United States, particularly if they are Muslims. There are about 1.5 BILLION Muslims in the World. According to the Liberals they are free to come live here .... all 1.5 BILLION of them.
Is that what you understand to be their political position?
But under a liberals POV, you have to bake a cake for someone you don't want to. The OP should offer her services to all as well. Under her own logic. Myself, I believe you should be able to do business with whomever you choose.
In their mind "nobody" should be denied regardless of their terrorist views and actions.
Now there LL you know that if we ban 7 nations from sending their people here we are effectively banning all Muslims throughout the world.
I am still trying to figure out how banning immigration from 7 nations is the same a Congress establishing a religion. I am sure it will come to me some how.
Does anybody know what the official religion of the Supreme Court is?
But under a liberals POV, you have to bake a cake for someone you don't want to. The OP should offer her services to all as well. Under her own logic. Myself, I believe you should be able to do business with whomever you choose.
I agree completely. If a hooker thinks I have to bake a cake for a faggot even if I do not want to, then that hooker needs to fuck any [prohibited word] that shows up.
Now, those hookers who do not feel I'm obligated to bake a cake for a faggot can fuck whoever they want.
For the record, and many a small businessman knows this, most faggots have plenty of money, presumably because they have no kids or a wife to support, so I will bake those cocksuckers a cake anytime they want to pay me, but only on my terms.
In their mind "nobody" should be denied regardless of their terrorist views and actions.
Now there LL you know that if we ban 7 nations from sending their people here we are effectively banning all Muslims throughout the world.
I am still trying to figure out how banning immigration from 7 nations is the same a Congress establishing a religion. I am sure it will come to me some how.
Does anybody know what the official religion of the Supreme Court is?
It certainly isn't Protestant Christianity - none are on the court!
I agree that our nation was in desperate need of change, and that the concept, on paper, of a "Non-Political" candidate had its attractive qualities.
Still, I am baffled by the utter lack of awareness that seems to have taken over our population. It's as if no one is able, or willing, to see the nature of our new POTUS. The darkness in him, and his completely empty soul and lack of compassion or empathy.
Have we become blinded by our own independent agendas? Are we really so self involved that we can't see where we are headed?
Hitler was also charismatic and offered a variety of solutions to a great many problems that had befallen Germany at the time. Still, however great his enthusiasm and public personality, his greed and lack of human compassion was more than enough to bring nearly an entire race to its knees. And, let's not forget the onset of WWII.
We are on the brink of disaster people, and it's simply not good enough to turn our backs and wait out the coming four years.
If we are not willing to set aside our selfish desires and ugly prejudices we will find ourselves alone picking up the pieces of our fallen nation from under our limbless bodies.
Granted, most will feel I have greatly exaggerated, however, I would much rather prepare for the worst and not need it than hope for the best and wander aimlessly through the streets alone, hungry and afraid.
Trumps promises have been appealing to many, and I agree that his promises can be tempting. But if we are willing to look the other way while thousands of people who have struggled to pull themselves up from the trenches are thrown back into the pit, we are no better than any of our great evil villains in history.
LBJ and his administration fought and clawed to save the Civil Rights Act from being thrown out, so that we might have a chance at a better world. The America I know and love has no interest in the sabotage of women's rights, gay rights, black rights, Muslim rights... and so on.
Let's come together. Don't let the hard work of our predecessors be for naught.
I played you a SPECIAL SONG Tiffany... If you ever come to Houston, I would like to pay you to use your forehead as a projector screen so me and the boys can watch some good lezbo porn... Thanks!
Good first post OP...nice you could whip up these dirty rats otherwise known as Trumpites
Good one ST. Your views will attract many good customers like SC, I mean just look at the coin he throws around by checking his reviews. See you at the drive-in taking my order, that is if an illegal doesn't get the job first.